I really do not understand your logic of loaning out an older, more experienced player instead of a younger, less experienced player. But then again, the majority of the rubbish you post makes no sense whatsoever -- just pure stubborness. Consider this the last ever "debate" I have with you.
Try reading what I said then, Theo, is CRAP, I'd prefer if we won't get shot of him, that someone else pays his wages. Wilshire is MILES ahead of Theo in quality, he would improve the team if he started games, therefore loaning him out is madness. Age has nothing to do with , quite literally, anything. You don't only loan out young players, you loan out those who could improve, or those you can't get rid of or trying to save cash.
The only reason I said loan Theo, is that he walks around, and talks, like he's the greatest winger at Arsenal, maybe, just maybe, being loaned out to a championship club, and him still failing to score, might just make him realise he's playing like a pile of turd, and actually put some effort in.
Wilshire is hands down miles ahead of Theo, he's a better shot(neither have a great shot at this point), he's a massively better passer, he's far stronger on the ball, he's better defensively, he puts in more effort in every game he plays, he's got vision and the "football brain" that Theo doesn't and won't ever have.
If he's 16, or 65, he's still a better player than Theo, so rather than start Theo in 20-30 games this year and loan out Wilshire, I'd swap the players over.
At this stage, personally, I might give Theo a few games as a striker ahead of someone like Bendtner, or look to sell him, he's a ruddy awful winger.
If anyones watching the Stumgraz game, Theo is again completely hopeless, worst player on the pitch for either side, hasn't found an Arsenal player for a pass yet, hasn't made a tackle, hasn't done anything, except jog towards a few balls. He's crap, and lazy.
Or just irritate and depress him.
Who cares, he either picks up his idea's, works hard and eventually gets better, or he should quit football. I don't think we should continue paying a crap footballer 60k a week, because he's English, and even worse, playing him in important games. If he fails at a championship club on loan, he should be depressed, and then hopefully realise he's not as good as he thinks he is, and tries to get better. Right now he's an absolute joke, he underhits passes, puts no effort into holding off any players. He's had a half dozen balls played in behind and if a defender comes close he slows down to a jog, I've not once EVER seen him run full speed trying to hold a defender off. You'll notice players like Messi are tiny, but very hard to knock off the ball, and plenty other tiny players do the same, Theo just see's a defender and backs off, he won't ever be good enough if he's scared to try. Right now he's an utter waste of 60k a week and taking time from better players who could be on the pitch.
Wilshire, Ramsey, Eduardo, Vela are leagues ahead of Theo in quality, who offers next to nothing, and once in every 20 games will get a goal, wooo.