Credit to
@jonneymendoza for finding this.
It is worth watching, on a personal note there is nothing more annoying to me in following this space than armchair dev's, and one real dev complaining they are doing it all wrong.
A couple of things, if as an indie developer you are purely funded by your player base, cite Intrepid and CIG, if you don't have a store front you don't have any income, no income no game, do you want these games or not? If you do stop complaining about them selling in game goods to fund the development, you would have to be a monumental simpleton not to realise this conflict.
Games don't just cost a lot of money to make, they take years to make if you already have all the tools, the staff and you're not doing anything out of the ordinary, if what you're trying to do has never been done before on a scale never before attempted and you're doing that in a live environment that is continuously updated then its going to take a lot longer and cost a lot more.
If we take Bethesda, give them $400 Million and 8 years what you will get is Starfield, we could have had starfield probably back in 2020, if that's what you wanted, you didn't....
There are many NDA Evocati members as that, its not even enough players to stress test any of the Server Meshing tests they have been running lately, its why 4.0 is already in wave one.