******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Well I've got a mission to collect some stuff from seraphim station and deliver it back to Orson but I cannot for the life of me see a quantum travel point for seraphim station like I used to and I don't see any near the bit on my map where it's telling me to go. So I'm just aimlessly jumping around.

Also, how can I tell what my drive has calibrated to because a few times I've shot off in completely the opposite direction to where I thought I would be jumping to
Ping one of us on discord and we'll help you out
Ping one of us on discord and we'll help you out

I will do this at some point, going to need to lol.

So what happened woz for my cargo mission:

  • Eventually got to Seraphim Station by QT to somewhere past it and exiting along the way, cruised 800km to it.
  • Requested landing and went to wrong pad as couldn't work out where I was supposed to go.
  • Ship got stuck on the ground, couldn't move it.
  • Went outside ship, ship the nstarted floating around.
  • Managed to force my way back in to the ship and start it up midair, got control again.
  • Managed to land (I saw the 'Imperatore's Small Hangar' marker.
  • Got to hangar and worked out how to get the boxes with the lift.
  • Realised I couldn't lift them and also I don't think I have enough room to do it in one go either.
  • Requested the loader, my ship went down, lift came up with just the loader.
  • Thought oh ok I need to go retrieve my ship once I move the loader off the platform.
  • Requested ship after I got out the loader, animation played with platform but ship never came back up
  • Loader decided to vanish also.

Still had fun though lol.

Edit: Went upstairs, came back down and seemed to be working.
FML the cargo has vanished though and can't get it back. I'm cursed.

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After tonight's patch we accepted a mission where we had to steal a Freelancer parked in an asteroid hanger that was full of drugs, we had to fight our way through quite a few NPC's and they all responded quite well, it was good, it was fun, yes we got the Freelancer out of the hanger and completed the mission, we could have sold the drugs but it was late so we just logged off, had been playing it all day nearly.

Its was good, felt like a proper game.

600 people on our shard at the time and it still felt good.
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4.0 is going live but with a twist....

For the first time in our history, we will run 2 live releases in parallel, each with their own progress and persistence. This means you'll have the unique opportunity to choose which version you want to dive into, at least for a little while. At this stage, we both want and need the high traffic of a Live release to thoroughly test Server Meshing and the newly refactored systems that rely on it as they go through their final paces. We acknowledge that we did not have time to get all the mission types working before our holiday break, which is why we have decided to temporarily support two parallel Live tracks: Alpha 3.24.3 will remain available, so you can play the missions and engage in game loops that are not working to our new playability standards in 4.0. Meanwhile, the 4.0 Preview will also be accessible from your launcher as a second Live option. If you are not interested in previewing 4.0, you can simply select Alpha 3.24.3 from the dropdown and continue enjoying the current live build.

This may feel like our usual PTU process, but there is one key difference: by running both builds on the Live environment, we can take steps to ensure that your progress on 4.0 will carry over. Our goal is for anything you do and earn in the 4.0 Preview to persist without any further wipes—unless something major happens, though we do not anticipate that.

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Might have a modest upgrade and change my pledge to the avenger titan. Tried loading crates into my Mustang with the tractor beam thing and it didn't go well. Like could only just about get one in lol.
Smooth 60+ but... yeah :cry:

So got some time to pop on to the 4.0 channel - first real opportunity to even play as EPTU latency killed any opportunity... just short of 400 people on the aussie shard and was smooth as. server stayed at 30fps and it ran crisp and clear. did my first jump in to Pyro and was pretty epic. Was just a solid experience and other ships where flying around as you'd hope; stable and predictable! Will have to try again tomorrow and see how the servers are holding up once the battles start and carcasses are left floating around.

Some bugs with the UI when coming out of QT mode (lost all the advanced hud stuff and had to turn on / off) and as I haven't played for a long time didn't know the buttons so wasn't smooth sailing but it worked well across the ships I tried... probably try and get some trading efforts done in Stanton next and see how that works out.
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