******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I found throttle + pedals + mouse surprisingly good, I am going back to my joystick though just to see if it's any better with the latest patch.. when the patch finishes downloading (attempt 3 now).

Have you uninstalled it completely? You had to do that originally anyway but then they also sent another notice later on telling people to remove it again as some couldn't get the patch working.
Yeah I finally got it downloaded, not sure what the problem was before tbh. Just had a fly around in the Gladius - great fun, joystick more fun in combat, but terrible in racing, ship feels far all over the place in a race compared to a mouse.

I don't intend to race much if at all in the final game but just wanted to give it a try - will try tweaking controls tomorrow when I'm more awake!
Yeah I finally got it downloaded, not sure what the problem was before tbh. Just had a fly around in the Gladius - great fun, joystick more fun in combat, but terrible in racing, ship feels far all over the place in a race compared to a mouse.

I don't intend to race much if at all in the final game but just wanted to give it a try - will try tweaking controls tomorrow when I'm more awake!

Think im going to do the same, i want to get used to throttle and stick for the immersion.

Will spend time tomorrow with it.
Just to annoy Halfmad again but the Cutlass red is simply stunning to look makes you want to put on the Nurses outfit, best upgraded ship so far IMHO.
Good god, I just decided to have a look through the RSI forums again and what a load of toxic **** and negativity in there. :eek:

Probably best to avoid for a while yet.
The concierge and subscribers sections are still fairly good although both, especially the concierge bit seems to be turning into a "I want to be a special ********* and I think (insert subscribers/concierge) should get this extra bonus because.."

They forget that they backed/subscribed for the given bonuses at the time, now they all seem to want additional stuff "because".

However back on topic, I am loving the current way the game is heading even on my 7950 - hardly state of the art the game looks fantastic even on medium settings. For an unoptimised game (devs words not mine) it looks pretty staggering. Here's a handful of unedited vids I uploaded last night, there's some texture pop in - this is down to the MECHANICAL drive I have the game on, reinstalled client to the wrong drive :)

Gladius canopy detail (medium graphics):

Gladius canopy bug I found and reported:

My Retaliator (now melted):

As much as I like the Retaliator I'd rather be crew on someone elses and between all the OCUK orgs we've probably got about 20+ of them (PAGAN have 5+) so it's no big loss. The choice was between the Retaliator with 2 year insurance and a Banu MM with LTI, truth is once mutli crew ships come in I'll likely upgrade my Superhornet LTI to a Retaliator LTI anyway unless something else comes along, which seems to be a trend these days with CIG's method of releasing ships - Vanguard sounds like it'll be the new top dog in fighter terms.

I do love the Gladius though, it looks fantastic and flies like a dream.
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Graphics look good on this but the whole micro transactions thing leaves a sour taste in my mouth. People stupid enough to plough cash into it will have a big advantage. I'll be giving this a wide birth and sticking to elite dangerous thanks.
yeah it does seem like the Gsafe mechanism isnt working across the board.....a lot of the ships put you into the red/black when the Gsafe should stop such manouvers that cause it.

I thought Gsafe stopped it killing you :p

with the option in the final game that you could adjust that sensitivity so you don't black out if you want to, at the loss of maneuverability.
Graphics look good on this but the whole micro transactions thing leaves a sour taste in my mouth. People stupid enough to plough cash into it will have a big advantage. I'll be giving this a wide birth and sticking to elite dangerous thanks.

You haven't looked at the way the game is funded from what you've written. Microtransactions? Many are too big to be considered that but every single thing you can buy now can be earned in game or gives no advantage as it's cosmetic only. The only advantage people have is a saving of time, the instant the game goes live everything people have spent real money on becomes obsolete due to the overclocking/optimisation of equipment and ships. Those who are time rich/cash poor will as always retain the advantage over those of us with full time jobs and kids.

It's not pay to win, if you genuinely believe it is then frankly you're no loss to the SC community who would eat CIG alive if they tried to make it so.
Graphics look good on this but the whole micro transactions thing leaves a sour taste in my mouth. People stupid enough to plough cash into it will have a big advantage. I'll be giving this a wide birth and sticking to elite dangerous thanks.

Why are people stupid sticking money into it? Surely it really depends on peoples circumstances. £300 to some is a lot, to others it's nothing.

By all means stick to Space Truck Simulator, a game with zero depth to it, a game i've owned since beta and haven't installed since "general release".

Also what do you have a big advantage at? It's a sanbox, it's not like their is an end goal.
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