******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

The game in it's current state hooked me for a couple hours for two nights, but having only an aurora and two lasers it got stale fast. I look forward to being able to host my own games with friends with the ships I want :P

I know I'd be playing it more if I could try out all the current flyable ships, types of weapons, as well as trying out a private MP match with the PC next to me to test out stuff for future videos. But the release in it's current state has completely stopped me having that ability so as it stands, if I want to make informative videos - I have to spend money.

How long do you think they'll block people flying other ships and introduce GDC 2012s promise of private servers, custom games and mods? Release? :P

I just took the 2 gun aurora, and added the guns from the other one in my hanger, and there's a gun on the weapon stand
People whinging about the freelancer, what's new? Honestly I've gone off that ship partly due to the constantly community bitching it seems to generate! They will never, ever be happy with it until he copy and pastes Firefly into the game, even then they'll realise it's far smaller and they'd have been better off with something the size of the Banu MM! :)
Lol. :D

But to be fair there is a lot of constructive criticism in that thread, moreso than the usual whining.

For example accessing the rear turret seat with full cargo or the cluttered interior (does it really need 4 beds, 4 seats and 2 fold out workstations?).

Anyway, I expect it will have another pass in the future, after they've looked at the connie, cutlass and perhaps released the DFM V2.
I fully expect the final form of the ships to be different from the pledge drive, they've still got time to make changes... I also expect them to facelift and improve like current car manufacturers and release updated models for purchase (in game), thereby keeping the market alive and also being able to constantly evolve / update ships without running the ones people have.
whats the crack with Crossfire guys? I had no issue what so ever during the hangar module. But for the DFM I simply can't use it, need to disable one card or else I get massive artifacts everywhere.
I really wish the launcher and RSI site passwords were different, could lend my account out to you that way Chris, got too much on there (ships, ownership of org etc) to reasonably give access to anyone else though!

Very annoying that they haven't split them yet, I don't really like having my personal data linked to a game login credentials.
Oooh new post, nice work Halfmad

Hows is everyone doing on AC, I've made it to wave 12 twice, killed Payday twice but then get blown to bits by his buddies.

Found the 300i to be my ship of choice so far
I've got the Cutlass as my purchased ship so I get to use the 300i in AC; I'm using keyboard and mouse with the assistance of Voice Attack, which is insanely useful. Voice Attack is very very good at recognising your spoken commands and also provides a lot of functionality whether that's in-game or not. I use VA for targeting the nearest hostile, locking on and firing missiles as well as ejecting, enabling/disabling G-safe and Comstab and turning on/off thrusters. If I had the full version I would add loads more commands but currently I have the trial which allows only 20 commands. It's worth checking out, especially as the trial is free and it can be used for absolutely anything
I haven't actually managed to fire a missile yet, don't think the binding is setup on my T16000M yet, need to look at TARGET to see what it's set at.

Aurora - didn't go well, really was quite a mess. Think I got utterly trashed at the start of the third wave.

Hornet - slightly better, just tougher really. Got to wave 5 or 6

300i - Not sure why but I seem to consistently have more fun with this, been on wave 7 a few times.

Only had a few tries, mostly with joystick though as that's what I'd rather be using, joypad was OK though, mouse and keyboard was fine and arguably the most accurate though.
I didn't get past wave 7 until I switched the roll/yaw for my X52 and remapped a couple of buttons. (Seems to switch to missile camera every time I fire a missile now tho which is a bit annoying)

I prefer the stronger slower firing main weapons on the 300i. Better field of view compared to the Hornet too, Hornet can take more hits tho. When we can switch weapons around I'll probably use the Hornet a bit more.
Is it possible to switch which ship you can fly?

Only if you have pledged for them atm, for whichever ships you have you get the closest base variant. So if you have 350R you get a 300i. If you have an Aurora LN you get an Aurora MR. And if you have a Super Hornet you get the standard Hornet. They appear as additional loaner ships in your hangar

Other ships not in DFM yet work a bit differently, I think they try and match them to the closest ship type.
Only if you have pledged for them atm, for whichever ships you have you get the closest base variant. So if you have 350R you get a 300i. If you have an Aurora LN you get an Aurora MR. And if you have a Super Hornet you get the standard Hornet. They appear as additional loaner ships in your hangar

Other ships not in DFM yet work a bit differently, I think they try and match them to the closest ship type.

Shame, I have a Cutlass and wanted to try out the Aurora as well as the 300i; I especially want to try out the Hornet before I make the decision to buy it.
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