******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I really don't understand why they are limiting ships. I've got access to all 3 at the moment but surely it'd drive sales if they allowed people access to all of the available ships? By all means limit what people can see in the hangar, but when they get into the simulation? Give them a choice of ALL ships.

I agree with what you're saying, it would be better and not unreasonable to let people access all of those ships for the DFM, in the same way they allowed the 2 TNGS ships to be in our hangar without us owning them.

The issue with what you're saying though, is that this doesnt fit their story, their lore or whatever. The simulation is being run on the ships computer, with that ships load-out. So in order to say 'let us play/select any ship' you'd have to break that version of events, that piece of the games reality.

It wouldnt be soul destroying to the game if they broke the 'immersion' of the ship computer running the simulation, and simply acknowledged this is all a computer game and not the finished version, so lets not bog ourselves down with finished mechanics, and just let people play... but there is some logic to it, even if it shouldnt be important at this stage.

I also think you'll get quite a few people who bought their Aurora package upgrading to or buying a 300i after the positive feedback from others, and that equals sales, so theres financial reasons to the restrictions too.

AFAIK, the subscribers have a pass which lets them try others, but even this is time limited, like a 24h period of access (per month, i'd assume). So thats considered a perk for subs, and while im not one, they certainly need something IMO (not that i think this makes it worth it, personally).
Not all subscribers from what I remember, only those with 12 months + already, I'll get one but I really wish it was giftable, apparently it won't be :(

Does stop people selling them, but I'd quite like to give them away to other players who are more into combat than me tbh!
Hmm not sure what I am doing wrong here. Are you chaps using keyboard and mouse because I am struggling to fly this with my X52 Pro and I mostly play flightsims and never have a problem with them normally. I do well in Elite Dangerous and then here just am failing badly.
That's the limited edition upgrade isn't it?

Edit yup think it gets pulled on the 16th:

The Freelancer MIS is a limited edition militarized variant of the classic mercantile ship developed by the UEE. These were produced in very small quantity due to some early payload incidents. This version sacrifices the majority of the cargo capacity to make way for missiles.

Includes the limited Freelancer vintage UEE Environment Coat. Wind proof, capable of weathering difficult atmospheric conditions. For when you aim to misbehave!
You say that now.. but when 390000 people are walking about with it and you and the other 10000 people don't have that "limited edition" coat you'll regret it lol
You say that now.. but when 390000 people are walking about with it and you and the other 10000 people don't have that "limited edition" coat you'll regret it lol

Surely this just means that the 'limited edition' will be standard, and the 'standard' becomes the new limited edition :D
Hmm not sure what I am doing wrong here. Are you chaps using keyboard and mouse because I am struggling to fly this with my X52 Pro and I mostly play flightsims and never have a problem with them normally. I do well in Elite Dangerous and then here just am failing badly.

I didn't have much luck with my X52 until I switched yaw/roll amongst other things, you can find details if how to change it in this thread
Spotted this in the subscribers section, they don't seem to mind people leaking this sort of thing so why the hell not? It's exceptionally cool and large, hence the spoiler tags. The UEE Marine WIP:

Spotted this in the subscribers section, they don't seem to mind people leaking this sort of thing so why the hell not? It's exceptionally cool and large, hence the spoiler tags. The UEE Marine WIP:

The interesting thing is, this game has so much potential for future expansion packs if they so desired.

They could (if they wanted) create an entire single player/co-op mass effect style game within the Star Citizen universe, with RPG elements & group control (as they have the engine, models, universe, first person, space combat elements required for that kind of game).
So ive been a bit concerned lately regarding these massive corps like xplor etc, will anyone be able to mine or ever really find anything like ancient relics due to these massive corps finding everything and the little corps not even getting a look in out the good stuff???
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