******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

c&p'ing my post from bit-tech on the subject...

Just read that CIG have been hard at work on the website, and now everyone is locked to their regions pricing, so we're back to the full on 20% tax at the USD price, rather than being able to select the more favourable EUR price.

$83m, 'couldnt do this without you, the backers', 'pledging your support', and to do so our support now costs 20% more than the majority of the world. Heaven forbid they recognise what this community has raised for them, and will continue to raise, and cut it a little slack, at least on digital items so everyone ultimately pays the same price - nope, scrape the barrel for all its worth.

Stuff like this genuinely makes me regret having pledged beyond an Aurora, and i've had zero interest in pledging further since around this time last year way before this was an issue, so this wont cost me a penny more, but it doesnt mean this doesnt stink. Would it have killed them to set the +VAT regions prices more favourably on digital goods so a $50 contribution costs close to $50 like the rest of the world, rather than $60. When only about 4 of their 40-50+ ships (excl variants) cost close to that, let alone the extra expense of their $250-400 or $600-2500 priced ships.
c&p'ing my post from bit-tech on the subject...

Just read that CIG have been hard at work on the website, and now everyone is locked to their regions pricing, so we're back to the full on 20% tax at the USD price, rather than being able to select the more favourable EUR price.

$83m, 'couldnt do this without you, the backers', 'pledging your support', and to do so our support now costs 20% more than the majority of the world. Heaven forbid they recognise what this community has raised for them, and will continue to raise, and cut it a little slack, at least on digital items so everyone ultimately pays the same price - nope, scrape the barrel for all its worth.

Stuff like this genuinely makes me regret having pledged beyond an Aurora, and i've had zero interest in pledging further since around this time last year way before this was an issue, so this wont cost me a penny more, but it doesnt mean this doesnt stink. Would it have killed them to set the +VAT regions prices more favourably on digital goods so a $50 contribution costs close to $50 like the rest of the world, rather than $60. When only about 4 of their 40-50+ ships (excl variants) cost close to that, let alone the extra expense of their $250-400 or $600-2500 priced ships.

Oh of course i forgot that CIG put forward a law stating that All of Europe has to pay VAT now.
Oh of course i forgot that CIG put forward a law stating that All of Europe has to pay VAT now.

So why are we paying $128.45 for a $100 Cutlass Black? Every item is priced 28.5% higher than the USD price.

If CIG have to tax the order, then so be it. However they've gone beyond that, they've given an extremely unflattering exchange rate to calculate their prices, and while there was the option of using Euros which was more favourable, but still included 20% VAT, they've said NOPE, you're now locked in paying 28.5% more.

You can attempt to shift blame elsewhere, but CIG are responsible for what they charge each and every customer. Not EU law makers.
Made a point to avoid all SC media since announcement, haven't even watched any videos as I want it all to be new to me on release. What are the "flight" mechanics like? Is it movie style, based on aerial combat or does it confirm to real-ish space physics?
Well, speaking as a qualified space pilot... ;)

Personally, i think the ships manoeuvre thrusters could do with being dialled back, for the sake of keeping things a bit more fluid, IMO they're too manoeuvrable, responsive, and it makes things extremely fast paced.
They're definitely not as calm and gentle as Elite looks, and while ive not played ED as it appeals to an audience i dont align with, their space flight seems more friendly, SC seems rather twitch orientated because of the aggressive responsiveness of the ships.

Fortunately im not too bothered about combat, so my time in the smaller nimble ships will be somewhat limited i'd imagine, i expect the big ships to lumber around, but i dont fancy having to defend myself from these gnat-like fighters.

In terms of how its modelled (not sure thats exactly what you mean) it does seem pretty damn impressive from a technical POV at least, and aside from the fact that in space you wouldnt have a top speed, it does seem like it follows things properly, and only deviates where it simply wouldnt be fun. Im sure in 2900 wars would be fought by computers not pilots & soldiers, but that wouldnt be fun.

Yeah, i think anyone who's already invested to the point where they're happy, should be okay now, and if something amazing comes along the option of melting other stuff is still there.
I'll be contemplating CCU'ing my Reclaimer to the Carrack later down the line. I bought it cos i loved the idea of it and the look of it, but the person in our Org who bought the Carrack disbanded the team/org and while exploration wasnt high on my list, i can see a Carrack being more use to our tiny org, than a salvage ship at this point. Theres only really 3 of us who've bought more than an Aurora, between $250-800, and 2-3 with starter ships who arent really following things, and i think the Reclaimer might be too big to go out without escorts, and it'll also work much better with a wrecking crew squadron creating the salvage.

Fortunately they were sold at the same price, so maybe $25 for the CCU later on, but i think i'd wait for them to be in the PU beta and then act. Also one of our main guys is in Norway, they're not in the EU so i can have him log into my accounts and pay for anything beyond RSI credits if need be. I'd trust him with my account and credit card details without hesitation. So its an option if need be, beyond simply gifting it to me.
Personally, i think the ships manoeuvre thrusters could do with being dialled back

I wish they would experiment with thrusters and other aspects of the flight model in the PTU, they have said thrusters are OP for a while now but haven't done anything about it. Personally I much prefer the SC flight model over ED though there's certainly room for improvement! Hopeful we'll see changes when double precision is implemented and bigger ships and environments are playable.
I'd love them to allow users to setup ships in a sandbox and share settings, would allow for more people altering them and the final decision on what's used could still rest with the devs.
Made a point to avoid all SC media since announcement, haven't even watched any videos as I want it all to be new to me on release. What are the "flight" mechanics like? Is it movie style, based on aerial combat or does it confirm to real-ish space physics?

More realistic, they do dial back on realism in order to make the game playable by not having near unlimited top speeds (net code would never cope) and some other elements. What a lot of people coming from Elite Dangerous find odd is that manoeuvring isn't instant, thrusters on the ships generally have to rotate into alignment in order to then fire so there can be a delay in building up thrust in different directions.

I love it personally, especially with most things in space to accidentally hit, it makes combat far more interesting and generally more challenging than Elite.
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