******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

All down to personal choice, you can always turn it into store credit and get the other one if you change your mind. All the ships are unlocked at the minute anyway so whichever one you get you will have a access to all the ships anyway.

Go for what you prefer, I'm split between them, I love the Aurora doors but the Mustang, especially the Beta is pretty cool.

Thanks. How long are the ships unlocked for?

How about the Aurora LN Package that is just missing the AC Pass?

I like the idea of whizzing about in an Origin 315P but can upgrade to that later from an LN if I decide to. Any advice for someone just starting?
Oh? I saw it reported all over the web the last few days, be glad to hear it was all fake :)

It has been delayed, the netcode is a big issue, but we knew this ages ago. The "games media" obviously needed clicks so created a pointless article and include the words "indefinitely" to get more attention.
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It was obvious from the first videos that the FPS module was a joke ( particulary with real time team speak.. 'On my six!' , 'Roger that!' etc. while blindly running and gunning lol). It would probably be best to leave the project in limbo and maybe outsource it to an experienced team of developers later on, if the main game is successful.
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Heh, looks like I'll be taking npc transport solo then. :p

Seems like ~£80 is the minimum for overnight accomodation. Wondering if I should just take a sleeping bag and stay at the train station - not like we're going to get much sleep that night as it is. :D

This is damn late to respond, but might want to check airbnb out, me and a mate are crashing in a room that's 25 for the night.
own set of keys, center of manchester etc
I've ended up sharing a double twin room with one of my orgy mates.

I did get the room booked up quickly though, there's an England rugby match on the same day which is probably why the airport hotels are a little busier than usual.
Random side note, Found out last night one of the guys in our gaming community who is currently working for Facepunch Studios on Rust has been offered a Job at Foundry 42 as a prop designer which hes accepted (He's also a backer).

Apparently he handed in his notice straight away to Gary + Co and some we'rent happy/ were a bit bitchy with him but he isnt bothered lol
It was obvious from the first videos that the FPS module was a joke ( particulary with real time team speak.. 'On my six!' , 'Roger that!' etc. while blindly running and gunning lol). It would probably be best to leave the project in limbo and maybe outsource it to an experienced team of developers later on, if the main game is successful.

Based on the FPS team's previous experience I'm certainly more than a little dubious myself.

In any case, I don't think Chris Roberts has any choice but to see 'Star Marine' through asap: the ship capping and space station territorial battles seem fundamentally reliant on this side of the game-play having been hammered out; both from a design and engineering side of things. When I had the chance to follow their dev videos on YT these were oft-touted major/vital features, so it seems there's no altering course for them now. Here's to hoping all doubts are alleviated in the coming weeks... or months! :p
I think the games scope is starting to catch up with them. I also think the biggest mistake was using CryEngine and not going custom.

With regards to Star Marine I always had my doubts over the fps team, they have done nothing of note in the past and you get the feeling CR isn't ovely impressed with them. Seems people are regularly over their to help them out and more and more teams are taking work off them.

Doesn't help with CR rambling on in the past about it being better and more detailed than most AAA fps games. It won't be and it doesn't need to be, it just needs a solid mechanic.

I'd much prefer Arena Commander to be a basic big map for testing and balancing all ships and mechanics, no extra game modes etc... Just have so many people on each server doing a free for all.

Star Marine should be a simple map or two with TDM and no more, it should solely be used for mechanics, balancing and animation development.

Far too much time and seemingly resources are going into these standalone games which i can't imagine many will bother with when the PU is out.
It'll be fine - They'll just release yet another colour variant of an existing ship, double the pledge price and enrage everyone over including LTI - That should keep everyone busy for the next few months... oh, that plus fancy new curtains and dado rails for your hangar, of course! :D
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