******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

New AC patch out

PLEASE NOTE: You must now press tab to show the cursor when the Arena Commander menu is open in the cockpit.

New Features/Fixes
Vanduul no longer show as committing suicide when defeating them with missiles
Added “Invert Flight Mouse” and “Invert Flight Controller” options to game settings screen
Helmet animation plays when putting on the helmet now
Ejection now counts towards player death
Added an expanded X52 mapping
Lighting fixes for AMD machines
Improved Aurora mount/dismount/idle animation
Increased fuel tank capacity to allow for longer afterburner use
Improved Thruster Animations
Improved Holoship destruction
Player is now able to access the scoreboard whilst waiting on respawn
Improvements on overlapping ship audio SFX
Fixed crashes when match round ends
300i seat animations now added and improved
Entering 300i and Aurora with your helmet now displays the HUD on the helmet
Removed debug text from X55 HOTAS in key binding menu

Known Issues

Buggy can only move when using boost in the business hangar
Audio missing from legacy Aurora control panels when sit/standing in pilot seat
CF-117 Badger repeater geometry becomes offset when fired from firing range
Red replace me ball shown beneath DFM Trainer Hornet
Texture z-fighting appearing in DFM Trainer Aurora cockpit
Third person camera view can roll using Q and E

Vanduul swarm
Aurora boost level decreases when not using boost
Boost level not shown while flying 300i

Aurora boost level only shown as decreasing after first death
Other ships can appear to rotate when they actually are not
Scoreboard info not shown if round ends while outside of ship
Hi guys,

What are the main activities you think you will be doing in the organisation? I've seen on the org page you have picked engineering and freelancing. I'm mainly looking to do security, exploration and salvage type missions.

I have an Anvil hangar - Super Hornet and Gladiator.

We do a little bit of everything, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Constraining ourselves to one or two specifics is counter productive.

Basically, follow Wheaton's Law, and you'll be good..
Hi guys,

What are the main activities you think you will be doing in the organisation? I've seen on the org page you have picked engineering and freelancing. I'm mainly looking to do security, exploration and salvage type missions.

I have an Anvil hangar - Super Hornet and Gladiator.


You'll be able to add the Carrack and continue that trend of Anvil ships, but not so much with the Aegis Surveyor. Thats something which im liking the look of, but i wonder whether my (& my orgs) disinterest for seeking combat means its a little less useful, if you were flying with a load of people looking to cause trouble, pirate hunting or something, then to have a Surveyor in there bringing back the space scraps, it'd be a nice little earner. I think if you're flying with 10+ competent ships, having one of those in there would be nicely balanced. But 4-6 im not so sure it'd be worth it.
Sure, you could fly on your own or in small groups and find scraps to bring home, you wouldnt need to create it, but i think in smaller numbers i'd want something to protect myself and others, rather become the scrap for Surveyors to collect.
Makes sense to give the first 250 MP slots to the most active bug reporters, if they gave it to the first 250 backers and only minimal bugs were reported it could cause problems with the following larger scale rollouts.
The initial rollout of the AC Multiplayer, has been to the people that were the most useful bug reporters when they released the hangar module, this makes perfect sense as they want to scale things up as smoothly as possible. Once they are sure that they've ironed out the bulk of the glitches that could occur within the software, they will do the main rollout based upon the UEE backer numbers.

Rather wish people would stop with their backseat development and naysaying.. Just let them get on with things and stop complaining all the damn time, if you don't like the way the development is going, go play something else for a year, then come back and see how things are.
The initial rollout of the AC Multiplayer, has been to the people that were the most useful bug reporters when they released the hangar module, this makes perfect sense as they want to scale things up as smoothly as possible. Once they are sure that they've ironed out the bulk of the glitches that could occur within the software, they will do the main rollout based upon the UEE backer numbers.

The only problem I've seen is people who've mentioned that hadn't bug reported anything and got in in the high 100k's.
This can be one of two things:

1: A lie
2: A mistake

Rather wish people would stop with their backseat development and naysaying.. Just let them get on with things and stop complaining all the damn time, if you don't like the way the development is going, go play something else for a year, then come back and see how things are.

I'd also wish people would stop assuming the devs are infallible and always know better than someone else. Devs aren't always experts in the fields of the games they make, but are good at the jobs they do. The amount of brown-nosing people give to some of these devs, or trust borders on fanaticism, taking every single piece of information as gospel.

CIG do have a few people who think they know how a system should work and have used that excuse for why it exists.

Instead of saying "This is how we want it in our game" they say stuff like "This is how it would work in real life". But on the other hands, you'll have a developer state that "This is unintended and we're looking at it". You absolutely cannot have two developers contradict each other and not have people say something about it. My word against anyone's, filtering out dev posts is like sifting for a needle in a haystack :P

What you're basically asking for is for only good news and feedback to spread around and denouncing any critical feedback. You have to understand that if the community can have some say on development, be it on the official forums, on YouTube, on Reddit or on another forum then they have every right to be critical.

I think it's well in the interest of some that errors are taken note of, because this list could grow to be something that keeps on happening. It's happened before in other game development, it wouldn't be the first time.

They are just people, making a game, of course they're going to make mistakes but it's what they learn from it and how often they keep on doing it is something that people notice.

I think you should take a bit of your own advice and let people complain if they want to, there's lots to talk about, good and bad.
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I'd also wish people would stop assuming the devs are infallible and always know better than someone else. Devs aren't always experts in the fields of the games they make, but are good at the jobs they do. The amount of brown-nosing people give to some of these devs, or trust borders on fanaticism, taking every single piece of information as gospel.


What you're basically asking for is for only good news and feedback to spread around and denouncing any critical feedback. You have to understand that if the community can have some say on development, be it on the official forums, on YouTube, on Reddit or on another forum then they have every right to be critical.

I don't disagree that people have a right to be critical of the development process, I just think that people who have no experience of the industry, should stop making assumptions that they know better than people that have worked in the industry for years. I am not saying that their opinions are invalid, just that people really need to take a chill pill and stop getting their panties in such a twist.

I think you should take a bit of your own advice and let people complain if they want to, there's lots to talk about, good and bad.

I am quite happy for people to complain, if there is good reason for it, but from a quick scan of forums this morning, all I see is a lot of people complaining about things that they don't understand, assumptions that they have made, or things that have no basis in reality whatsoever.

For the record, I generally avoid the RSI forums, because it is a mess of a place, filled with bile and vitriol, which is unsurprising, game forums tend to bring out the worst in people I'm afraid.
Hi guys,

What are the main activities you think you will be doing in the organisation? I've seen on the org page you have picked engineering and freelancing. I'm mainly looking to do security, exploration and salvage type missions.

I have an Anvil hangar - Super Hornet and Gladiator.


Orgs can only select a couple of those areas for their page, we're not specialising at all to be honest, plenty of members wanting to do different things so the chances are we'll aim to be self sufficient at some point, making everything from scratch either internally from raw materials upwards. More than welcome to fire a quick join application in.

The amount of brown-nosing people give to some of these devs, or trust borders on fanaticism

Does my head in, I've said it a few times in org chat or TS, I just don't get this hero worship that's going on by some members in the SC community, sending in crates of beer, making cup cakes for them etc it's all bit too boy band groupie for me.

Does worry me that it's making Devs etc biased though.
This thing was working fine when I last played, just downloaded a huge patch and now it's got flicking textures, no cursor and worse performance.

Going to uninstall it until it's finished.
I've got those too but seems associated with sunflare and sun reflections for me. Other than that though at least I can actually kill stuff now and the flight model seems less twitchy and more responsive. I get the flybywire concept but seriously you'd have expect them to have it solved this far in the future.
Looks like they are starting to roll out multiplayer, anyone had the email?
Not me.
I did wonder why the option for online MP was 'greyed out', heh heh!!

all I see is a lot of people complaining about things that they don't understand,
I'd possibly be one of those complaining about the weird flight control (or lack of), if I still bothered with the RSI forums. But then, given the almost-patronising RSI instructional videos on 'How To Fly', with Ben Lesnick speaking as if the audience had never played a single WASD-based game before, I'm not surprised people don't understand!!

This thing was working fine when I last played, just downloaded a huge patch and now it's got flicking textures, no cursor and worse performance.

I got a shed load of mess when I first started up the game post-patch. It took a couple of moments, but everything settled down thereafter.

There are several notes and notices around that you may have to press TAB to bring the cursor up in certain cases. It's a semi-bug, where the Holoscreen feature had bled over into other bits.

But then, this is still pre-Alpha, so you should expect a zillion bugs, glitches and stuff... just report them. This is exactly what you pledged money for, after all.
So is the game properly playable now ie core features available not just dogfighting? Is a mouse and keyboard fine? Does the game have a sub?

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