******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I very nearly bought a Delan clip, even though I have a Tracklip pro I hate having to have it plugged in. In the end I found a way to attack the trackclip (unpowered reflector) to my headphones but when I'm not on teamspeak I just use my baseball cap instead ( http://imgur.com/a/ONYWo ) work better than anything else I've found oddly enough lol

Even with TrackIR there's tweaking to be done tbh, why I think so many of the free or much cheaper alternatives are pretty much just as good, just generally means a little less faffing about with trackir.

In Star Citizen it's not working at the moment, will be again soon hopefully as I REALLY miss it in the cockpit!
I might be tempted to try some form of head-tracking when its implemented, i just cant get my head around turning your head to the left so that you're looking away from the screen in so capacity, makes for an ideal solution. It makes perfect sense with VR because the monitors are always straight ahead (and i have reservations about VR, for what its worth).

I dunno, theres a dozen things i could list, everything about it seems odd and counter-intuitive, yet people seem to praise it so there must be something to it.
You aren't looking away from your screen, merely moving your head. try moving it 10 degrees left or right - your eyes stay on the screen. It only takes a couple of minutes to get the hang off it, before you know it you're looking around the cockpit like your inside.

Don't get me wrong having used both DK1 and 2 I can say that TrackIR etc are not a replacement to them, will not provide the immersion that they do - but it's not that far off and for me at least it's more comfortable. Maybe I'll grab VR in a few years but right now I don't find them comfortable enough to wear for 2-3 hours at a time.
You aren't looking away from your screen, merely moving your head. try moving it 10 degrees left or right - your eyes stay on the screen. It only takes a couple of minutes to get the hang off it, before you know it you're looking around the cockpit like your inside.

Don't get me wrong having used both DK1 and 2 I can say that TrackIR etc are not a replacement to them, will not provide the immersion that they do - but it's not that far off and for me at least it's more comfortable. Maybe I'll grab VR in a few years but right now I don't find them comfortable enough to wear for 2-3 hours at a time.

Yeah, that still doesnt strike me as being much better though. The implication, sensitivity, and deadzone, are the issues that stand out. If theres no/minimal deadzone, you've got to be so still otherwise the screen is moving around, and i can imagine that cramps the neck somewhat (an issue i'd imagine exists with VR), then if there is a deadzone its adding more wiggle-room in degrees that you have to look away from the screen before it starts to accept the input, which takes you to the sensitivity. Small movements seem like they'd either move too much or require a lot more degrees of head-turn to be able to use it.
Having never used it, i dont know whether im taking out my a-hole or not, i dont fully understand the implication of the movements, whether 10 degree left is the same as pressing a 'look left' button and it turns 45 degree left, or whether it opens up complete freedom of movement in-game etc. Its all just something that i cant see being beneficial, but cant say that with any authority because ive never used it and others praising it obviously have.
I plan to play SC with 3 screens (3x 1080 UW) and hopefully most of the FOV will be captured on screens anyway, and 30 degree left/right is still going to have me facing a monitor. So im tempted to try it, its just not something i can wrap my head around like i can with VR.

I feel like a parent pooping all over most SC relevant tech stuff, like VR, TrackIR, Voice Attack etc, im nope nope nope all over it - screens, keyboard, mouse & HOTAS... thats it, denying the future tech cos its not what im used to (i'd use them if i didnt feel like i lose something else as a result ie VR & hand to kb coordination).
Yeah, that still doesnt strike me as being much better though. The implication, sensitivity, and deadzone, are the issues that stand out. If theres no/minimal deadzone, you've got to be so still otherwise the screen is moving around, and i can imagine that cramps the neck somewhat (an issue i'd imagine exists with VR), then if there is a deadzone its adding more wiggle-room in degrees that you have to look away from the screen before it starts to accept the input, which takes you to the sensitivity. Small movements seem like they'd either move too much or require a lot more degrees of head-turn to be able to use it.
Having never used it, i dont know whether im taking out my a-hole or not, i dont fully understand the implication of the movements, whether 10 degree left is the same as pressing a 'look left' button and it turns 45 degree left, or whether it opens up complete freedom of movement in-game etc. Its all just something that i cant see being beneficial, but cant say that with any authority because ive never used it and others praising it obviously have.
I plan to play SC with 3 screens (3x 1080 UW) and hopefully most of the FOV will be captured on screens anyway, and 30 degree left/right is still going to have me facing a monitor. So im tempted to try it, its just not something i can wrap my head around like i can with VR.

I feel like a parent pooping all over most SC relevant tech stuff, like VR, TrackIR, Voice Attack etc, im nope nope nope all over it - screens, keyboard, mouse & HOTAS... thats it, denying the future tech cos its not what im used to (i'd use them if i didnt feel like i lose something else as a result ie VR & hand to kb coordination).

I bought TrackIR for Arma 3 mainly, however I did play some DCS at the time. For infantry in Arma its overkill imo but for anything heli/plane related it really comes into its own. DCS brings a whole new level to it, I couldn't play DCS without TrackIR.

Its the same for Elite Dangerous, TrackIR adds so much more to the immersion, I am sure it will do the same with SC.
Yeah I loved it in ED, was shocked by how good it is. The popularity of EDTracker and similar devices speaks volumes for how much fun it is. It felt very similar in SC even when it wasn't officially supported but someone managed to find a tweak to make it work, it was a bit buggy but still worked.

PaulC2K - TrackIR isn't future tech, it's been around for years as have most of the free alternatives. with triple 1080UW you have the horizonal FOV covered but not the vertical and not the Z axis, with head tracking you can look around, lean forward, lean back etc it allows you to look more closely at screens in games and even put your head around objects (Euro truck simulator - put your head out the window when reversing lol)

Until you try it you won't really grasp how much of a game changer it is and it only gets better the more screen you have to play with.
Yeah I loved it in ED, was shocked by how good it is. The popularity of EDTracker and similar devices speaks volumes for how much fun it is. It felt very similar in SC even when it wasn't officially supported but someone managed to find a tweak to make it work, it was a bit buggy but still worked.

PaulC2K - TrackIR isn't future tech, it's been around for years as have most of the free alternatives. with triple 1080UW you have the horizonal FOV covered but not the vertical and not the Z axis, with head tracking you can look around, lean forward, lean back etc it allows you to look more closely at screens in games and even put your head around objects (Euro truck simulator - put your head out the window when reversing lol)

Until you try it you won't really grasp how much of a game changer it is and it only gets better the more screen you have to play with.

Yeah, i remember TrackIR from years back, i had a teammate win one in a game around 2005-2006. However he was in Scotland, and i cant recall if he ever mentioned using it (this was in a racing sim).
As i say, its something i need to get around to trying, because at the moment i cant comprehend how it'd be implemented. I can understand the benefits, its just that in achieving it, i cant see how it'd be done without flaws.

I'll remain sceptical until i bother trying it, i just feel like im coming across as some old-fart where if its anything other than a traditional solution, its rubbish, cos 'when i was a lad...' etc. Im open to stuff, im just not open to paying to try stuff when i feel it has/creates issues that concern me (ie using VR and not knowing my fingers will be on WASD when switching between HOTAS & KB+M, and no solution implemented to address that).
At least headtracking has open source solutions and i already have a webcam, I just need to bother setting it up (and having SC have decent implementation for it).
2.1E is ready, yay :)

Alpha Patch 2.1.0 has been released to the PTU, and is now available for player testing. During this initial testing phase, PTU access will be restricted to a small group of players that we will expand on over time. This patch provides access to our new flyable Freelancer (base), the hangar-ready Sabre, as well as numerous fixes for the Crusader region.
Your launcher should should show “2.1.0-307932” as the client version. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Text.
Please review our current list of 2.1.0 Known Issues, and take full advantage of our Issue Council area of the Community site to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions.
Some important call-outs:

  • Freelancer damage states are not fully implemented and will not be working during the initial 2.1.0 PTUlaunch.

Hangar Module



  • The AEGIS Sabre is now hangar-ready!
  • The new MISC Freelancer (base) model is is now available in the Hangar!

  • A new lighting pass for Revel and York has begun.


  • Fixed an issue with texture conflicts in the left and right expansion bays of Selfland.
  • Fixed an issue where some untextured items would appear on the reflections inside the VFG Industrial Hangar.
  • Fixed an issue where there was a faint pink-purple tinge in the VFG Industrial Hangar lighting.

  • Fixed an issue where having all Constellation variants in the hangar at once would cause severe streaming issues.

User Interface
  • Fixed an issue where the ladders in the VFG Industrial had no use prompts to descend them.
Arena Commander Module:



  • Pilots can no longer exit ships in Arena Commander.
    • Except for Free Flight mode, where pilots and crew can still exit their ships and EVA freely.


  • Fixed an issue where decoupled mode could be activated while in Cruise mode.
  • Fixed an issue where ship attachments (weapons and components) would not behave correctly when the ship was destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Battle Royale game mode would sometimes not end.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get kicked from Vanduul Swarm for being idle while waiting to respawn.
  • Fixed an issue where ejecting during self-destruct would allow players to bypass the respawn penalty.

  • Fixed an issue where the self-destruct of a ship would be canceled after ejecting or exiting the pilot chair.
  • Fixed an issue where the P-52 Merlin could not respawn in Race mode.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple ships had broken or incorrect damage states in multiplayer game mode.

User Interface
  • Fixed an issue where Vanduul ships weapons were not being displayed in the OVR HUD.
  • Fixed an issue where ship holograms were not displaying sections of the ship.
Social Module:



  • The first iteration of our new physicalized EVA system is in place.
  • Two new sliders have been added to the audio option menu.
    • “Dynamic Range” and “Ship Computer Speech Volume”.

  • The MISC Freelancer (base) is now flyable in Crusader.

  • Added an “aim” pose for characters that are prone.

User Interface
  • Both the Hangar Elevator and the Main Menu “Universes” UI now allows users to select instances (either best available or instances with friends/contacts) after they have selected the location.


  • Mobiglas animations have been streamlined to make the process of accessing missions faster.

  • Crouch animations and related locomotion have received some tweaks.
  • The animations for “Idle to Movement” and “Movement to Idle” while holding a pistol have been tweaked.
  • Some minor changes to how stop, starts, footsteps and running are animated.
  • Run/walk animations have received tweaks.

  • Several performance improvements for Crusader have been made.
  • The Port Olisar ship selector console has received some performance improvements.


  • Fixed an issue where weapons were not brought back up after MobiGlas had been toggled off.
  • Fixed an issue where aim-down-sight did not persist when transitioning to and from prone.
  • Fixed an issue where QT could not be activated once a character had passed the “edge of universe boundary”.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get back into a ship after ejecting, despite the canopy having been destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where players could activate the ship self-destruct while in the green zone.
  • Fixed an issue where pilots would not receive a collision warning for certain objects and stations in Crusader.
  • Fixed an issue where ships that had self-on or near landing pads would not despawn and thus render the landing pad useless.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to get the Port Olisar airlocks stuck in a permanent cycle state.

  • Fixed an issue where activating aim down sight would not correctly override sprint when the player had a weapon out.

  • Fixed an issue where the landing gear for the Retaliator Bomber was missing collision.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vanduul Scythe cockpit would shoot forward when the ship is destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where decoupled mode could be used in Cruise mode.
  • Fixed an issue where interacting with the Constellation Andromeda side airlocks would catapult players out into space.

  • Fixed a typo on the construction sign for the ArcCorp Galleria, so it now correctly lists “2946” as the completion date.
  • Fixed an issue with railing collision in various areas of ArcCorp.
  • Fixed an issue where audio elements from the ship-terminals at Port Olisar would abruptly cut off as a character interacted with it.
  • Fixed an issue where the scroll bar in the Contacts List (“F11”) was very difficult to see.

  • Fixed an issue where weapons would pop into place during select/deselect animations rather then happening smoothly.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Use” prompt for pick-ups (such as guns) would show up through walls.
  • Fixed an issue with the P4-AR Ballistic Rifle, where it added a camera jerk when shifting fire modes.

  • Fixed an issue where motion blur would be much more drastic on faster machines.
  • Fixed several server-side crashes.
  • Fixed some of the server and performance issues that were occurring when there were many AI ships active simultaneously.
  • Fixed an issue where joining instances via the “Contacts In Instance” function was frequently timing out.

User Interface
  • Fixed an issue where “Contacts in instance” was very difficult to read on the Elevator terminal UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the party list would disappear for the leader when there are more then 2 members of the party.
  • Fixed an issue where “Contacts In Instance” wouldn’t appear on the Hangar Elevator until the user had entered and exited a instance.
  • Fixed an issue where the text entry field for contacts had to be cleared by clicking “X” each time.
I imagine that's why I had to keep turning motion blur off, I have a decent rig, and it was bringing it to a standstill with its stupidness.

Turn it off with R_motionblur 0 and it fixes most graphics related crashes anyway.
Its had its fair share of posts, but most of that was Mon-Thurs last week, its gone fairly quiet since then. I was hoping someone would ask RtV whether we'd get a deep dive design document (DDDD) on harvesting, refining and refuelling around the time of its addition into the hangar, its not like its needed, but nor was Mining, Passengers & Repairs when they went on concept sale (didnt get them for Salvage, barely got a paragraph on the Carrack even) but it seems a decent time to do so, provided its close to being ready and they can finish it etc. Will be a while till its A) in-game and B) has its game mechanics working, but as i say, seems an appropriate time for it.

edit - also, is there something ive missed about it, beyond last weeks 10FTC/end of month comment?
Yet another update.

Alpha Patch 2.1.0 has been released to the PTU, and is now available for player testing. During this initial testing phase, PTU access will be restricted to a small group of players that we will expand on over time. This patch provides access to our new flyable Freelancer (base), the hangar-ready Sabre, as well as numerous fixes for the Crusader region.
Your launcher should should show “2.1.0-307932” as the client version. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Text.
Please review our current list of 2.1.0 Known Issues, and take full advantage of our Issue Council area of the Community site to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions.
Some important call-outs:

  • Freelancer damage states are not fully implemented and will not be working during the initial 2.1.0 PTUlaunch.

Hangar Module



  • The AEGIS Sabre is now hangar-ready!
  • The new MISC Freelancer (base) model is is now available in the Hangar!

  • A new lighting pass for Revel and York has begun.


  • Fixed an issue with texture conflicts in the left and right expansion bays of Selfland.
  • Fixed an issue where some untextured items would appear on the reflections inside the VFG Industrial Hangar.
  • Fixed an issue where there was a faint pink-purple tinge in the VFG Industrial Hangar lighting.

  • Fixed an issue where having all Constellation variants in the hangar at once would cause severe streaming issues.

User Interface
  • Fixed an issue where the ladders in the VFG Industrial had no use prompts to descend them.
Arena Commander Module:



  • Pilots can no longer exit ships in Arena Commander.
    • Except for Free Flight mode, where pilots and crew can still exit their ships and EVA freely.


  • Fixed an issue where decoupled mode could be activated while in Cruise mode.
  • Fixed an issue where ship attachments (weapons and components) would not behave correctly when the ship was destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Battle Royale game mode would sometimes not end.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get kicked from Vanduul Swarm for being idle while waiting to respawn.
  • Fixed an issue where ejecting during self-destruct would allow players to bypass the respawn penalty.

  • Fixed an issue where the self-destruct of a ship would be canceled after ejecting or exiting the pilot chair.
  • Fixed an issue where the P-52 Merlin could not respawn in Race mode.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple ships had broken or incorrect damage states in multiplayer game mode.

User Interface
  • Fixed an issue where Vanduul ships weapons were not being displayed in the OVR HUD.
  • Fixed an issue where ship holograms were not displaying sections of the ship.
Social Module:



  • The first iteration of our new physicalized EVA system is in place.
  • Two new sliders have been added to the audio option menu.
    • “Dynamic Range” and “Ship Computer Speech Volume”.

  • The MISC Freelancer (base) is now flyable in Crusader.

  • Added an “aim” pose for characters that are prone.

User Interface
  • Both the Hangar Elevator and the Main Menu “Universes” UI now allows users to select instances (either best available or instances with friends/contacts) after they have selected the location.


  • Mobiglas animations have been streamlined to make the process of accessing missions faster.

  • Crouch animations and related locomotion have received some tweaks.
  • The animations for “Idle to Movement” and “Movement to Idle” while holding a pistol have been tweaked.
  • Some minor changes to how stop, starts, footsteps and running are animated.
  • Run/walk animations have received tweaks.

  • Several performance improvements for Crusader have been made.
  • The Port Olisar ship selector console has received some performance improvements.


  • Fixed an issue where weapons were not brought back up after MobiGlas had been toggled off.
  • Fixed an issue where aim-down-sight did not persist when transitioning to and from prone.
  • Fixed an issue where QT could not be activated once a character had passed the “edge of universe boundary”.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get back into a ship after ejecting, despite the canopy having been destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where players could activate the ship self-destruct while in the green zone.
  • Fixed an issue where pilots would not receive a collision warning for certain objects and stations in Crusader.
  • Fixed an issue where ships that had self-on or near landing pads would not despawn and thus render the landing pad useless.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to get the Port Olisar airlocks stuck in a permanent cycle state.

  • Fixed an issue where activating aim down sight would not correctly override sprint when the player had a weapon out.

  • Fixed an issue where the landing gear for the Retaliator Bomber was missing collision.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vanduul Scythe cockpit would shoot forward when the ship is destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where decoupled mode could be used in Cruise mode.
  • Fixed an issue where interacting with the Constellation Andromeda side airlocks would catapult players out into space.

  • Fixed a typo on the construction sign for the ArcCorp Galleria, so it now correctly lists “2946” as the completion date.
  • Fixed an issue with railing collision in various areas of ArcCorp.
  • Fixed an issue where audio elements from the ship-terminals at Port Olisar would abruptly cut off as a character interacted with it.
  • Fixed an issue where the scroll bar in the Contacts List (“F11”) was very difficult to see.

  • Fixed an issue where weapons would pop into place during select/deselect animations rather then happening smoothly.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Use” prompt for pick-ups (such as guns) would show up through walls.
  • Fixed an issue with the P4-AR Ballistic Rifle, where it added a camera jerk when shifting fire modes.

  • Fixed an issue where motion blur would be much more drastic on faster machines.
  • Fixed several server-side crashes.
  • Fixed some of the server and performance issues that were occurring when there were many AI ships active simultaneously.
  • Fixed an issue where joining instances via the “Contacts In Instance” function was frequently timing out.

User Interface
  • Fixed an issue where “Contacts in instance” was very difficult to read on the Elevator terminal UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the party list would disappear for the leader when there are more then 2 members of the party.
  • Fixed an issue where “Contacts In Instance” wouldn’t appear on the Hangar Elevator until the user had entered and exited a instance.
  • Fixed an issue where the text entry field for contacts had to be cleared by clicking “X” each time.
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