******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Yeah, not sure myself although i dont have access to one currently. I'll be CCU hopping my way to one, but waiting on the Sabre as a stepping stone first, ending up with an Orion when it becomes worthwhile to do so, until then i'll use and abuse the CCUs to put credits on stuff that i can enjoy.

Does anyone here have a Sabre, or is following it somewhat? Its got 4 guns, and they're all inside housing, yet the wing ones are supposedly on gimbals. Im wondering if its simply a very narrow range they have compared to a traditional nose gimbal or turret, making it better than fixed, but not by much... or is there something else going on?

Also, a few days ago i stumbled upon a 3D ship viewing tool, its basically exported holoviewer models which are transferred across into a UE engine viewer. You can view all the ships in the same scene to get a good idea of the scale, or 1-by-1, you have 6-axis movement etc and its really lightweight.



Its obviously only as accurate as the holoviewer is, but i found it enjoyable to have a decent look at many of the models in a setting which works better than the holoviewer, and lets you flick between them quickly too. I got about 1h out of it, then send it to a mate and he loaded it up and we used teamviewer to talk about what was there, for about 45min, which was rather enjoyable cos any opportunity to talk about the ships is fun for me :D
It was enough to convince him to melt his Freelancer MAX, Cutlass, P52 & P72 and get the Carrack later down the road, so that i could get the Orion in the future instead of the Carrack, which means we'll have a Hull C, Carrack, Reclaimer, Orion & Starfarer between the 2 of us, and another friend has a SH, Avenger, 325 & Gladius, and the rest have Auroras mostly.
The performance difference between 2.0 and 2.1 is significant for me, frames are more or less double. Anyone else seen such drastic improvements?
The performance difference between 2.0 and 2.1 is significant for me, frames are more or less double. Anyone else seen such drastic improvements?

Yes, performance is good but i still can't run it at Very High setting for more than 30 minutes as it goes over 3.5GB and the performance tanks to low 20's.
This builds up a lot of V-Ram.
Yes, performance is good but i still can't run it at Very High setting for more than 30 minutes as it goes over 3.5GB and the performance tanks to low 20's.
This builds up a lot of V-Ram.

Played for a good 1 an a half other night , never went over 3800 (290x) :confused: But yes the PU has improved somewhat :D

Just means I die quicker though :o

I must admit about the ship balance, it's all over atm, I do admit to having a moan on the cig forums about the connie's now being cannon fodder :o
Played for a good 1 an a half other night , never went over 3800 (290x) :confused: But yes the PU has improved somewhat :D

Just means I die quicker though :o

I must admit about the ship balance, it's all over atm, I do admit to having a moan on the cig forums about the connie's now being cannon fodder :o

So you "went over 3.5GB" :D i have a GTX 970, it has 3.5GB of fast buffer like your 290X has 4GB of that, and .5GB of very slow buffer, so any textures loaded in the slow buffer strangle the performance. as soon as it goes over about 3.5GB my performance is ####.
Yeah, its a real problem really, hasnt nVidia come up with a solution so that you can opt out of that additional 0.5GB that essentially kills the performance? Sucks that theres nothing wrong with the cards performance, its the corner-cutting and its detrimental impact as soon as its accessed, where it'd be significantly better if it werent even there.
Yeah, its a real problem really, hasnt nVidia come up with a solution so that you can opt out of that additional 0.5GB that essentially kills the performance? Sucks that theres nothing wrong with the cards performance, its the corner-cutting and its detrimental impact as soon as its accessed, where it'd be significantly better if it werent even there.

They improved the stuttering that used to happen but you can't fix low bandwidth.

TBH i'm not really that fussed, i kinda suspected this might happen before i bought the card, by the time this game goes into BETA i will have a more powerful 8GB HBM2 card of some sort.

It does not look much different at High than it does at Very High anyway.... :)
Sorry humbug, I thought you had a 290 for some reason, I will go stand in the corner in shame . :o

So it looks like the 3.5 thing is starting to bite people, not good if so.
Are you running @ 1440p humbug? seem to remember talk of it causing the 970 issues at that res . may be completely wrong on that though
Sorry humbug, I thought you had a 290 for some reason, I will go stand in the corner in shame . :o

So it looks like the 3.5 thing is starting to bite people, not good if so.
Are you running @ 1440p humbug? seem to remember talk of it causing the 970 issues at that res . may be completely wrong on that though

I did, bought a Powercolor PCS+ 290 about 2 weeks after release, i stand by that card, it was fantastic.

But i had it for going on 2 years and wanted a change, i wasn't about the spend £400 plus on a 980, especially given the 980 is only 15% faster than the 970 and thats clock for clock, whats more they don't clock as high as 970's so in reality its more like 10%.

So i got the 970 to tie me over until we get the new cards, and i wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
I did, bought a Powercolor PCS+ 290 about 2 weeks after release, i stand by that card, it was fantastic.

But i had it for going on 2 years and wanted a change, i wasn't about the spend £400 plus on a 980, especially given the 980 is only 15% faster than the 970 and thats clock for clock, whats more they don't clock as high as 970's so in reality its more like 10%.

So i got the 970 to tie me over until we get the new cards, and i wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

Just chopped in my pair of 280x for a 970, very happy. Apart from anything else it uses less than a quarter of the power! SC is actually playable now, even if a bit choppy at 2560x1600.

I'm going to wait and see how the new cards are, and how SLI works out when DX12 establishes itself. Might just pick up another 970 cheap depending on price of the new cards.
No love for the Starfarer on here?? Shame! SHAME!!!! :p

Link, cos of the stupid decision not to install an image resizer on here.

Saber might be making a stealthy entrance into 2.2 as flyable, although nothing concrete to support it, just rumblings and dev comments which probably carry less weight than they're being perceived to carry etc :D
Yeah, i cant imagine many ships will be too hard to get hold of in-game, only the extremely rare ones, like alien (Vanduul) and current and/or pure military grade ships really.

They've released new images to the subscriber vault, also found here :D


You could easily see that and misidentify it as being a hangar, i swear the budget hangar used to be around that size if you only had an Aurora, crazy stuff.

btw, i was just referring to the lack of Starfarer pics from AtV being posted on here already :)
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The Vanduul Glaive now has cruise speed of 1080.
The Vanduul Glaive has received a significant increase to ship health.

^^ This makes me happy, sort of. Would rather have had it handle slightly better.
When will the 300 series get some loving?

This is an unofficial sneak peak of the new Interior, it looks very different and a lot nicer than it currently does.

I also hope they buff the armour on the 325A, it seems to be made of paper, its otherwise a fantastic fighter, S3 Pylon and Shield Hardpoints and three S2 gun Hardpoints.
The Wing Hardpoints are fixed at stock but i added some S2 Gimbals and fitted Bulldogs, added a Badger to the front, with its agility its a proper fighter if you include the Gimbal and high fire-rate upgrades, it gives anything but a Super Hornet nightmares.
People in Vanguards are starting to hang around the security station waiting to shoot at the unsuspecting, usually they are stock and with the fixed mounts they find it very difficult to hit my super agile little 325A and yet i have the firepower on gimbals to tare them up, much to their surprise.

They only problem is once the shields are breaches the hull falls apart almost by its self.

It needs a little bit of armour, i don't mind if it adds 200 or 300KG and reduces the agility slightly, its got that in spades.

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It's one of those first phase of ships (like the hornet IMHO) which looks out of place now due to the improvements they've made. Glad it's getting a do-over tbh.

It's meant to be fragile though I doubt it'll get much of a boost in armour terms but might for shield.

Just played VS with the Glaive since it got a buff - actually had two instances of not insta-dying for a change, one my engines was wiped out and on the second death everything was knocked offline (I was a floating, defenceless chunk of metal) was actually pretty good fun :) I'd still trade some armour for less drift though, this is one ship I feel like it takes me 10 minutes to get use again before I can really fly it, bit strange since it's got tons of manoeuvring thrusters.
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First time I have fired the game up in a couple of weeks, think there has been 2 updates<?> since, performance seems vastly improved now, fps is a lot smoother and i tend to be getting the performance i expected from a 980.

learning to fly with a joystick is a pita though :D it's like starting fresh again! Can any one please describe the major difference between coupled and decoupled and what scenarios they will be used if if there is indeed a need to switch between the two?
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