******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

$1000 or $1250 depending on the version.

That's a little bit two much for a single ship for me.

I mean, I'm $150 dollars off having enough in to get the cheapest one, but... No.

Im at around $1100 total, but only $701 credited by RSI (no idea where that $1 came from!).

Even if i'd put in $2k, so money wasnt the reason stopping me, i dont think i'd buy one. I think there'd be other places i'd rather use those funds, ships which i'd feel more confident in being able to fill with crew would be high on the list, but its also one of the first significant ships i want to earn in-game and starting with one would remove that goal.

The crew requirements, even if you fill in the gaps with NPCs, is going to be a lot to deal with. Its a 20+ crew ship, then you'll want wingmen to protect you, call it 30 people just to move it, you could probably get away with 10 players and the rest NPCs, and they all need to be wanting to do whatever it is thats happening, rather than going out killing pirates, mining, hauling, let alone being at work, sleeping, playing another game etc.

Most of our ships are like tents or houses, while the Idris is a hotel, and it requires the workforce of a hotel to operate it.

Our org has 8 players, and half of them couldnt tell you what version of SC we're at or name half the ships, and i dont expect us to grow much beyond that either, and im not sure we'll ever be able to operate one properly, but it wont stop us trying to buy a Javelin, let alone an Idris! I expect us to work with the guys on Bit-Tech (aka BitSec) though, play as our own little squadron most of the time, but joining them with stuff, and i'd expect those ships would just be backup's between insurance claims etc :D Its more about obtaining them than it being sensible!
I think it'd take an Org of at least 100+ to justify an Idris, just because you wouldnt move with just that ship, let alone go looking for some action with it and actually justify its presence in a mission.

Hopefully SQ42 will give us a good idea of how it'd feel to take one it into Vanduul space in order to encounter equal force, as you'd need to hunt down a fairly significant pirate orgs to get a similar encounter.
Didnt realise it'd gone to the next page earlier. :(

Seems like you guys have one too many Idrisisis...Idrii, either way, allow me to step in and unburden you with one :D I wont even charge for removal.
We have over 100 members, where are they all?

Like most orgs a lot are dormant or just not wanting to alpha test, find it a bit weird since they did buy in early, but hey ho! We've got about 20 members who are online at various stages during the week but at different times as we've got a few US/Canadian players, several Australians and NZlanders and some random folks in Hong Kong etc.

Oddly we're more active than several orgs of similar size that I chat to on the RSI site. I know one with over 200 members who only has himself and his real life mate posting on their forum and playing the game but then again most of his members are affiliates, so will probably be focused on their own orgs, that's one of the issues with the affiliate system.

In total we've probably got about 40-50 members just now who are either active on the RSI site, our site, in-game or on reddit that I know of, for a game that's a long way from completion I think that's pretty good, but it's not like we only play Star Citizen :)

I do think we should consider some other random games, the ARK server was pretty popular and most people only stopped playing due to some game killing bugs, need to consider some other org servers for other games IMHO :)
Going to update and slim down the OP to reflect the new packages etc - if anyone wants their org added just let me know, I'll list them alphabetically to be fair.

You don't have to be recruiting, it's always good to know who's an OCUKer after all.
Yeah i think affiliates are a bit of an issue, ive added myself to a couple which are more for when im in the PU and they align with my career path plans, Op Pitchfork cos Op Pitchfork! and i post over on the Bit-Tech thread and plan to join in with them along the way.

Im the only one in my/our org that follows things closely though, my mate in Norway will pick up bits but usually a couple of days after ive seen it or ignored it, 1 other might ask if theres been any updates from time to time, the others arent fussed until its out, and probably wouldnt have bought it if we werent into it. I suspect theres plenty who are satisfied with just waiting and checking every couple of months, i need to check every couple of hours, especially if theres something meaningful on the horizon (2.0, Starfarer hangar ready etc).

You could stick our org on the OP, we're not really looking for members as such, if there was a PU more representative of the final plan then i'd imagine we'd recruit in-game as we see fit, based on hiring people and them being friendly enough and reasonably active, until then its not worth it without a decent active community to grow. I think we've had about 5 posts in our forum this year, all by me posting bits of lesser SC news i think is worth passing on, i'd be surprised if more than the main 3 of us had more than 1 post in the 10 months we've had the site, and we've known each other for about 3yrs or more, most of the chit chat is in a shoutbox or on teamspeak. No point adding people who arent friends already, really.


Finally got around to filling in the profile info earlier in the week, woke up with a belting migraine and needed something to do to take my mind off it and that seemed to work. I hate doing things like that typically, but if i can get a bit of rhythm going and find inspiration from other orgs on what to put, it helps a lot.

Im hoping Org's 2.0 allows a little more customisation, but i cant complain cos its infinitely better than most game sites would ever consider.
Will do mate

Also you are more than welcome to join us when we're in game messing about, although hopefully they get grouping sorted soon as it's a pain trying to get into the same instance!

Got a few of these going on youtube from Wednesday night soon, this was the first one when only Impman and I were on TS, he grabbed his merlin for Vanduul swarm :) Meanwhile I stuck to my Glaive which failed to load the targetting UI etc so no missile warnings for me again..

I removed the teamspeak and my mic channel so it was suitable to be hosted here (we swear a fair bit!).

I'll need to have a play with DXTory as I noticed on longer recordings my audio gradually gets out of sync, about 5s over the course of 35 mins. Might need to jump back to the Lagarith codec.
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Would love to have you with us Paul.

Around The Verse 2.19 "Alpha 2.2 still in QA, it will be released to PTU Soon™"

Right, i got my trusty Aurora LN back! my Hanger doesn't look so empty now, looks more like i actually need a hanger :cool:
I'm going to put 4 M4A's on it! :D

Have you guys seen this? http://holoxplor.azurewebsites.net/
Upload your XML and edit your ships. you don't need to use the Holo Table.

They found out you joined :p

:eek: what..... i am i too good? :p

Oooooh nice find Humbug :) I like that site!

Just had a fly in VS with the Merlin, it's REALLY nice! But you do need to mount countermeasures in the hangar first apparently.. still to do that.
Will do mate

Also you are more than welcome to join us when we're in game messing about, although hopefully they get grouping sorted soon as it's a pain trying to get into the same instance!

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, i've been considering trying a few runs in VS on my own to get better at flight as well as combat. I was watching a BoredGamer video on the holotable, seems pretty good. Might be worth me taking a look at a fixed gun Gladius loadout if im going to get used to using the HOTAS, although i've got a Sabre for the time being which might be better (i'd assume i cant bring a Vanguard?) depending on when 2.2 live comes.

On that subject... no Starfarer :(

- 2.2 PTU may or may not come out today [confirmed not tonight] with a meeting in the afternoon to decide. No features are confirmed yet, but on the list are as follows: Flyable ship: Sabre, Hangar ready ship: Xi’an Scout, Crusader Reputation system, New EVA system, Powerplant and coolers introduced, Crusader layout changes, many behind the scenes fixes
- PTU invites will go in waves. Will Everett will make a post explaining the wave system.
- Drake Interplanetary has two ships beginning development soon. You read that right, TWO. Buccaneer and Dragonfly, check the forums to see ideas of what they will be like.
- RSI will be making the new corvette which currently has the name Polaris with a hull roughly 100-110 meters long.
- Shields and more will be added to the component system hopefully in 2.3.
- Star Citizen was featured on BBC’s “Click” as well as a Time Warner commercial, check those out.
- HOTAS is currently undergoing discussion regarding quality and where the happy medium is.
- No update on Prowler, Carrack, BMM, Reclaimer, Endeavour or Crucible.
- Reliant is close still, just hooking everything up for it’s hangar ready state
- Sabre and Xi’an scout will be for sale when both go live, not PTU.
- No update on the lobby system at this time.
- Starfarer is still being worked on, wont be in 2.2, stay tuned.

Somewhat surprised the Scout got in before the Reliant, we'd seen a lot of near complete in-engine footage and screenshots in the last few months, and very little of the Scout (which seemed to go quiet for a long time) and i was sure it would be the Sabre and Reliant.

Gutted about the Starfarer though, it'd be a while till i'd see it myself, but i'd settle for videos from those on PTU, but it looks like at least 1 more month, i just wish CR wouldnt make statements without adding 'hopefully' or 'with a bit of luck', this is where CIG get flack for missing deadlines, not when they quanity a statement with some uncertainty.
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Concierge members are being offered a tour of the various studios on the 4th March. I can't make it but here the post for anyone else who's interested:


Hey everyone!

We’d like to thank you for your dedicated support of Star Citizen by inviting you to a little pop-up party! As a concierge-level backer, you’re eligible to attend our first ever cross-studio happy hour with the Star Citizen team. We will be hosting an informal gathering on Friday, March 4th from 6 to 9 PM (local time) near all four studios, in Santa Monica, Manchester, Frankfurt and Austin! Staff from all studios will attend, and they’re excited to meet backers and talk about the ‘Verse.

Interested and able to attend? Please comment in the thread below letting us know which location you can make it to. This will give us a general idea of how many folks to expect, and additionally, whether we can extend the invite to include +1's. Please note that unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate studio visits for this event. If you're not able to attend this round, don't fret! We'd like to schedule more of these throughout the year, so there will be other opportunities.

We'll send another e-mail next week with more details including the addresses for each location. It should be a great opportunity to meet the team behind the game, and even ask them some of your burning questions. We can’t thank you enough for making it possible for us to build this universe… so we’ll do the next best thing and raise a glass in your honor!
Pretty neat:


Yeah, he got MVP on AtV a few weeks back for his mock-up images and the final item and mentioned he'd be selling them eventually. I think the problem with these is that they're not cheap (parts alone) and until we have the game closer to final and know what we need, i'd rather wait and see. Would love to make one though.

VR is another potential issue. :(
The BMM doesn't even have a finalised concept yet.
It's a lot bigger than they first said (around corvette sized at least) is all we know.
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