******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I haven't had a chance yet to test the Saber properly as i haven't been able to stay on the server for more than 10 mutes.

I was using it to get to the comms and try out the reputation system, (good or bad and all that) if you hack the comm and turn it off you get 1 point towards becoming a bady, i think 4 points you get marked... don't know. never get that far but i like the concept.

From what i have seem of the Saber: i like it, looks great, handles well, its a lot like the Gladius, 'i hope with better hardpoints'
At the moment its fitted with 2 Bulldogs and 2 Badgers, only the Bulldogs are on Gimballs.

Hopefully this patch has it more stable and i can try-out at the Saber in more detail.
I suspect the reason most YT videos of the Saber are in AC is because the PTU is very unstable.
and you've got silly bright blue reflections in your view, and you cant see these low-contrast objects and it seems terrible.
Oh... that. yes.

CiG are using Cryengines environment probes to add those reflections to reflective surfaces.

It an old system normally used for dynamic lighting in a chosen area, you can modify textures to reflect the probe, i use it myself sparingly as the resolution of the Image the probe generates is low.
You can see they used it a lot in the Aero View hanger, low res reflections all over the place.

You can add a blurring effect to those reflections which smooths them out, they haven't done this, for some reason, so IMO it looks horrible, but then again i know what i'm looking at, i don't know what other people think when they look in their Aero View hanger trophy cabinet and see those low res reflection... maybe they just see it as the effect of the glass.

they did this with the Sabers Canopy, when you fly over or around Olisar you get the low res reflection of Olisar in the canopy. Thats also what you are seeing in AC.

This system is actually being phased out in Cryengine, in favour of Ray-Tracing, so maybe CiG will go back to it eventually.

Anyway... i don't own a Saber but it sure looks nice in my Hanger :D

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Honestly underwhelmed by the Sabre and Xi'an scout, no idea why either!

Sabre is just too "seen that" and the specs on it seem off, suspect they'll tweak it like they did the Vanguard. Actually thinking about it I think it's the landing gear, doesn't suit the rest of the ship.
Honestly underwhelmed by the Sabre and Xi'an scout, no idea why either!

Sabre is just too "seen that" and the specs on it seem off, suspect they'll tweak it like they did the Vanguard. Actually thinking about it I think it's the landing gear, doesn't suit the rest of the ship.

If its not much more expensive than the Gladius with that bit more fire power i can see a place for it, perhaps in the middle between the Gladius and Hornet F7C.

£78? any more than that and its probably too much.
I'd wait before buying to see how the first wave of tweaks change it, the Vanguard changed quite a bit and of course we only have some of the mechanics in the game for ship weapons and damage.
I'd wait before buying to see how the first wave of tweaks change it, the Vanguard changed quite a bit and of course we only have some of the mechanics in the game for ship weapons and damage.


Are you coming online? i'm in TS3 :)

Edit nvm read your forum reply :)
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Ok. 2.2A bugs fixed.

Stability: Much better, tho still crashed out... needs more work.
Red Hue / Replace Me texture problems: Fixed! Console assets in main lobby still missing.
Black Voids behind doors: Not fixed yet.
Massive Input lagging / rubber banding: Still on and off, as before.
Hilarious Rag doling on getting out of Sabre: Not fixed yet
Sabre disparaging on Quantum Jump: Not fixed yet

New Bug found.
Locked inside Cabin at start: door will not open. Suicide does not fix the issue, only solution is to restart game.

On another note.....

I think the 325A is in the middle of its rework!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ship is slightly different in 2.2 than 2.1

Gimballed nose Mass II Driver Cannon replaced with a standard Mass Canon, i think this may be to pacify those who moan that the 325A has OP Fire Power, i just hope the havent downgraded the Gimballed S2 / Fixed S3 mount, i shall be very very unhappy if they have.

The interior is now illuminated.

Red paint with 325A writing on the Engine cover is missing.

Its not much but given that they did say they are now working on the 300 series overhaul it looks like they are doing stuff to it, it is different now, with a bit of luck it will also get a more modern interior and higher res exterior textures.

I just thought. i need to test out if the fixed the problem with its ladder not retracting yet.

Some images, the Mustang Omega is also missing some Panels and its canopy, i wonder if that also being worked on.

I also found a gun in my cabin. looks like it came straight out of 3DSMax, no textures on it.

2.2B bugs fixed.

Stability: better again, tho still crashed out... needs more work.
Black Voids behind doors: Not fixed yet.
Red Hue / Replace Me texture problems: Console assets in main lobby still missing.
Massive Input lagging / rubber banding: Much much better, seems to be ok now.
Hilarious Rag doling on getting out of Sabre: seems to be fixed now

As it was in 2.2A
Stability: Much better, tho still crashed out... needs more work.
Red Hue / Replace Me texture problems: Fixed! Console assets in main lobby still missing.
Black Voids behind doors: Not fixed yet.
Massive Input lagging / rubber banding: Still on and off, as before.
Hilarious Rag doling on getting out of Sabre: Not fixed yet
Sabre disparaging on Quantum Jump: Not fixed yet
Can't see them putting it on Live just yet, especially with their server and FPS issues. Has that gotten better as of late? I always seem to have a huge download to do that hogs me bloomin' bandwidth.
I think the FPS performance is better than 2.1 despite servers now holding 24 as opposed to 16.
Tho its not a lot better, it now holds (for me at least) above 30 FPS when as in 2.1 it could and sometime did go to around 20 FPS.

TBH i think around 35+ is what most people can expect from the released game, this because of a combination of two things, the huge amount server to client and back (Net Code) processing your local CPU will have to do.
And because of the vast amount physics you CPU will have to process on top of that.
So its not about the Graphics card so much, thats easy, really easy compared with the near impossible task of processing this much data before the GPU even gets a look in.

Frankly (looking at their ambitions) i'm amazed they could pull it off at all, this whole project is in every aspect colossal, the amount of optimisation work they need to do to get it to run with playable performance even on a system like mine reflects that.
Not that mine is an enthusiast level system but it is a whole lot more powerful than most Gaming Desktops, people who post here with these kinds of systems and above are in the minority of gaming Desktop owners, a privileged few with £1000+ high performance systems.
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2.2C update

I played for nearly 2 hours before quitting, it looks like the fixed the crashing issues.

Server side issues remain, input lag is a huge problem.

They buffed the Sabre and fixed its engine drain on shield recharge issue, its the handling that got a buff, it now turns really quickly, about as quickly as a 325A, maybe slightly quicker... its difficult to tell, they both turn at a speed that should snap your neck! all i know is flying it felt like i was in the 325A

Its really nice now, i did have my heart set on a Hornet as my pinnacle fighter but if the Sabre keeps its 4 S3 gun mounts its the one i now want, looks much batter, turns like a 325A and recovers it directional momentum like a Gladius, perfect!

Good news for Connie owners, it also got a buff, survivability, in terms of durability its basically a Battleship now, Bismarck at that..... one connie owner realised it was far tougher than in 2.1 and put it in the text chat, then lots of other Connie owners got theirs and asked others to attack them to see how long they would last, i was in one of them, it took a lot of pew pew'ing and missiles. a lot!
I'm not sure where it's meant to sit in the fighter hierarchy but baring in mind it was allegedly the model rejected by the UEE in favour of the Lightning? I doubt it's meant to be that much better than a stock Hornet, just different.

At the moment I think it's meant to be Glaive > SH > Scythe > Hornet so I guess the Sabre would fit in on one side of the Scythe or the other, at least by intention of how rounded it's meant to be.
I'm not sure where it's meant to sit in the fighter hierarchy but baring in mind it was allegedly the model rejected by the UEE in favour of the Lightning? I doubt it's meant to be that much better than a stock Hornet, just different.

At the moment I think it's meant to be Glaive > SH > Scythe > Hornet so I guess the Sabre would fit in on one side of the Scythe or the other, at least by intention of how rounded it's meant to be.

It doesn't have the firepower of the Hornet (fully kitted out) but it flies like a 325A / Gladius crossover.

To me its not all about Firepower, as fast responsive ship is just as important in a dogfight, in that the Sabre right now is untouchable.

I did look at the price but its not available, yet some people do own them, it must have been on sale at some point, do you know how much it was?
Nah it's just been the case for a while that newer ships are more expensive. Reliant, Avenger variants, P72 etc were all relatively cheap pledges.

Bottom line is you can just get them in-game, I know a couple in the org have Sabres, I still like the base hornet tbh and the 300 series.
Nah it's just been the case for a while that newer ships are more expensive. Reliant, Avenger variants, P72 etc were all relatively cheap pledges.

Bottom line is you can just get them in-game, I know a couple in the org have Sabres, I still like the base hornet tbh and the 300 series.

The F7C is pretty reasonable at £85 considering you can use REC to upgrade them into a Super Hornet.

As you know i'm besotted with my 300 series, the next ship i'm working toward is a Freelancer, i like its cargo capacity and its defensive capability.

I'm not interested in a connie, not until the game is released and i earn it, i like it but have no use for it.
Salvaging ecte is going to be the next big update.
I have the Sabre along with the Vanguard but im starting to think theyre too much like a plane we would see now and i'm tempted to melt the lot and get something else.

I'm a bit bored of their style which i didnt think i would as i really liked it to start with.
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