******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I was just explaining to my long-time org mate that i'd had a mate who'd called earlier asking to catch up, and ive been full of a evil cold for the last 10 days with 24/7 headaches for the last 8 of those (i suspect from F42 tbh, cos i rarely leave the house, sad but very true) and rather than go out he came round, and i spotted ATV was just uploaded and it was an excuse to put something SC related on and i skipped to the end for the sneak peek, and undercut it by about 1min and timed it pretty much perfectly.

It gave me the opportunity to talk about the ship and give him a tour around it etc, so not only was a very unexpected surprise, it couldnt have been timed any better :D

I cant remember if it was on here or on Bit-Tech, but someone got hold of Toast (iirc) on chat and asked to be considered for MVP, so i have them to thank for their assistance :D
lol no way he's going to believe in a few months that it was just an off chance you loaded up that vid with your name in it :D

Congrats though mate, nice to see one of our own getting it for a change!
Im pretty sure by my reaction that wont be in doubt :D
We'd usually grab a bite to eat on a Thursday night once a month and end up back here around 9 and so AtV is something i'd often load up and skip to the sneak peak, so hes used to seeing a snippet of something SC related, as he did tonight.

That said, i couldnt blame him, the cheaky sod asked whether my name was just randomly pulled out of a hat :D, as he hadnt got a clue about what they were saying my name for or why (theres only my Norwegian mate i'd shown it to in our org). After allowing my ego to deflate a little, I dug out BoredGamers tour, which he wasnt impressed about as it was more Starfarer, jumped forward a bit and got to the point where he mentioned my layouts too :D

Thats more my thing though, the "lets randomly have a look at this... oh fancy" if im going to be big-headed, not the speechless "...... WTF" he got :D

Feels odd though, cos we've recently had BoredGamer and STLYoungblood who both do decent informative content for SC and have been for at least a year that i've noticed them, and they only got an MVP for all that in the last 6wks or so, then i spend around 5wks on & off making floor plans, 24h work maybe (mostly faffing) and scoop an MVP too. But if its had some kind of impact then thats brilliant.
I guess it just happened to be a 'right thing at the right time' kinda circumstance which unknowingly happened to be useful to a small group of people at CIG for a brief period.

Its a nice feeling though, cos i'd done them for myself out of curiosity and anticipation, the other CIG & community comments meant a lot, however its Zylohs comment about QA using them that gets me the most, its not like its solved a significant issue or something, but i love that something i made to entertain myself ended up being useful to a few people at CIG even in an admittedly tiny way.
They have said they are in the early stages of creating a small mining ship and this will go on concept salesoon. Im quite keen to see what they produce
I was really hoping that the budget miner would still be by RSI, and have them capable of complementing an Orion, and having a commercially beneficial reason for doing so.

You'd be able to take the Orion out, with a couple of Prospectors in tow, they could do all the intricate stuff, getting into tighter spaces and straight to the good stuff, and then as their capacity fills up, it'd 'dock' with the Orion, and transfer its contents through to be processed and stored inside those rotating saddle bags.
The Orion could act as a refinery factory & large capacity storage for its babies, and possibly even use the Orions advanced sensors to source the good pockets of resources and basically orchestrate things, cut away at large waste material so the Prospectors could get in closer.

Thats not to say they couldnt work that way being RSI & MISC, but it feels right being part of a family of tools for a job.

I can certainly imagine it being more fun taking out a Prospector each, and doing some mining that way, rather than all jumping into an Orion and each having 1 job, someone scanning, another cutting, one keeping an eye on volatility levels etc. I plan on adding an Orion to my hangar at the next opportunity (before they bung that up by £120+ too!), but i do have concerns over whether enough friends will want to participate in such a task, whereas at least its a bit more involving if you're doing everything yourself.

You've probably all heard already, but it was announced it'd be sold next week, at $140.

I'll probably bank one on the off chance, as a $140 Prospector + say a $170 Sabre, seems more fun than $325 on the Orion. Its credit, so its just a matter of how it gets spread, rather than '$325 for a digital ship!?' blabla. My hangar is set to be very industrial (Starfarer, Reclaimer & Orion, plus Gladius onto an AMD package), which should be good for making money, but not particularly fun.
Not really sure if you're taking the mick about the gladius, or didnt get what i meant... its the Omega, to a Delta atm, with the intention of melting my existing LTI Gladius (for funds) and using the 'AMD Delta' into a Gladius, cos i think she's a beaut.

If we ever get the downgrade CCU option, then it may end up as a Merlin, free up those RSI credits. All i care about is the game package element really, it frees up $45 previously spent on a package, and likely gives me credit (omega to merlin must be around +$30?) which i cant complain about.
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