******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

NDA for 2.4 lifted, 2.4G to normal PTU.

Have fun getting confused with the new Key Bindings and yearning for the old HoloTable to be reinstated.... :eek: (New Item port thingy is temporary)

But, lots of new stuff and visually improved, its a great patch. :)

You may also see the odd bloke running round in just his skivvies...

PS: don't go outside without first suiting up, actually, no, do :D
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Cool, I take it the Reliant isn't flight ready yet? Keen to get that reviewed ASAP!

It wasn't in the NDA PTU, don't know if its in the normal one, i'm still downloading it.

We got 2.4G NDA in the middle of the night, after getting back in today Will Leverett put out the announcement that 2.4 had gone to normal PTU, that was 6:30am, i'm still downloading it.

Starfarer is flyable tho, its a big arse thing and handles like a brick. powerful guns on it tho.
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Yeah, we need to get another night organised ^^^ :)

Got permission from CiG and Dastro to post this now....

i've mentioned performance to CiG a few times.

The memory usage at the moment can only be described as insane, with in minutes of being in the V-Ram is moving around between 3.8 and 4GB 'on medium settings' rendering the game a borking stuttering mess.

if its not the massive amount of memory its 100% CPU core pegging causing massive bottlenecks with very low performance.

IMO they need to sort out all these performance related issues before they continue adding more and more too it, the game is simply unplayable even for people with reasonably high end systems.


oh and eh....

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I know alpha is about testing but I love random stuff like that happens :) spinning feet/hands is hilarious!

Specing a new PC (excluding GPU) so will hopefully get a bit more into it.
They have had a really hard time getting 2.4 put together but its getting there now.

Remaining PU 2.4 blockers are flickering shadows, code 7 and code 0 drop-outs, this strange pirate spwn thing which always results in code 0 after a couple of minutes.

Good to hear Psycho's voice again, he gets a lot of Cryengine work :D

They have managed to get performance improved over the last couple of patches, that was really bad, for me and a lot of people unplayable. its about where 2.3 is at now.

I get a sense that they really want to get this out to PU now, i think there is going to be a massive push next week to sort remaining problems.

@ Halfmad, yes that is a Hornet, i traded the 325A in for it a few weeks ago as Item ports just didn't work during Evocati testing and the default gunnery on the 325A are junk, i just couldn't use it,
but i will be going back to it once its all sorted :p

By comparison the Hornet just feels so slow and lazy, it doesn't turn, i keep crashing into stuff trying to get it to slow down and come to a stop, visibility isn't as good, the thrusters feel laggy its not as snappy or as sharp when starting and stopping manoeuvres so hunting out and tracking targets isn't anything like as quick and sharp.
These are things that should be in ship reviews :)

Anyway, you getting a 1080?
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@humbug, i dont think they can really afford to halt progress on content/feature for performance. Why delay adding intended features to improve things, when its very likely adding new stuff could undo that work? Plus, if we assume issues are a certainty, they were always going to come in the next update anyway, all that happened is 1 update felt great only because game-screwing stuff was t added, it achieved nothing than a misleading short term feel-good factor.

It does suck, and it doesnt surprise me that it makes it harder to help them find and isolate the issues they need to fix if its such a PITA to play in a poor state, but its the most effective way of working. They still need things in-game to influence how other dept's proceed, the sooner they see it in game 'working', the sooner they can rething, modify or carry on. Playability is somewhat secondary in all of this, sad but realistic.
Your right of course.

Development must go on but they are also trying to provide playable performance for PU.
Its perhaps the down side of the way they are funded, people have handed money over for a product that does not yet exist, but with a promise to have a small part of it for them to play.

The good thing is they have raised a lot of money and still have a smaller but steady trickle of money coming in, so they can afford to run multiple departments for multiple branches of development, including a department dedicated to improving and fixing current public versions of the game.

With that 2.4 is feature locked, it was locked before it went out to normal PTU.
It did initially have Ship persistence, it was taken out because it was causing too many problems to deal with at this stage, that may now be in 2.5 which is being worked on and has been in final tweaking for a few weeks.

Since Evocati started its just been all about getting 2.4 stable for PU, as a team we have found a lot of bugs and very quickly, they have also been fixed very quickly, most instances literally over night a new patch was ready.

The problem has been fixing a series of bugs caused new ones to appear, fixing those brought some of the previous ones back and another batch of new ones.
Its been a case of just persisting and working through it until eventually you whittle them down and out.

Trying to get the performance up has thrown up some of its own problems.
But, it is worth it because if it goes to PU and the average players can only get 10 to 15 or 20 FPS at best there's really no point in it being there and of course there will be upraw from those who have pledged money.
Including me actually :)

Currently on 2.4R and its looking promising :)
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