******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

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You can decide which ship you want and decide if you want the single player campaign or not when it's done. If I had to pick between the two starter ships on offer there I'd go for the Mustang Alpha, more fun. I've linked a couple of youtube vids I did on them at the bottom so you can see for yourself.

However if you want to you can do a free-fly until Monday 22nd and give the alpha a try:



If you do decide to jump in use a referal code of one of the guys and you get an additional 5000 UEC starting cash when the game goes live, mine is STAR-QGRR-WXNV but there's a few others in the thread!
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I can't get out, ask the guys, I spent about 2 hours last night trying to clear my wanted level in PTU and just couldn't get the terminal at Kareah hacked in time.. then respawn back at Grim :D

edit: also OP updated, let me know if any new orgs need added!
what can I do to make the flying feel better guys, literally spent over an hour trying to rebind the analogue sticks on controller to make it work better but just gave up, default feels nasty. And dont get me started on the default M+KB config, it feels horrible like that.

I'm not prepared to spend just shy of £300 for the Warthog, but what about that really cheap Thrustmaster HOTAS for £35, seems cheap but seen lots of reviews saying it's a great beginner entry level HOTAS.
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T16000M is arguably one of the better ones to pick but the Hotas-X is apparently fine too, will still need in-game config of some kind but fine tweaking is possible.

I use a CH Pro throttle and a roccat tyon mouse which is fairly odd but can configure them fine now, just needs a few changes to the settings for the analog stick on the throttle otherwise it's insanely sensitive. Alter curves to 3.0 add a deadzone and change saturation to max seems to have helped a ton, especially on landing !
T16000M is arguably one of the better ones to pick but the Hotas-X is apparently fine too, will still need in-game config of some kind but fine tweaking is possible.

I use a CH Pro throttle and a roccat tyon mouse which is fairly odd but can configure them fine now, just needs a few changes to the settings for the analog stick on the throttle otherwise it's insanely sensitive. Alter curves to 3.0 add a deadzone and change saturation to max seems to have helped a ton, especially on landing !

Just bought the T16000M halfmad. It's just really to get a bit more feel and enjoyment from the flying really, doesn't have to be hundreds of pounds for now. Quite looking forward to it coming now, last time I used a joystick was back in my Amiga days :)
The T16000m is one of the nicest sticks and is amazing when it comes to fine control, tiny movements are really easy with it and even the twist axis is comfortable to use. I have read of a few people saying it's very stiff - if any of the axis feel like that return it and get another as they should all feel fairly light to begin with, no sore arms that's for sure.

You can dual stick it, there's tons of people using two of them. I tried but couldn't get my brain around it so ended up pairing with the CH Pro throttle instead.
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If you do decide to jump in use a referal code of one of the guys and you get an additional 5000 UEC starting cash when the game goes live, mine is STAR-QGRR-WXNV but there's a few others in the thread!
Just used your referral. Give the game a go while I can!

Although I am having to make space on my SSD which has caused me to realise half the games I've moved to my App HHD I hadn't setup on steam.. So was wasting space on the SSD for downloaded updates never being applied :eek:
Alpha 3.0 Gameplay from Gamescom, this is just the gameplay, worth whatching if anyone has not seen it yet.

If your having performance issues it might be worth following this guide.

I don't know for certain if it will help or not, i am running those settings and trying to setup a game with Ap0c over and over again he was running sub 20 FPS while i was getting 30+, in the same instance across multiple instances we tried, his rig is more powerful than mine.

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