******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Talking about the Dog Tags, what is with the Citizen ID card situation? Have some people received these already? Along with the Deluxe Silver Collector's Box, Spaceship-shaped USB Drive, CD of Game Soundtrack, Glossy Fold-up Star Map, 5 Spaceship Blueprints, 3 Inch Model of Spaceship and Hardback Making-of Star Citizen that are bundled with my package and I guess a lot of you guys too (in various combinations)... I wonder if these will be done on the SQ42 release or the PU release?

The physical boxes etc I believe will be sent when the game is released. I was hoping this would be when SQ42 is released but it’s being released in parts maybe it’ll be when the PU beta ends and every module is available…

The citizen cards were available for a limited time early on. I think most of them have been sent but they were having production and delivery issues.
$48 Million Stretch goal reached - Retaliator Commercial

$49 Million Stretch goal added - Alien Languages:

We will work with real-world linguists to create distinctive and realistic alien languages for Star Citizen’s three biggest alien races, the Vanduul, the Xi’An and the Banu. No universal translators, no garbled animal noises: Star Citizen’s aliens will be speaking their own authentic languages!

Personally I think it's a pretty cool idea, however perhaps a little late in the day to add it? I guess it's something that could be added to the game retrospectively.
Apologies if been answered before but have a few questions!

Is this "ships insurance" stuff so if you fly out the hangar in your new shiny shiny ship and fly straight into a rock you get a new one straight away?
Is this CIGs method of getting what is effectively a monthly subscription?

In the PU when out of your ship in 1st/3rd person can you go to areas other players are in? Even take part in BF style fights? Or are you confined to an instance of a area so it doesn't become a massive free for all?

Does anyone know if the hangars will also be instanced? Thinking from the pov of griefing etc. For instance could someone sit outside my hangar in their massive warship and blow my ship to pieces before I knew what had happened. Can the hangar itself be targeted if I was a pirate or something in one of those asteroid hangars. Or will it be like in WoW with designated safe zones with non-pvp. Or pvp only happens if I fire on them as i fly out?

Just wandering what the limitations are really as the mind boggles at the potential of this game!
Apologies if been answered before but have a few questions!

Is this "ships insurance" stuff so if you fly out the hangar in your new shiny shiny ship and fly straight into a rock you get a new one straight away?
Is this CIGs method of getting what is effectively a monthly subscription?

Insurance is paid with in-game money, there is a subscription for Star Citizen but it's optional and as yet nobody knows what subscribers will get. It's likely to be a token amount of in-game money and cosmetic items only.

Insurance costs are meant to be very low and only used up when playing, so if you dont' log in for a couple of months it won't be used up.

In the PU when out of your ship in 1st/3rd person can you go to areas other players are in? Even take part in BF style fights? Or are you confined to an instance of a area so it doesn't become a massive free for all?

3rd person mode is likely to be limited, it's currently in Arena Commander but will almost certainly be nerfed/reduced in-game as CIG want you to "Be the pilot, not the ship".

PU is the entire universe, you can do what you want. It's still fairly aspirational but the idea if you could disable someones ship rather than destroy it, dock your ship and enter into FPS style game attacking the player on their own ship, or perhaps even dying and losing yours (insurance claim time..)

Instances are heavily used, likely to be 50-70 players at most but there's never been any mention of limiting who can enter/leave them, they're live instances but it's a big world, there's not guarantee you'll see another player - but remember players only make up 10% of the universe population, the rest are NPCs.

Does anyone know if the hangars will also be instanced? Thinking from the pov of griefing etc. For instance could someone sit outside my hangar in their massive warship and blow my ship to pieces before I knew what had happened. Can the hangar itself be targeted if I was a pirate or something in one of those asteroid hangars. Or will it be like in WoW with designated safe zones with non-pvp. Or pvp only happens if I fire on them as i fly out?

Hangars are instanced but last I heard only you can enter you own - this is something I suspect they'll change though so we can visit other players hangars, but I'm not convinced they'll ever allow plundering of other players hangars but you never know. I'm guessing you'd first have to find the hangar, which when it comes to asteroid ones may be very difficult :)

Personally I've got Elite Dangerous standard beta started at the end of this month to keep me busy whilst I wait on Star Citizen, both games look epic. :D
Insurance is paid with in-game money, there is a subscription for Star Citizen but it's optional and as yet nobody knows what subscribers will get. It's likely to be a token amount of in-game money and cosmetic items only.

Insurance costs are meant to be very low and only used up when playing, so if you dont' log in for a couple of months it won't be used up.

There are also several types of insurance (hull, upgrades and cargo) and several levels available for cargo depending on if you are going into dangerous regions.

For hull insurance there is an undetermined delay in getting a new ship depending on its rarity and size (the economy has to have time to create a new ship if none is available). If you haven't got another ship there are plenty of things to do while you wait (e.g. crewing another ship).

This delay will also increase if you claim within a certain time period to prevent misuse.
Makes sense, otherwise folks will be pulling insurance scams left right and center by allowing their ships to get taken over by frien... I mean pirates.
Will have to be fairly severe penalty to stop that from happening though.

Like the idea of the black market transponder to 'legalise' the stolen ship. Nice and pricey but not as pricey as buying a legit one. Limited numbers too. Would imagine flying about in a stolen ship would be asking for bounty hunters, npc law enforcement etc to come after you. Ship gets blown up, no insurance and it's gone.
They don't cost $1 million dollars, it's a stretch goal, as in "If this happens, we'll do this." It doesn't mean the entire amount is spent on the goal, don't think a single one has been massively expensive other than the motion capture studio and additional actors.
Also, with all the stretch goals they've been adding for a long time, you can tell they plan to do them anyway even if they don't hit the money target. This alongside the mentality shown by Zethor above with the mindset that the stretch goals cost a million to produce is why Chris Roberts was contemplating abandoning them recently. Personally, if people understand what they represent, I think they are a good way for the funders/fans to get those little feature announcements on a constant basis. Makes a bit of fun out of it.
Yeah still 200,000. No idea when they plan to increase it.

The 12.5 patch is coming out soon with some server optimisations to improve the networking so if that goes well it's likely to include an increase to the number of backers who can access the multiplayer modes.

It's very unlikely to increase until the patch has been released.
I need to read through this thread (didn't realise it was here actually...) but can someone confirm a couple of things? I have backed this game for 60USD over a year ago, and not really done anything else. I'm happy to wait for an awesome game to be made and then I just play it. But how much of it is going to be DLC or in-game currency purchases?

I'm worried that the amount of fan interaction (that I haven't done) means on the first day I play I'll only be getting to enjoy 15% of the game. I don't want to have to invest a whole load of time in it to catch up with the dedicated fans.

Is there much going on on the hangar download, i.e. is it worth 'playing'?

Clearly I'm out of the loop. I though i was just pre-purchasing a game. It seems to be a way of life over on the SC website.
Depends on your citizen number bud, but assuming you're in the first 200,000 then i.e. citizen 1 - 200,000 then you can get into the multiplayer.

So grab the hangar module, now called "Arena Commander" and you get:

Hangar with your ship(s)
Single player free flight mode
Single player v NPC Scythes
Multiplayer V other players (if Citizen number <200,000)

It's pretty rough and ready alpha just now, but it does look fantastic. The arena itself is fairly small and if I'm honest I've enjoyed free flight the most, just to hear/see the ship and eject to see what it's like to float around.

Enormous download though, at least 12Gb.

Worth it? probably if you fancy checking up on progress yourself but if not hop on some youtube vids instead.

On first day of release of Squadron 42 (single player module leading to Public universe) you'll have exactly the same as other players, at the end of SQ42 you enter the PU (mulitplayer universe) where everyone has the ships they pledged for. However although they may have the ships you can get them in-game with in-game money at any point and from day 1 you have the same content open to you.

Edit: No DLC (as far as I've seen), real cash for in-game money is capped per account per month. Not sure how they'll handle it but microtransactions will be used to fund the PU and future development no doubt. I can't see it giving you an edge if done right.
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Nice one Halfmad, appreciated.

I'm in the 43,000s so should get a wee chance to fly. Cool!

So some people have pledged (I guess bought?) some extra ships, and when it's released I'll have to play a bit to earn in game currency to be able to buy said ships?
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