******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

A sneak peek of the planetside work that is being done. I wish they would have stayed in the first person perspective as the placeholder character animations are awful.

The motion capture is still being done from what I recall, always thought he moved like he had a "issues" down below :D

I'm fine with the way it looks, lots of people are saying it's like bladerunner etc but what they keep forgetting is this is ONE world, they all look entirely different.
Some new footage of the Asteroid Hangar. It would be nice if there are cheaper upgrade paths for those that may own the business / deluxe hangars, although I am not going to hold my breath.

You'll be able to get it in-game anyway remember, I'll only have one as my primary pledge was the Cutlass.

I think it's worth waiting though they are giving the deluxe hangar an overhaul and I'd be surprised if the others didn't get major improvements too. The Asteroid hangar was really just the first using the new compartmentalisation feature they had developed, the others will be adapted and improved in time.
To be fair, I preferred the standard hangar over both the business and deluxe versions. It had the right atmosphere, albeit being overly dark. However this 'second pass' on various assets is worrying, they seem to be doing a lot of that lately.
The 2nd pass is going to be because of PBR and required adjustments to allow for changes they've made to some of their systems.
The cargo system being a perfect example of this. You realise theres a simple solution, because you've spent long enough dealing with it in multiple ships, and to save time in the future with it, you update the 'done' ones with the better solution and all those in the future too.

But I think it'd be daft to consider anything this early on as being finished, even ignoring stuff like balancing. Things are going to constantly evolve, and they'll come to make something and realise more space needs to be made available in ships for this, and so it'll require some tweaking.

I think its safe to say no ship is even 75% done/finished, regardless of it looking fantastic or not. 10% of that you may never even really notice, but they'll need to do it for one reason or another.

Given the choice, i'd take the Asteroid Hangar, it looks & feels like its part of a world, rather than being inside a box.
I think its AnythingFPS who's modded the Deluxe hangar and made it white, and significantly improved the lighting in there. It looks fantastic, like a showroom rather than a room filled with energy saving lightbulbs which are about 2hr from warming up to produce a reasonable amount of light :D
Its in the TNGS finalists showcase videos iirc, if anyones bothered about looking.
I think working in the industry for quite some time means I see things from a slightly different perspective and I see various elements of the design and content being adapted 'on the fly'.

I was sold a very clear initial image by CR and yes, it is early days; actually, scrub that, it isn't :) The DFM isn't at v1.0 seven months later than initially planned and the current flight model has drawn a lot of conflicting opinions and I doubt we will see v1 before August. Add to that the Idris re-designs, that has had a team of artists on it for an awfully long time now, plus the plans of the asteroid hangar were being discussed last year. From the outside looking in, their development process looks pretty chaotic and resembles a team flying by the seat of their pants who are considerably behind schedule and I think only those wearing blinkers wouldn't recognise this.

Processes like PBR have added some extra development time for the sake of visual bling, but it isn't that I'm referring to, it is questionable design decisions to begin with. My worry is that the idea I was sold by CR and his commercials won't be realised, or not realised for quite a long time. We may see parts of Sq42 in 2015 but I doubt we will get out hands on a complete PU until well into 2016.

However, hindsight is a wonderful thing though, my Constellation too is awaiting a slight artist reworking (along with PBR) but I know that I wouldn't have pledged what I did initially, feeling as I do now. Hopefully CIG's tweaks for v1.0 and multi crewed ships in v2.0 will restore the faith a little. :)
If you'd have got stuff earlier, you'd complain its rubbish.
If it comes in a very solid pre-alpha state, but late because of that, they're rushed.
If its not out by tomorrow, its forever delayed.
If it doesnt have everything under the sun, and is perfect, its a waste of time.

For someone 'in the business' as you boast, you've a surprising mixture of arrogance and ignorance to your complaining.
We've seen more than enough developers release stuff full of fundamental flaws, showing contempt for the people they actively seek to mislead into paying for their work, in whatever state its released in, and frankly i'll wait till 2020 if thats how long it takes to get it right. Complaining that the pre-pre-alpha ship models, which were released so the backers could see them in their glory, require finishing, and werent finished 3yrs before the game is released. My word, what incompetence.

But had they not released partly finished ships, you'd be moaning 3yrs and they havent even let us have our ships.

For someone claiming to have a meaningful understanding of the process, on behalf of gamers everywhere, may i take the opportunity to say that if this method isnt your method of developing software, particularly games, then we're sick and tired of your half finished, done when the posters state its done, pieces of junk.

The fact that what they 'sold you on' was done when there was just 3 people involved (iirc), and youre baffled they hadnt figured out every aspect of the game they knew would takes years to build, the arrogance that nobody else could possibly suggest a better solution to the many tasks involved which would require a reworking or 2... its mind boggling, truly.
Paul I think anyone who's managed a large project or department will see many of the early discussions in the videos and read between the lines that there was very little oversight on several key features of the game.

The fact ships were done and have since been redone as they weren't big enough for their own avatar to move in freely is just the first of those, probably the most glaring error between departments. The height of the avatar was known very early on so how come they made several mistakes with ship models? That's a management issue which they've well and truly sorted out now.

It's a learning process though, they have a lot of new staff and have recruited constantly over the past 24 months. If they didn't have it right before I do think it's on track now which is why we're seeing a lot more art work coming out than previously and it's increasingly top notch and what we then see in-engine.
Paul I think anyone who's managed a large project or department will see many of the early discussions in the videos and read between the lines that there was very little oversight on several key features of the game.

The fact ships were done and have since been redone as they weren't big enough for their own avatar to move in freely is just the first of those, probably the most glaring error between departments. The height of the avatar was known very early on so how come they made several mistakes with ship models? That's a management issue which they've well and truly sorted out now.

It's a learning process though, they have a lot of new staff and have recruited constantly over the past 24 months. If they didn't have it right before I do think it's on track now which is why we're seeing a lot more art work coming out than previously and it's increasingly top notch and what we then see in-engine.

Yep it's a learning process and as I said in a previous post the ships being developed now are better designed that the earlier ships so shouldn't need to go through a re-development phase.

Looking in, it seems to me the Frontier team look at how ships are going to be used from an engineering standpoint ensuring it big enough etc then build the ship around it (though it does help with less detail and more chunkier ships :)), whereas CIG make cool looking ships and then try to work out where everything is meant to go (e.g. a living area or cargo).

The massive increase in funding has also meant some redesign has had to happen as well as CIG can now include a lot more into the ships than previously anticipated.
If you'd have got stuff earlier, you'd complain its rubbish.
If it comes in a very solid pre-alpha state, but late because of that, they're rushed.
If its not out by tomorrow, its forever delayed.
If it doesnt have everything under the sun, and is perfect, its a waste of time.

For someone 'in the business' as you boast, you've a surprising mixture of arrogance and ignorance to your complaining.
We've seen more than enough developers release stuff full of fundamental flaws, showing contempt for the people they actively seek to mislead into paying for their work, in whatever state its released in, and frankly i'll wait till 2020 if thats how long it takes to get it right. Complaining that the pre-pre-alpha ship models, which were released so the backers could see them in their glory, require finishing, and werent finished 3yrs before the game is released. My word, what incompetence.

But had they not released partly finished ships, you'd be moaning 3yrs and they havent even let us have our ships.

For someone claiming to have a meaningful understanding of the process, on behalf of gamers everywhere, may i take the opportunity to say that if this method isnt your method of developing software, particularly games, then we're sick and tired of your half finished, done when the posters state its done, pieces of junk.

The fact that what they 'sold you on' was done when there was just 3 people involved (iirc), and youre baffled they hadnt figured out every aspect of the game they knew would takes years to build, the arrogance that nobody else could possibly suggest a better solution to the many tasks involved which would require a reworking or 2... its mind boggling, truly.

Such a very poor posting attitude, it seems clear to me that reasonable converse with you is not possible. You should try to accept (and work on not coming across as rude and obnoxious) that there will always be people with an opinion that differs to yours.

@Halfmad, the redesigns and example I gave with regards to the Idris are exactly what I refer to. However, it seems that anything negative (and imho just stating what has happened so far in the dev cycle) will simply be jumped upon by 'fans'.
Halfmad;26560796 The fact ships were done and have since been redone as they weren't big enough for their own avatar to move in freely is just the first of those said:
Well theres problems that can come even when you know sizes, I've been on projects where somebody made a 1-1 scale of a room and an avatar of their height, asumming it would work perfectly, but it was all weirdly off when you played it.
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