******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Thinking about getting this now that I have a set up capable of running it half decently. Few questions though, is anyone playing with an xbox controller or a m/k?
What package do people generally go with? I'm looking at the Aurora MR SC Starter pack and Squadron 42
Start off with the Mustang Alpha pack (Star Citizen + SQ42) if I remember right it's value is $5 higher than the Aurora pack in terms of changing to a different ship in the future if you decide to, just a quirk of the upgrade system.


It's also faster, more manouverable although the Aurora MR is more tanky.

The alternative is to hold off until a special event where packs are sold at a discount, these happen a few times a year and we're usually spamming about them in here and on discord etc.

Plenty of people use KB/M, so you've few worries there. I found 360 controller a bit of a task but I'm not a big gamepad user.
There are too many functions you need to perform for day to day Star Citizen game play for an Xbox game pad to deal with, not enough buttons to keybind so you'll end up using both that and your Keyboard.
humbug;30491377 said:
There are too many functions you need to perform for day to day Star Citizen game play for an Xbox game pad to deal with, not enough buttons to keybind so you'll end up using both that and your Keyboard.

^^^ or using the controller when flying fixed guns instead of gimbals. But using mouse and keyboard the rest of the time.

Halfmad;30491334 said:
Plenty of people use KB/M, so you've few worries there. I found 360 controller a bit of a task but I'm not a big gamepad user.

Especially more difficult for me to use a Xbox pad particularly with gimbals you will find a mouse massively more accurate and keyboard just has so much more functionality for a game like this.

humbug;30490426 said:
i'll be there, i'm on tonight too :)

I envy everyone who doesn't work Friday night :(:(:( I should be on star citizen not working.

pete910;30490891 said:
Why on earth would I want to play with you :p


Why you no love??? *Gets pistol out*

HaloUK;30491127 said:
That's not very nice Worzel! lol

He's cruel isn't he :(
Halfmad;30491334 said:
Start off with the Mustang Alpha pack (Star Citizen + SQ42) if I remember right it's value is $5 higher than the Aurora pack in terms of changing to a different ship in the future if you decide to, just a quirk of the upgrade system.


It's also faster, more manouverable although the Aurora MR is more tanky.

The alternative is to hold off until a special event where packs are sold at a discount, these happen a few times a year and we're usually spamming about them in here and on discord etc.

Plenty of people use KB/M, so you've few worries there. I found 360 controller a bit of a task but I'm not a big gamepad user.

So, if I bought the above, what access to I get from now and until release? I'm confused about Squadron 42, is it a few small little missions based upon the MP universe? Or is it a fully fleshed out HUGE SP experience like X rebirth? Where I carve my own way in a huge space RPG?

At the moment, if you play, is it simply just messing around in a sandbox? Or is there any content? Such as AI missions, planetary landing etc.
Its a bit sandbox yes, You have access to everything thats ready now and whats coming in the future, tho unsure about SQ42 EP2 and 3.... 4?

Arena Commander < instant action shoot'em up, racing...
Star Marine < First Person Shooter.
And Crusader < The main universe.

Any and all updates to all of that ^^^ will be yours when they arrive.

As will SQ42, its release date is still unknown.
I use a mouse and keyboard exclusively as I don't have Joysticks.

You see how much I tend to turn people into floating backpacks HumBug..

Its not entirely necessary to have a joystick ^_^.

I would like two though.
For those who haven't already seen it this will 'give you an idea' of what's coming in the next 'big' patch, i say 'big' patch because there will be 2 more patches before that which are little more that tweaking and polishing of what we have now, the first of which will go live soon..

Again this is just a preview, they say its moved a long way beyond this again now.

Homestead Demo

Citizen Con 2016

And just because i love this short clip

agnes;30491650 said:
Hmmm, I'll hold off, paying $72 for a couple of mini games and a sandbox doesn't appeal at all.

Yeah buying in at this early stage does not appeal to everyone but i would definitely recommend you come back in the future and look again. Those of us who have bought in at this stage or some of us backing as early as 2013 are happy to do so because we know it's a type of game we enjoy entirely. And so far through all the stages it's been up to/beyond expectations.
So using my 360 controller for flying while using my kb/m for other stuff would be fine? I don't really want to buy a flight stick and all
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