******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Shoulder mounted rail guns are definitely required. Who doesn't want one?!?! Might have to stick with the gimballed S3, shame would have like to have a single fixed pip and run similar class of weapons for ease of targetting.
Shoulder mounted rail guns are definitely required. Who doesn't want one?!?! Might have to stick with the gimballed S3, shame would have like to have a single fixed pip and run similar class of weapons for ease of targetting.

They certainly are required and i certainly want one. But it's the shoulder mounting part i kind of don't understand given the nature of how railguns work. This said it's also too large to shoulder in the traditional way. Still amazing haha.
Is the game moving away from server side performance with the 3.0 release? The only thing that stops me playing it more than I do is the **** poor frame rate
Is the game moving away from server side performance with the 3.0 release? The only thing that stops me playing it more than I do is the **** poor frame rate

Yes, it should be even better in 3.0 Though it's not to shabby at the moment(compared to when you probably last had a session in the pu. I would say the group of us here who regularly play average about 40 fps since amazons servers went in.
Yes, it should be even better in 3.0 Though it's not to shabby at the moment(compared to when you probably last had a session in the pu. I would say the group of us here who regularly play average about 40 fps since amazons servers went in.
Great stuff! Unless Wez gets on it soon I'll probably wait for 3.0 until I update it now. Looking forward to it!
Looks like some major improvements coming but with very little to actually do I haven't touched this in 10 months or so.
I got very bored very quickly because all I was doing was flying and landing for no reason, is it still the same? Is there more than the 3 or so 'missions' that I played now?
Great stuff! Unless Wez gets on it soon I'll probably wait for 3.0 until I update it now. Looking forward to it!

Is he awake ? i texted him earlier and got nothing back haha. Try and get him on it now because it's free fly so he doesn't have to buy to try.

Looks like some major improvements coming but with very little to actually do I haven't touched this in 10 months or so.
I got very bored very quickly because all I was doing was flying and landing for no reason, is it still the same? Is there more than the 3 or so 'missions' that I played now?

The fun is currently very user driven as someone said above somewhere. There is a few bits to do however. IE about 10 ICC missions (though these are different versions of a few similar tasks IE defend a ship/Find a flight recorder ect) Repairing sat comm arrays, hunting public enemies(pirates). There are also the modules such as Arena commander where you can do vanduul swarm, pirate swarm, race, test fly ect. Or Star marine the dedicated FPS part. The thing with 3.0 is there should be a good chunk more missions from the mission givers. And the game will generate it's own missions on certain dependencies. So if a shop is short of X it may generate missions because of this. This of course like everything else within alpha is a very early implementation.
@humbug i think @pete910 put it best.

Awesome :D

Played with the Avenger, nice little ship! Seemed quite nimble.

Gimble on the front gun is good, any way to gimble the wing mounts or will they remain fixed?

Gimball the wing mounts (S2) The Gatling on the nose is Gimballed, its best not to run mixed weapon mounts, you're most effective when laying all your weapons on the target at once.

Edit @harry5522 the Avenger Wing mounts are S2 :)
Awesome :D

Edit @harry5522 the Avenger Wing mounts are S2 :)

Thanks I'm really falling in love with the tali such a powerhouse. Can't wait to have some bigger things to turn into debris.

Also awesome I had no idea the avenger wings are S2, I only picked one up to pinch the s1 suckerpunchers of the wings that's why I thought they was s1 :p
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First post in this thread, have been following for a while which is also one of the reasons Ive dived into SC, I didn't get Sq42 tho at same time, was that a mistake?? please enlighten me if it was as Im still getting to grips with this game/sim/timewaster!
I have a few ships and intend to get at least two more whilst in alpha, probs the Aqulia and or the Carrack but haven't made up my mind as yet as their roles appear to me similar although on different scales/crew numbers...

That was me last night that dropped the OCUK in chat! btw, sorry but Im not up to joining you chaps as yet as Im far to green and still learning controls! (+ lag was unbearible)

Im flipping back and forward between xbox controller/keyboard & mouse/joystick to find best solution for myself...tend to fallback on keyboard mouse tbh at present.
Another one here who has "been following for a while which is also one of the reasons Ive dived into SC".
Backed a while ago, but not really played. With 3.0 on the horizon, decided to go all-in. Dual T16000m on the way(when in stock), and got the go ahead from HQ for a new PC & monitor too. Happy days.
On the advice here, upgraded the starter Aurora into a Titan Avenger. Long term dream ship is a Terrapin.
Looking forward to seeing you all in the Verse (wavy hand gesture).
Thanks I'm really falling in love with the tali such a powerhouse. Can't wait to have some bigger things to turn into debris.

Also awesome I had no idea the avenger wings are S2, I only picked one up to pinch the s1 suckerpunchers of the wings that's why I thought they was s1 :p
Where can we get the gimbals? Are they the S2 gimbals on the store?
anyone got thoughts on a load out for either a 315p or an aurora mr, I've got just over 6,000 in rec and 39,000 uec

All ballistic.

Tarantulas on the wings and a mantis on the nose.

The 315 doesn't have the power to run a sustained energy load out, plus, the S2 energy weapons are not as effective as their ballistic counterparts.

In general small ships with small hardpoints - ballistic load out, unless you want to run neutron guns, but they have massive power draw and you only get a couple of shots off before they shut down.

With larger ships, it's still generally ballistic load out for PvP, as sustainability isn't an issue, but the larger more capable fighters, hornets, sabres, vanguards etc, can power the larger energy weapons for longer, mitigating their lower damage output.
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