Remember all those people getting lost in Starfarers? It's something like 5 times the volume internally..
Very true, it's also far too bloody shiny! Oh actually think mine was the Gemini which might reduce that shine a bit lol
Random stupid question but are better ships purchasable with in game currency after you buy in for £45 and, or is it all irl cash?
Apparent date is 29th June for 3.0, is that the release with landing on planets, driving on them etc? Just found this. That's me sorted then.
Random stupid question but are better ships purchasable with in game currency after you buy in for £45 and, or is it all irl cash?
Apparent date is 29th June for 3.0, is that the release with landing on planets, driving on them etc? Just found this. That's me sorted then.
The 3.0.0 Procedural Planet update marks a major advance in the Star Citizen Persistent Universe. This week, we held our second internal pre-Evocati milestone of Star Citizen Alpha 3.0. As you can see, the main features are done, which have allowed us to use our daily Directors Review to get a comprehensive understanding of how these features are working together. Production have collated the various feedback and reactions to these reviews, we’ve decided that there are optimization and user experience improvements we’d like to complete before releasing to the Evocati.
The schedule has been pushed back another two weeks.
They really need to sort their **** out when it comes to dates.
I think what they need to do is get a real idea of when x will be launched then add several months. If it's completed before that. Doesn't matter just wait until launch date to release. Would add a lot more consistency throughout.