Chris Roberts himself said after the $19 million funding landmark it would be released in late 2014 - all the fans of this game are excuse making so much they instead moan at the people who point this out??
HE MADE the promises. Not me.
You do realise that when a game was first announced for release in 2014,then 2016 and then 2017 its delayed??
He and his company made those indications - NOT ME.
Maybe he should have been honest and said it would be 2017 or 2018 for a release then?
Its like a cult of personality around this bloke - so what he made a good game decades ago.
He has lied through his teeth in reality - now think if this was not a game,but something else,would people be as forgiving??
Blackberry made good phones ages ago,it has no bearing on whether they are any good TODAY.
You do realise BETA comes after ALPHA,so please tell me exactly in 2017 when this is being released,ESPECIALLY with the informatic early in the thread with the ALPHA not even having half of what they promised??
This is the problem with early access and kickstarter games - the fans don't actually criticise the companies for doing crap like this and its why things like Spacebase DF9 never really got finished and so many other kickstarters have fizzled away.
The fans were excuse making in 2014,then 2015,then 2016 and now its 2017.
All this time they have tried to shut down any criticism of this game,and yet now years later,seriously,are they still at it??
No amount of massaging the facts,changes things - the game has over $150 million funding and everybody I know in real life(not the internet) is laughing at it,ie,its basically vaporware with some bits released to “show” its not “dead yet”. Even if it was released this year it would be years late,and what kind of release?? A game with only a fraction of what was promised I suspect.
Then all the fans will proclaim “its out”,but if anybody points out it does not even have a fraction of what it should have,its all a bit secret,and they will instead have a go at the people pointing it out.
This won't be the first game or last game like this.
None of the fans seem to ask the question why they used Kickstarter and not use more traditional funding methods??
That is because traditional funding methods actually need some degree of release plan,not maybe at some point in the future.
PCMR need to have some standards,because this is certainly not PCMR standards - more like people managing their expectations lower and lower. For what reason,I have zero clue.
I think the objectivity has gone out the window with this years ago.
Anybody with any logic will see a product which was PROMISED in 2014 by the creator,not even out of ALPHA in more or less August 2017,with a fraction of the features actually working.
Yet,at the same time the have accrued massively more funding and are still selling the product in an experimental form nearly THREE years after they promised it would be out.
Now in the real world if a company tried that stunt their investors might think differently.
Yet in kickstarter/early access world they can get away with it since they are selling an unfinished product with a “promise” of it being out at some point,which apparently seems to be not enforceable in any way.
In the end its no point trying to talk about it anymore - if people want to throw their money away on all these projects or live in hope for years,then good for them. Then instead of admitting they might have been conned,or at the very least strung along for years,they shoot the messenger.
I am still waiting for the early access crowd funded car where you get a seat and an engine two years later,with the promise of a full chassis sometime in the near future!