******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Yea so release 3,0 as a retail game. call it version 1.0 release of the game and let the masses enjoy it

Everyone invested in the game can enjoy it.....the unaware masses don't need to know at this stage unless they want to get in on it...they can.....not sure the point in what your saying or what that brings to the table?
who cares what the community think.

get the game out a stable release state with enough content to last players 6-12months and then release more planets and features each time. Job done.

Did WOW have all the content and game worlds out on release day? Nope. Infact they are still adding stuff to it.

Em they care what the community think. CR has already stated that.

Also WOW was released in a finished state as they saw the game at the time. They are of course expanding it. Star Citizen will also expand over time and that is fine but we still expect the content that we backed and the content to make the game that was suggested to use.

Releasing it with it being stable and all the careers and content as such for that is what we expect. We don't want piece meal. At least not in terms of what we know. Yes they can add more later that we don't know. Add more careers, more systems that we know but that is not the same as what you are suggesting.
Is that definitely the case though? Is there any proof of the number of people actively working on this game and what they are earning?

There seems to be a remarkable lack of game considering it has been in development for over 5 years now.

I'm sceptical to say the least.

I have been on a studio tour in two countries (uk & Frankfurt) and they certainly had over 100 people in the UK at time and over 50 in Frankfurt. No I didn't go and count them all. They were at their desks and you can see them all working away. They haven't hidden that and have shown many people around their offices etc.

And clearly you are just ignoring everything for the last 12 months to be another doomsayer. Have fun with that because your points don't wash. There is no way they would get loans or UK tax credits either if they weren't doing what they stated. These things are highly audited.
I do love this type of game and they have been unfortunately missing from pc gaming in recent years :(

I'd love this game to be fantastic but everything at the moment makes me feel uneasy about it.

I have not put a penny of my money down as of yet for a variety of reasons.

However, I continue to keep my eye on it in the hope it is actually released and is a good game without a pay to win model.
Yea release it as 3.0 as it's achieved what masses wanted from this game. What's missing in 3.0 that was promised at the start then?

There is loads missing, we don't have mining yet (3.1) we don't have the ability for more than 24 players in an instance, this will be instance free when released. We don't have multiple systems or jump points for them. We don't have the alien races, we don't have ships.

They are all things that are being worked on and have been waiting for a while but the tech has only really been finished for the base on a lot of this for a few months and more tech is still being brought in to make these truly viable at the level of fidelity that CR is happy with now.

So yeah this why I always try to explain how we have had 3 game scopes completely change.

You could say that the game people back in 2012 is gone. It has and that is fair enough. The premise is there but it isn't anything like the same game. It progressed a lot further into something new in 2014 however that also change and 2015 happened and suddenly a new game was being pitched with fully explorable planets and ground vehicles and procedural generated content.

That is what people have to take almost as premise of the game they are developing.

The engine has been worked on since 2013 to get it to where it is now. They have re-written so much code it is a new engine with very basic back end to the old Cryengine build.

Then there are little things they are doing that weren't needed but are interesting concepts such as the walk, jog, run, sprint mechanic even that are nice to see.
I do love this type of game and they have been unfortunately missing from pc gaming in recent years :(

I'd love this game to be fantastic but everything at the moment makes me feel uneasy about it.

I have not put a penny of my money down as of yet for a variety of reasons.

However, I continue to keep my eye on it in the hope it is actually released and is a good game without a pay to win model.

What exactly is everything? I guess I just find it odd that people can't see the differences and what they have been doing for the last 3 years certainly and why the was expecting instance "here is the game" considering they started with 6 people. It takes time to set up companies alone. You could take a year out just for that part of things before they even touched the engine. Then we are talking about them working on the engine for 3+ years to get it ready to produce the game that CR wants to give the community.

So that is 4 years with them showing and allowing us to sue tech demos which is what we have right now.

3.0 is really the first true Alpha build to the actual game but yes it is only Alpha. 4.0 will still be Alpha as from all accounts 4.0 is going to be the first release where all the tech and engine is complete and in a semi-playable state.

5.0 (if they use that) is what I would suspect us to have beta. I don't think we will see this till October 2019. I believe Beta will still be another 12 months long before gold-release for October/November 2020 based on the current known information. If things don't progress as far for the next 6-9 months as expected for them then they will push it back to 2021. That though I really do think will be it. So we are still 3-4 years from release for the PU.

In terms of SQ42 (why I backed anyways) I feel wont be any sooner than getting Chapter 1 in October 2018 due to it not needing all the PU assets or systems built and they will be working to release Chapter 2 in October in 2019 and then Chapter 3 in October 2020 which may mean moving the PU release of SC till after since people will be completing SQ42 and that will provide them with stuff for the PU when they join it. Although I also suspect they could release SC PU and Chapter 3 SQ42 at same time because even if people who complete Chapter 3 are in 3-4 weeks later than people who wont play SQ42 than I don't see that as too much of a problem.
There is loads missing, we don't have mining yet (3.1) we don't have the ability for more than 24 players in an instance, this will be instance free when released. We don't have multiple systems or jump points for them. We don't have the alien races, we don't have ships.

They are all things that are being worked on and have been waiting for a while but the tech has only really been finished for the base on a lot of this for a few months and more tech is still being brought in to make these truly viable at the level of fidelity that CR is happy with now.

So yeah this why I always try to explain how we have had 3 game scopes completely change.

You could say that the game people back in 2012 is gone. It has and that is fair enough. The premise is there but it isn't anything like the same game. It progressed a lot further into something new in 2014 however that also change and 2015 happened and suddenly a new game was being pitched with fully explorable planets and ground vehicles and procedural generated content.

That is what people have to take almost as premise of the game they are developing.

The engine has been worked on since 2013 to get it to where it is now. They have re-written so much code it is a new engine with very basic back end to the old Cryengine build.

Then there are little things they are doing that weren't needed but are interesting concepts such as the walk, jog, run, sprint mechanic even that are nice to see.

Cool thanks for the post.
Cool thanks for the post.

No problem. Honestly I probably at times come across as 'fanboy' to people but that is fine to me. I am purely looking at all the info, watching all the development and honestly am happy with how things have progressed significantly to provide a game that to me at this time has more ability to shape gaming generally than since the move from 2D to 3D graphics.

There is a lot of background tech that most don't find interesting, don't want to be interested in or purely don't understand and so don't see how it has progressed so I try not to get grumpy at them but the negativity in not being able to see the details that are being done or even what could be done with the tech being produced in engine is hard to ignore and I struggle to not reply and try to explain those things.

With that I just get told I am a sheep and one particular member on Spectrum sent me threats because I had a different view. It was rather silly but then human nature when they cannot accept having a discussion.
I know this has been asked many times before but:
What do I get if I purchase it now? The website seems to indicate that there's multiplayer and singleplayer squadron 42 stuff.
Does that mean the multiplayer bit is me in my spaceship, bimbling around trying not to annoy anyone? Docking and trading is in the game?
If I die or break my ship do I lose it?
Best troll yet on Spectrum.

Claims Amazon don't make their own changes to CryEngine. Claims Amazon are not interested in gaming and that they don't have a games studio and that what Amazon have posted is all lies to fool us into buying their game licence (clearly not read that it is free for Lumberyard).

All doom and gloom because if they are lying and CIG are now using their engine which is actually an old version of Cryengine then clearly they are going backwards and taking us all for a ride and CIG and Amazon are in it together. Oh Arrow776 how fun you are on Spectrum.
I know this has been asked many times before but:
What do I get if I purchase it now? The website seems to indicate that there's multiplayer and singleplayer squadron 42 stuff.
Does that mean the multiplayer bit is me in my spaceship, bimbling around trying not to annoy anyone? Docking and trading is in the game?
If I die or break my ship do I lose it?

1. What you get is the opportunity to download a huge client 30GB+ and trouble shoot modules which will hopefully be part of the main game if/when it's released.
2. It's not a game. Let's make that clear now, it's FUN in groups but not something I'd recommend. It's split into several areas just now.
Crusader - Small solar system which you can explore but there's not an enormous amount to do bare a couple of missions and stuff you decide to do on your own, like dodging asteroids and visiting a handful of locations. It is multiplayer though so if you have a couple of friends you can crew a ship (pilot, gunner etc)
Arena commander - single or multiplayer modes like fighting AI, PVP, racing, free flight in different arenas
Arccorp - explore the test planetside town module.
Star Marine - FPS module for testing the pew pew mode mechanics.
3. Insurance currently doesn't matter, if your ship blows up you need to wait a little while to get it back, or alternatively steal someone elses or crew their ship etc. Or stow away on it and kill them mid flight.. :)

Version 3.0 is coming in 4-6 weeks, or there abouts. Honestly suggest holding off until that's here as it changes quite a bit.

If you want to keep up to date BoredGamer is a good source, he trims the fat so you don't have to wade through tons of videos etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evyl3h5hxC4
I know this has been asked many times before but:
What do I get if I purchase it now? The website seems to indicate that there's multiplayer and singleplayer squadron 42 stuff.
Does that mean the multiplayer bit is me in my spaceship, bimbling around trying not to annoy anyone? Docking and trading is in the game?
If I die or break my ship do I lose it?
edit: Halfmad beat me to do it lol

Right now in terms of gameplay you get:
Go into your hangar, spawn your ship from the tiny clicky blue light on the floor somewhere, have a look around.
Ship racing, choose either solo, or solo vs AI, or multiplayer - I think 24 players?
FPS multiplayer combat in small multi-level maps, choose either team vs team or free for all. 24 players.
Space dogfighting combat, solo or team vs AI.
The "Persistent Universe" is basically a server for up to 24 players where you spawn on a space station then go off do your own thing, browse the small choice of shops, explore space, do missions, fight AI and other players, mess around etc.
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