******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Yeah the one im currently at :D perks of being the only person with keys to a warehouse.

PS nobody employ me on SC or you will find me asleep under a desk on the bridge.
When SC actually comes out I think we would retired anyway mate!

It's taking the **** a little now, good job I'm bang into the Oculus Rift at the moment, I have almost forgotten SC even exists
When SC actually comes out I think we would retired anyway mate!

It's taking the **** a little now, good job I'm bang into the Oculus Rift at the moment, I have almost forgotten SC even exists

It is what it is. Stuff like GTA takes a huge amount of time to produce but people don't notice because they don't have the same open production as this does. And when you get to games that are made within a yearly cycle it's just obvious how poor the quality is compared to what i could be. Yes COD/BF/Assassins creed i am looking at you prime suspects.
It is what it is. Stuff like GTA takes a huge amount of time to produce but people don't notice because they don't have the same open production as this does. And when you get to games that are made within a yearly cycle it's just obvious how poor the quality is compared to what i could be. Yes COD/BF/Assassins creed i am looking at you prime suspects.
Couldnt agree more, it's testament to the game that we all bloody want now
I dont' think it's meant to be an insult, Hambag's PC was still processing his comment when he hit post, lack of CPU cores can cause this sort of corruption..
I have picked up an aurora just to dabble in 3.0. I will just kill @pete910 again. and steal one of his if i want something fancier. Why on earth are you up at this time anyway? o.o
I'll swat the aurora more like, You don't have the retaliator to spam missiles now
80% it will become more than one before it becomes none.

Funny you should say that, it did become 0 during the week, they were preparing to release to Evocati when someone spotted problems with the server, Chris made the decision that those bugs needed to be fixed and 5 new bugs were added to the schedule.


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