******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

No idea yet really, theres an idea of how crime and punishment will be. Closer to empire space will be "safer" with police patrols and other things. Attacking people in empire space will affect your rep which will make it difficult for you to travel through it or use anything within it.

Game is not really at that stage in dev at the moment.
How safe will space be in this?

Assuming they stick with the plan UEE systems will be like a badly policed Eve high sec, the rest will be fairly lawless, however there will be huge implications for dying so actually engaging in combat isn't an easy decision to make. those implications include bother u on your head for the aggressor, two world "time out" for ship replacement, reputational damage potentially (reputation will be very important), loss of wealth if damaged, let alone destroyed, repair/healing time if not destroyed to find a facility to help you etc one of the big ones is that your character that had the wealth, that you customised and named can only be seriously injured so many times before death is permanent (can pass on wealth in a will).

the plan is that you won't know if you are engaging a player or npc unless you talk to them and player/player encounters will be fairly rare.

it's not too stop PvP as such, more to make it actually REALLY matter.
This reads exactly like a Derek Smart post, reading to much of DR DR DER SMUR PHD Zethor?

Derek Smart has become to SC zealots what Soros is in the alt-right bubble. Any criticism is easily brushed off by ignoring the argument and linking it to the rambling of some loon. But that doesn't change the fact that 3.0 is at least one year late and the development progress has slowed to a crawl due to either management or technical issues.

Maybe the issues will be sorted, maybe this game will eventuallly be amazing but the clock's ticking, every month that passes without major additions to the game decreases the hype(even on these forums), the potential client base and future income. CIG can't hide behind 'it will be ready when it's ready' forever.
Star Citizen is certainly proving that. I bought into it with the expectation that I would get a tech demo, with bugs etc but presumed that there would be actually something to do certainly by now at least.

Even after all these years there is still nothing to do and it's defensible. I install it everytime I see its been updated only to find engine updates, bug fixes, visual changes and 9000 new youtube videos being watching by a load of pubeless screaming fanboys that show the next ship that you charge to your credit card

How the hell people can spend hundreds of hours and pounds on this is beyond me, it's just like walking around the same room constantly for no reason in different pair of shoes and claiming it's enjoyable.

Pmsl well summed up. We have a cult of mindless zombies willing to follow this and keep giving Roberts the cake he needs

Glad I’ve not got drawn into all this, very easy with promises of gold though for a lot
Derek Smart has become to SC zealots what Soros is in the alt-right bubble. Any criticism is easily brushed off by ignoring the argument and linking it to the rambling of some loon. But that doesn't change the fact that 3.0 is at least one year late and the development progress has slowed to a crawl due to either management or technical issues.

Maybe the issues will be sorted, maybe this game will eventuallly be amazing but the clock's ticking, every month that passes without major additions to the game decreases the hype(even on these forums), the potential client base and future income. CIG can't hide behind 'it will be ready when it's ready' forever.

the fact you think the clock is ticking shows a huge lack of understanding of the majority of the SC community. There is no rush for a finished game now, those in that"rush it out" mentality have refunded and gone.

there is also seemingly no end to funding as long as weekly shows show progress.

I'm not saying that's a good thing though..

Not surprised in the increase in pointless trolling in the thread though, just wish it was better informed.
Its amazing how any PC gamer would follow Derek.
Remember back in the day of say 1999 to the mid naughties before the consoles went mainstream online (before PS3, X360) lots of PC games were massively better than any top AAA console game. Can't say the same these days!

Keep it up SC nay-sayers and gaming quality and innovation will never change for the better.

MMO games take a LOT longer to make than the usual AAA games. SC went from a tiny niche idea to a full blown AAA MMO - and that is because people are SO tired of playing the same stuff over and over. I mean, just look at Steam, people are crying out for a multi game sale. I mean seriously, is this what gaming has come to these days? - people seeking a cheap thrill? Then why are they even playing games on a PC?!! really???
PC gaming is doing better than ever and doesn't need saving from anybody. I don't like the so called AAA games much but they do need all platforms to be profitable.
How exactly?

This is not the thread to discuss this but quickly: Hardware is doing amazing with record sales even for companies that make peripherals, game choices are endless with a combination of the best versions of AAA games, simulation games, top-notch indie games and the most popular games in the world as exclusives (league of legends, pubg, dota etc), esports and its media are pc gaming dominated (youtube, twitchtv is mostly about pc gaming), Virtual Reality is on a league of its own on PC. The list goes on to be honest.
And yet, gameplay wise there's nothing even slightly different, just another story campaign and/or different map(s) with prettier graphics.
Unlike what CIG are trying to create: no loading screens, everyone on the same server, multiple game types - RPG, FPS, dogfighting, massive raid/fleet multiplayer PvP/PvE, racing, campaign, open-world adventure/exploration/action, MMO. Absolutely zero publisher would even contemplate funding for that, and no typical indie developer would bother. At least CR is trying, and yet some people criticise him for it.
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And yet, gameplay wise there's nothing even slightly different. ....

At least CR is trying, and yet some people criticise him for it.

The lack of gameplay is my main concern, this game is mainly eye candy for the time being.

As for trying, Yoda would reply 'Do or do not. There is no try.'
Dreams are nice but lets get the player account above 10 people with acceptable performance before we talk about massive fleets and battles. There are games that do most of the above and do them really well too. SC promised to do all of the above in one game so it can maximise its backer attraction. They won't manage to pull most of them at a level already established by other games imo. For example: SC won't come near Eve when it comes to fleet battles, its flight model and procedural generation pales compared to ED and its fps module is nothing but a bad joke. Campaign is also nowhere to be seen and all we have so far is extremely cheesy. It even starts to look a little outdated in terms of graphics, its only strong point. I assume by the time it comes out it will be outdated even graphics wise.

Ever wondered why no publisher wanted to work with Chris Roberts?
The lack of gameplay is my main concern, this game is mainly eye candy for the time being.

As for trying, Yoda would reply 'Do or do not. There is no try.'
The gameplay is alpha, even pre-alpha at this stage. The game isn't a demo or even a beta.
To be fair though to the critics - CIG are selling the game as if its a regular game, so no wonder some people think how they do.
Dreams are nice but lets get the player account above 10 people with acceptable performance before we talk about massive fleets and battles. There are games that do most of the above and do them really well too. SC promised to do all of the above in one game so it can maximise its backer attraction. They won't manage to pull most of them at a level already established by other games imo. For example: SC won't come near Eve when it comes to fleet battles, its flight model and procedural generation pales compared to ED and its fps module is nothing but a bad joke. Campaign is also nowhere to be seen and all we have so far is extremely cheesy. It even starts to look a little outdated in terms of graphics, its only strong point. I assume by the time it comes out it will be outdated even graphics wise.

Ever wondered why no publisher wanted to work with Chris Roberts?
MMO games have been in development for 20 years now, so obviously more than 10 players lag-free will be do-able on the worlds most modern advanced servers that could now be classed as hyper super computers compared to single-shard/server game worlds of the now ancient MMO servers of the 2000's MMO games.

You say - "They won't manage to pull most of them at a level already established by other games imo."
Such games were doing it (one maybe two game modes?) EASILY over 10 years ago - even after their own release dates. Technology and coding optimisation has changed vastly since then.

"SC won't come near Eve when it comes to fleet battles, its flight model and procedural generation pales compared to ED"
Eve has... extremely "bad" graphics during fleet battles, so if CIG really have to then they could do just that - IF it came to it during huge fleet battles. EVE uses old coding and server technologies, SC is a completely fresh game, so if CIG can't do it then no one will.
As for ED, come on, that game is pretty much still just a dogfighter game with an adventure/exploration mode stamp on it, and they released the game early based on the game purely being just a dogfighter game - nothing else. ED is exactly what SC would have been and a direct competitor for players between the two games.

As for the rest of your message, sure those things are yet to be seen. Just keep in mind that CIG basically bought-out the guys behind who built its game engine so they can modify it to literally no end of possibilities without having to rebuild their game for an entire new engine just to keep pace with prettier and faster pixels - as more or less seen by EVE and WoW.
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I haven't invested in SC so feel free to ignore this but I have backed other games and if I had SC I'd view my money as lost now, as it could have always been, and just see what happens. Imho a game will be released eventually & I sense from the few behind the scenes vids I've watched that Chris Roberts is going to get the game he wants even if it takes 20 years so I'm sure it will actually look a millions bucks (as it should!) when it's released but whether or not it is a great game to play we'll have to see. My two pence worth.
I backed SC in 2012, expecting to see a game after 2/3 years. If my disappointment is perceived as misinformed its because I don't have the time to indulge myself discussing a game that I can't play to any realistic degree on a forum that is devoted to a community built in anticipation of the great white whale, which is the only place there is information. I'll happily play the finished game, but I'm deeply disappointed with it's progress...more pretties does not a complete game make.
MMO games have been in development for 20 years now, so obviously more than 10 players lag-free will be do-able on the worlds most modern advanced servers that could now be classed as hyper super computers compared to single-shard/server game worlds of the now ancient MMO servers of the 2000's MMO games.

You say - "They won't manage to pull most of them at a level already established by other games imo."
Such games were doing it (one maybe two game modes?) EASILY over 10 years ago - even after their own release dates. Technology and coding optimisation has changed vastly since then.

"SC won't come near Eve when it comes to fleet battles, its flight model and procedural generation pales compared to ED"
Eve has... extremely "bad" graphics during fleet battles, so if CIG really have to then they could do just that - IF it came to it during huge fleet battles. EVE uses old coding and server technologies, SC is a completely fresh game, so if CIG can't do it then no one will.
As for ED, come on, that game is pretty much still just a dogfighter game with an adventure/exploration mode stamp on it, and they released the game early based on the game purely being just a dogfighter game - nothing else. ED is exactly what SC would have been and a direct competitor for players between the two games.

As for the rest of your message, sure those things are yet to be seen. Just keep in mind that CIG basically bought-out the guys behind who built its game engine so they can modify it to literally no end of possibilities without having to rebuild their game for an entire new engine just to keep pace with prettier and faster pixels - as more or less seen by EVE and WoW.

ED has been at a way better state than SC since their inception. Frontier now has 2 other franchises so its attention is divided. If it was solely focused on ED it would be light years ahead of SC but that's their decision. They have proven they can release quality games. CIG has proven nothing so far. I don't know when was the last time you played Eve but it looks gorgeous these days. Some people prefer to lower the graphics in massive battles but I never do. If CIG can't pull massive battles it will only be due to their incompetency and nothing else.
ED has been at a way better state than SC since their inception. Frontier now has 2 other franchises so its attention is divided. If it was solely focused on ED it would be light years ahead of SC but that's their decision. They have proven they can release quality games. CIG has proven nothing so far. I don't know when was the last time you played Eve but it looks gorgeous these days. Some people prefer to lower the graphics in massive battles but I never do. If CIG can't pull massive battles it will only be due to their incompetency and nothing else.
Well, looks SO boring?...
This thread :D

If you took all the anti-SC trolling and the pro-SC defending out, how many pages do you think it would be?

There are a some reasonable pro/anti SC posts in here too though.

Well, random question that no-one knows the answer for time.

People who have multiple star citizen copies have been told they can turn those into NPCs / other players you can log onto.

What about those with multiple SQ42 copies? I'm hoping they will give us an extra chapter of SQ42 for each one, but maybe they will just mean nothing?
@Evosparki Thats EVE Online, NZXT is talking about Elite Dangerous, he's, well he's a huge fan of Elite Dangerous as i'm sure you gather from his behaviour in this thread.
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