From the data we see it is not so much about player count but more about WHAT the players are doing. In our internal testing we didn't witness the performance issues that we saw on PTU or Live once thousands of players got in and started doing all sorts of crazy things. Fill up a Caterpillar with cargo, blow it up over an Outpost on a moon and you can bring the clients and servers to their knees (as you've just added hundreds if not thousands of additional objects to simulate). One other common issue that can kill performance is interpenetration of objects as that causes an overload on physics, especially if its on a larger object. An example of this is the Asteroid Mission (which we disabled last night) that was spawning on top or near Olisar and being sucked into the local grid causing all sorts of issues and deadlocks. In addition we need to do a better job of efficiently handling the bigger ships which can bring in thousands of additional elements to update as opposed to the smaller ships that have a lot less items and geometry. Have a bunch of people fly around in Starfarers and Caterpillars and you're straining the clients and server far more than you would be with a bunch of Auroras and Hornets.
We have solutions for all these things, including moving physics to a batch updating model from an asynchronous one which will allow us to scale the physics much better (currently we are limited to only four threads for physics regardless of the cores on a client or server), level of detail updates for objects on the client from the server (don't update or update less frequently when far away, unbind an object from the network if far away from the client's view), Object Container streaming (whole areas of the game are only streamed in when needed on the client, allowing for dramatically less objects on clients) and they are in various stages of progress but they are not something we can complete in a week or two......................
If you are getting performance in the sub 10-15 FPS range there is definitely something not right, especially if you have a quad core CPU, 4GB video card and at least 16GB. I have seen people reporting 5 FPS when other people with the same specs are getting 25-30 FPS. This is likely a result of the game paging out to disk because of low memory, although sometimes we hear about this on machines that have 16GB or even more, which needs more investigation by us. Is it other apps in memory? Bad page allocation (need 10 GB have 16GB allocated)? Or memory leaks in the game? PCs have lots of advantages but one of the downsides is the huge diversity of configurations which make it hard to pin point the cause of some performance issues. We are investing in additional telemetry both on the servers and clients so we can automatically detect when things aren't performing how they should based on the raw specs of the machine and hopefully determine some issues that are causing the abnormally low performance. Of course this will take a bit of time , so please be patient.