******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Is it worth the download? I havnt touched this in a very long time, and I have been looking forward to 3.0, but the general opinion seems to be ‘meh’ so far

Its one of those things where only you can decide if you think its 'meh' or not.

I don't think its brilliant, but i do think its ok.
Absolutely loved the vertical slice and definitely very happy to be a backer. There’s a directors commentary version of the vertical slice with Chris, Sean Tracy, and the lead story writer talking about the technology and the issues.

Even having already watched the demo the commentary is interesting.
The vertical slide video..jaw on floor!
I can see this game costing me my job, marriage, dignity and personal hygiene....:D

What's with all the hate towards this project? You don't like it, don't buy into it. Same folk moaning about the games funding and perceived "delays" will be the same numpties handing over 40 quid every other month for the same recycled, reskinned and bug ridden garbage from so called AAA franchises.

So many tin foil hat theories going around that CIG are squandering the money, just look at their office infrastructure, staff and R&D investment. I think it's quite impressive how much they've managed to do with the funds pulled in so far; didnt GTA V cost something like 150 million to develop, and that was by an established development team used to their own franchise.
I'm sure were not all naive enough to think that only the stuff we've seen is all they have, there will be several threads of game development going on and working on assets that haven't been made public.

Heaven forbid a game dev comes along and tries something different, pushes some boundaries and breaks from tradition. Not a bad thing when tradition means churning out junk from the same tired franchises every year with a virtual certainty of requiring a launch day patch followed quickly by several more.
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What exactly impressed you? Have you played COD Infinity?

I liked the music, the voice acting and the general atmosphere / vibe.

Mostly it was nice to see SOMETHING about sq42, and getting a look at the reclaimer in action was cool.

The main bad points were how janky everything is, especially moving into animations and the obvious frame rate issues, but I guess that comes with the territory of sneaking a peak at a pre-alpha build.

I've not played a COD game since the first modern warfare, why?
I liked the music, the voice acting and the general atmosphere / vibe.

Mostly it was nice to see SOMETHING about sq42, and getting a look at the reclaimer in action was cool.

The main bad points were how janky everything is, especially moving into animations and the obvious frame rate issues, but I guess that comes with the territory of sneaking a peak at a pre-alpha build.

I've not played a COD game since the first modern warfare, why?

This is what he is talking about I believe
Has anyone tried the new delta patcher with steam streaming? My PC is in my rackmount due to kids taking over the office as a bedroom so I use steam streaming to small low powered clients around the house to get around this.

The old patcher was fine as you could link to the main exe and this would bypass the login app and load directly in which would stream, the new delta patcher based version loads the patcher no matter what you link to and steam doesn't appear to be able to stream this correctly, I get a black screen only. I've even tried streaming the game once its loaded but this doesn't appear to work either... Anyone tried this?

EDIT: also using splashtop I get a constant error code 10002 despite being on the current PTU launcher; is this just me? - my mistake, its now Alpha 3.0 so the ptu loader won't work now!
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Just realised 3.0 has been released, i don't care if it runs like **** i just want to get into my ship and fly down to a planet and be in awe.

Also the music on the download patcher is so GOOD!
Anyone else just get a black screen when trying to load into crusader? Driving me mad!

I left it running for 30min as went to do something else, came back and it was on, but it was unplayable couldn’t even press F to open the door, waste of bloody time. Guess I’ll uninstal it again and wait another 12 months for 3.1

Very disappointed
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Anyone else just get a black screen when trying to load into crusader? Driving me mad!

I left it running for 30min as went to do something else, came back and it was on, but it was unplayable couldn’t even press F to open the door, waste of bloody time. Guess I’ll uninstal it again and wait another 12 months for 3.1

Very disappointed

Currently getting that right now i'll try another day see what happens.
Press ` and do r_displayinfo 3

You shoulnd't need to press anything to get out the door, it should be open already just walk upto it and out

I'm having a lot of problems playing, lifts not working, and then my ship spawned upside down, so I simple cargo run from Levski to Port O took me an hour 1 hour messing around lol, I have 6K cash now though rather than 5K
Anyone else just get a black screen when trying to load into crusader? Driving me mad!

I left it running for 30min as went to do something else, came back and it was on, but it was unplayable couldn’t even press F to open the door, waste of bloody time. Guess I’ll uninstal it again and wait another 12 months for 3.1

Very disappointed

How much RAM do you have? Only heard of this happening on those with less than 16GB tbh. Worth verifying files but got my doubts that'll help :-/
How much RAM do you have? Only heard of this happening on those with less than 16GB tbh. Worth verifying files but got my doubts that'll help :-/
I verified files but it didn’t help, I do only have 8gb of RAM..
Could be the culprit, ah well.

Thanks for the information mate.
Merry Christmas
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