******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Fair enough, I kept getting an error message when trying to launch a game last night but I just tried again and it's fine now so I'll have a play tonight too see how much it's changed, It's looking good Cheers.

Its not 100% stable yet, its still very much under development.

Anyway... some trading.

Daymar at sun down...

i lost my waypoint half way through that and after landing sadly i couldn't get to the top of the hill in time.

Its still very nice :)
I wanted to recreate my account so that if and when they fix the streaming issues via steam etc. I can back again, also test using the free flight weekends. Has anyone had their account closed and then tried to reopen using the same username etc.?
I used to use Steam streaming to stream the game from a fixed pc in my rack to a another location.. with hte birth of my second child, I lost the office and the ability to use a fixed pc so I now have various ethernet ports aorund the house that I plug my laptop in to (or I use the nVidia Shields) and play games that way. With 2.6, streaming the game worked fine but they changed something in 3.0 that meant any streaming software used to play didn't work such as splashtop etc. I got my refund as they couldn't guarantee it would ever come back.
Yela rework

They sell a lot of things, a lot of things for a lot more than $100, you don't have to buy any of it, whats your point?

Why complain about loot boxes, you don't have to buy them? Why complain about pre-orders you don't have to buy them? Why are pyramind schemes illegal, you don't have to take part in them?

I'm not saying that this reality show about making a game is a pyramid scheme just that it's a scheme which resembles a solid having a polygonal base, and triangular sides that meet in a point.
Those silly adults doing what they want with their money.

Should be a law against it IMHO. It's insane that people can choose to spend money on something others don't entirely approve of.
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