I'd love to get enthused about this potential game (last 2 words carefully chosen) but my cynical bones just won't let me. I just don't see it coming to fruition with the vision it thinks it has.
And the above video? How about transferring the time, money and effort of trying to make some sort of lame 'TV' show into finishing the bloody game!?
You're misunderstanding what this is.
This is not a 'normal' way to develop a game, normal would be some developments studio pitching an idea to a publisher like EA and EA then financing the development in return for a percentage of the revenue, that game is them made behind closed doors and the first you get to know about it is when its almost ready for release.
The thing with that is EA make them stick to a budget and a time scale, so what you end up with is the same crap recycled with higher resolution textures, yes you get it in 3 or 4 years but its the same as everything else.
This is different, Chris Roberts is a very well known and hugely successful game developer from the 1990's and early 2000's, in 2012 he pitched an idea and asked the gaming community (not a publisher) for funding, i could be wrong but what he asked for was about $2m to make a space sim not too unlike
Freelancer and
Wing Commander rolled into one.
He got that money and more, a lot more, so much more that Chris Roberts made a new pitch for a much larger project, he asked the backers if he should stop the funding campaign and just use it to make the game he originally pitched or if he should continue the funding campaign to make this much more ambitious game.
The backers voted to keep the funding campaign going and make the bigger game, the original game was earmarked for 2014, that was probably not going to happen these things never ever do, more realistic would have been 2016, yes its now 2018 but as far as 'most' of those of us who have actually financed the project it is not run over time, we told Chris to keep going, its taking longer than we would like but we also understand what he is trying to achieve takes a lot of work, they are literally inventing a lot of technology in house to make it work, things that others have said are impossible, like traveling 1m or more KM through space and landing on a Moon / Planet without there being a load screen, impossible they said, we are doing this right now in 3.0.
As for all the TV shows, part of the backers agreement is that we get to play whats stable enough for us to do so, its why we are playing a game that still isn't much more than a few places to explore, its simply Chris filling that promise, another promise was to keep us well informed on things still in development, now that can just be Chris reading from a PDF or it can be made into something much more, i prefer the later and financing it does not come out of the development budget, its paid for by monthly subscribers.
There are quite a few games that have taken 10 years to make, i think Skyrim is one of them, you can fit Skyrim in one of Delemar's Moon craters, the largest one.
To get a better sense of this more complete the SQ42 Vertical Slice is a good place to start, its the single player campaign to the Multiplayer game that is Star Citizen, its a story out of the games lore.
Again, this is still in development.