******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

14 Jul 2003
I have a feeling a fair amount of people will dump their connies for it. I originally considered the constellation for the exploration side but the Carrack just looks better on paper.

Not sure I'll get one yet though, wait and see as always :)
17 Jan 2007
I have a feeling a fair amount of people will dump their connies for it. I originally considered the constellation for the exploration side but the Carrack just looks better on paper.

Not sure I'll get one yet though, wait and see as always :)
But I have a strong feeling the connie will be more capable when it comes to offence in combat, as well as being able to carry more cargo, being more versatile in role, able to carry a rover and a snub fighter...

I don't expect the carrack to have more than a few pieces of defensive weaponry, and most likely some decent armour/shields/thrusters (not only to weather hostile encounters but also hazardous environments in space).

It also remains to be seen if it comes with anything comparable to the Ursa rover.

I speculate that the carrack will come with one parasite ship in a docking bay - but not sure what the nature of it will be.

In the end it will be like comparing the Phoenix to the 890J not in terms of size, but in terms of features/function. I expect the Aquila will be more flexible in its role, whereas the carrack will be much more limited with what you can customise it to do.

The Andromeda should definitely outclass it in combat potential and cargo capacity. The taurus completely outclasses all of them for cargo.

Having said all that, I don't give two ***** about hauling cargo or "killing bad guys". :D The only thing that I would miss out on if the carrack doesn't come with one is the planetary rover - but I'm sure there will be other smaller vehicles that we will be able to store in out cargo holds (assuming the carrack's dedicated cargo area is no more than that of a freelancer). I'm 99% sold on the carrack - it should be the ship I've been waiting for. Only trouble is being stuck with a freelancer game package tied with alpha access... I would melt it in a heartbeat if I could keep the alpha access. :(
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17 Jan 2007
I'll go for one, simply because I have the store credit available. But I'll probably melt it again when the carrack comes around - tbh that's the only ship I care for in the forseeable future.
14 Jul 2003
I reserve the right to melt for one.. but I'm leaving it until I see the whole thing. I don't mind an ugly ship, which is probably why I like the Aurora :)

Sneak peak picture of the Herald:
4 Mar 2010
Im not particularly fussed about the Herald, as a role or by design.
A pic, for those who havent seen it: http://i.imgur.com/Cl4GlvH.png

What i do find interesting is that on Friday (tomorrow) they'll start the Herald sale, and on Saturday they will be selling 2 ships, and one of those has A) never been sold before, and B) will come with LTI *for 10 days* because it was never sold during concept stage (will be still be sold after 10 days, but LTI wont be included).

There are only 2 ships *we know about, and are thought to be close to hangar ready* which havent been sold before: the Redeemer (TNGS winner - seen in greybox 10 days ago) and the budget ship, Mustang.

If they knock out a LTI ship around the $30-50 mark (AMD Racer is $60 incl $10 full game & beta, and a $5 AC pass) then thats your stepping stone to absolutely any ship CCU-able in the future, at sticker price.
From what info ive found on the Redeemer, people are suggesting CIG said the Redeemer would be sold at the same time as the Mustang, and they've been using this logic to assume the Redeemer might be being sold soon, because the stuff we've seen of the Mustang suggests its very close. Yet Ben said *one* of them is new & LTI, the other has been sold before. The Herald is separate.

There may be some caution towards the Herald tomorrow, while people wait to see what what this LTI ship might be, because 2x $40 LTI will be more preferable to 1x $85 LTI, cos you can always melt it if you dont want it, or sell it and fleece people.
17 Jan 2007
I'm guessing Redeemer (with LTI) and maybe Retaliator.

But I don't care for the Redeemer at all, so no big deal.

If it's the Mustang with LTI (which I doubt), then I'll definitely melt for that.
4 Mar 2010
But I have a strong feeling the connie will be more capable when it comes to offence in combat, as well as being able to carry more cargo, being more versatile in role, able to carry a rover and a snub fighter...

I don't expect the carrack to have more than a few pieces of defensive weaponry, and most likely some decent armour/shields/thrusters (not only to weather hostile encounters but also hazardous environments in space).

It also remains to be seen if it comes with anything comparable to the Ursa rover.

I speculate that the carrack will come with one parasite ship in a docking bay - but not sure what the nature of it will be.

In the end it will be like comparing the Phoenix to the 890J not in terms of size, but in terms of features/function. I expect the Aquila will be more flexible in its role, whereas the carrack will be much more limited with what you can customise it to do.

The Andromeda should definitely outclass it in combat potential and cargo capacity. The taurus completely outclasses all of them for cargo.

Having said all that, I don't give two ***** about hauling cargo or "killing bad guys". :D The only thing that I would miss out on if the carrack doesn't come with one is the planetary rover - but I'm sure there will be other smaller vehicles that we will be able to store in out cargo holds (assuming the carrack's dedicated cargo area is no more than that of a freelancer). I'm 99% sold on the carrack - it should be the ship I've been waiting for. Only trouble is being stuck with a freelancer game package tied with alpha access... I would melt it in a heartbeat if I could keep the alpha access. :(

I think the Carrack will pretty much like you say, weapons to defend itself, and it'll probably focus on drones along with its mapping suite. Drones are the new LTI in SC :D
It makes sense really, like the Reclaimer having them to shoot off and scan the area for items of salvageable interest, i think the Carrack could have something similar, with a different focus.
Likewise these add-on ships/rovers are... the new Drones :D (keep up!) Every ship seems to be getting them, Constellation, Idris, Constellation variants got 2 new versions, the Reclaimer has one, 890 Jump just got one, dont be surprised if the Mustang gets one ;)

Like you say, not really sure what its purpose would be as such, but exploration isnt simply about discovering vast places nobody has been to before, but places people havent seen, a ship could fly straight past without knowing its secrets, and maybe the Carrack has the suites & drones to spot the small things, and you'd jump into a small vehicle and take a closer look.

The alpha stuff really sucks hard IMO, it annoys me and i only have a $45 LN, so hardly a $140 Freelancer or $275 Constellation. The 'package' stuff should have a value, the ships have their own values, well so should the packages. They should have them ranging from basic to high, virtual & physical. So if i want a $30 Aurora and a $50 physical package, i can. If i want to melt the Aurora and buy a Carrick, its my choice to do so. But no. Its one of the few things that really annoys me with a decision they've made. They could also do something to 'remove' the Alpha from the package, and apply it to the account. You sell it, you still need a package for AC etc. But you dont need to worry about losing it. If you want to gift an alpha package you can too, but obviously if its been transfered from the package to the account, gifting it doesnt incl the alpha, just like any package you'd buy today.
4 Mar 2010
Well... here's an interesting note from todays AtV (which was really a RtV in *EVERY* sense!) which i hadnt seen from Reddit's notes, but apparently...

  • CIG is talking to Turbulent about giving a web option to move Alpha access from one package to another.

Here's the full list, but im highlight that, having just had a long rant about it :D

  • CIG is talking to Turbulent about giving a web option to move Alpha access from one package to another.
  • Drake Herald Concept sale tomorrow ($85)
  • Bulldog Fighter is now in concept phase
  • No progress to announce on Banu MM (since it is later in AC)
  • Starfarer is one of the ships we will see tomorrow (James slipped) ;) – doesn’t mean its hangar ready though
  • Armor (hull) system being developed for AC 1.0
  • New Horizon design pass – fuel and boost changing in AC 13.2
  • Improvements to the controls soon. (13.2 likely out Friday) – they updated the manual and makes joystick and gamepad flight more fun
  • Finalized 325A improvements available in 13.2
  • They are demoing Aurora’s with custom paint schemes
  • Avenger is getting flight ready
  • Ben slips… and Retaliator is what we will see as one of the Hangar ready ships ;)
  • Terra is up to the same level ArcCorp is now (for the PU development)
  • Mock up for Mission board completed
  • Behavior has implemented a “drunk” mechanic (probably for NPCs) – and maybe implementing a liquor cabinet
  • Shubin build out continues
  • Added an alertness stage to the AI
  • Multiple mechanics prototyped, how do you interact with ships, etc.. in PU … action seats..
  • Carrack is awesome according to Ben ;)
  • 2 more sets of variants (Mustang and Avenger) – other ships beyond that is not what they have planned for yet (for variants) but they are not ruling it out (more about upgrading the base ships than adding more variants) – Not all ships will have variants
  • Herald is very very fast but… a-symmetrical silhouette… but hard to maneuver.
  • CIG will put countdown timer on PAX AUS presentation 3am PST
  • Austin working on planet side locations (knee deep in Terra now)
  • Ben getting David Ladyman his articles for JP (so it can get out)
  • Austin working on mining display now
  • Goal is no loading screens to have seamless between space and planet
  • Terra will initially be a PvP free zone (no PvP) – but maybe later on there might be (this only applies to Terra – not other systems) – high security – cavity searches everywhere (according to Mark Skelton) – LOL ;)
  • Rob confirms status of planets can change and Terra could become a PvP zone of some kind later on.
  • Space stations will have a lot of areas for PvP (FPS)
  • Terra doesn’t come with LTI – (some fans planning on Nuking it – LOL ;) )
  • Security will be high in starting zones that will tamp down on someone wanting to PvP in high secure areas (high consequences – bounties will be taken out on you if you mindless PvP). Economics of the Planet determine how high the security it is.
  • Terra merchants (and security) reserves the right to kick people off planet
  • Players can’t steal other players ships from landing pads (occurs in almost every case on any planet or landing pad or hangar –but not when your ship is docked to another ship).
  • How diverse will different planet side environments – they have plans to diversify cities that will also be dictated by economics. There will be glacial planets, ocean planets, desert planets, jungle planets, etc… but first they are focusing on cities for planets
  • They joked about working on water craft and water skiing behind an M50 ;)
  • The main starting (big capital cities) are being hand-crafted primarily … other minor cities will use procedural generation
  • They can’t reveal how many cities or systems have been developed to date but they did reveal they are close to having the systems in place to generate planet side environments easier (building blocks… like the room system).
  • Custom checks – don’t take your illegal cargo through it … Advocacy can have your ship scanned in space… and they will scan you as you land (Pirates need to hide anything illegal very well).
  • What use will the land Rovers be in the PU – TBD – may be able to use Grey Cat and Rovers in Cities (they haven’t decided yet) – but definitely when procedural generation for planets environments (some cities will be procedurally generated).
  • No determinant for “hobofocation” timing for PU environments (how fast will things deteriorate from a worsening economy or system wide event)
  • More fish confirmed… there will be a lot of work being done in the PU for tourism, sightseeing, exploration, and that includes collecting fish.
  • No orbital bombing mechanics (they have enough to do)
  • CIG is happy with their character generation / customization now (before it was too limited) – a lot of mixing and matching more flexible. Before you can mix and match only things in a closet… but now you can mix and match almost anything on a character (but characters have hardpoints too – so there are some limitations).
  • All CIG employees will eventually be in the PU ;)
  • Hangars will not be able to be attacked or taken over (but there may be locations where this might happen – probably on the fringe of space = but not planned now).
  • They will are working on mechanics for friends to be able to come into your hangar (with permissions) and to borrow one of your ships (with permissions) – and they may allow this even when you are on-line (they are developing this mechanic).
  • Will players be able to finish the SynthWorld Project – maybe (probably missions)
  • CIG is planning on doing Org hangars (they are thinking about it – but obviously haven’t had time to work on it yet).
  • Possible Voice actors – James Rushley, can’t confirm others …
  • Austin Office will be on RTV more often
  • Sneak Peak – Herald !!! – Concept by Jim Martin (asymmetrical design – looks cool) – they showed an image. – “So ugly its beautiful”
  • PAX Aus will be two Demos – planned for 90 min long but with CR talking probably 2hrs ;)
  • One of the ships that is Hangar Ready (that hasn’t been on sale before) – will be a concept sale with LTI, hangar model, and hangar poster, this weekend (in addition to the Herald) – they can’t tell us yet ----- (It is probably the Redeemer) – Ben stresses that LTI … DOESN’T MATTER…. --- So maybe Ben saw our poll where over 72% of 733+ voters voted… :) --- >> [POLL] Redeemer Concept Sale - see 19min into RTV today
  • Next month subscriber flare is a Liquor Cabinet – with a fan creator liquor in it.
  • RTV will include other offices from now on – not just Santa Monica.
  • This live ATV will be archived on Twitch soon and on You-Tube later.

I havent read them, i only got to the first item from SCBase and went OMG and then ive just glanced them as im adding the BBCode and spotted the Starfarer will be shown in some form tomorrow, double OMG!!
I'll add any missing from Reddit once ive ate my takeaway :D
17 Jan 2007
I think the Carrack will pretty much like you say, weapons to defend itself, and it'll probably focus on drones along with its mapping suite. Drones are the new LTI in SC :D
It makes sense really, like the Reclaimer having them to shoot off and scan the area for items of salvageable interest, i think the Carrack could have something similar, with a different focus.
Likewise these add-on ships/rovers are... the new Drones :D (keep up!) Every ship seems to be getting them, Constellation, Idris, Constellation variants got 2 new versions, the Reclaimer has one, 890 Jump just got one, dont be surprised if the Mustang gets one ;)

Like you say, not really sure what its purpose would be as such, but exploration isnt simply about discovering vast places nobody has been to before, but places people havent seen, a ship could fly straight past without knowing its secrets, and maybe the Carrack has the suites & drones to spot the small things, and you'd jump into a small vehicle and take a closer look.

The alpha stuff really sucks hard IMO, it annoys me and i only have a $45 LN, so hardly a $140 Freelancer or $275 Constellation. The 'package' stuff should have a value, the ships have their own values, well so should the packages. They should have them ranging from basic to high, virtual & physical. So if i want a $30 Aurora and a $50 physical package, i can. If i want to melt the Aurora and buy a Carrick, its my choice to do so. But no. Its one of the few things that really annoys me with a decision they've made. They could also do something to 'remove' the Alpha from the package, and apply it to the account. You sell it, you still need a package for AC etc. But you dont need to worry about losing it. If you want to gift an alpha package you can too, but obviously if its been transfered from the package to the account, gifting it doesnt incl the alpha, just like any package you'd buy today.
Exactly - whether gathering information or physical samples (rocks, gases, flora, fauna, etc...), exploration is about more than simply finding stuff, but studying and learning more about that stuff.

I'm hoping for different interactive gameplay elements involving gathering data on different celestial phenomena, beyond the basic cartography. For example, it would be good to see missions that players could pick up involving things like gathering and analysing data from that pulsar in system X, and earning credits on this. so I hope that gameplay aspect is good - which you would expect if they're creating niche exploration ships like the carrack.

Yeah the alpha stuff sucks. I regret this Freelancer every day, knowing I could have $85 more to spend on other things - if I had known these new ships would not be sold as game packages but standalone, I would have acted differently. I wish I could cut the freelancer out of the package and replace it with the carrack when it comes around.

Edit: Woah, I missed that in the stream. I hope they allow us to move alpha access soon.

Edit 2: Yeah, I asked that question "CARRACK - Is it awesome?" In hindsight, I should have asked something more specific, but I didn't want them to do the usual thing and avoid it... :D
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4 Mar 2010
So from whats been taken from the AtV/RtV stream, Ben has let slip that the Retaliator is one of the ships (i read somewhere he mentioned 'he already owned one of them' and he's mentioned before he has a 'tali - not sure if there was a more specific slip though). That just leaves the LTI 'never sold during concept phase' ship. I did see notes saying Ben mentioned one is bigger than the other... which is hard to really know what to think, does that mean Tali & Mustang, or is Tali & Redeemer smaller within his definition.
It does seem like places have settled on it being the Redeemer though.

Sadly it seems like any work done by Turbulent to let you move Alpha is going to take longer than we'll probably wait for the Carrack.
Give it 2-3 weeks till the next concept sale, so perhaps in 3-4wks (still the Orion & Hull C too) and you'd need to be able to add an MR+ package, transfer the alpha, melt the Freelancer package and buy the Carrack.

I actually contacted CS about a week ago, cos in a perfect world, i'd like to convert my SA Gladius to a package, put the alpha on that, then CCU it to a Retaliator (the sole reason being i want that LTI). Letting me melt my Aurora, and just leaving me with a Starfarer, Reclaimer, Tali and the un-meltable ($$) Mustang.
They basically said they cant do any of that (i asked as individual Q's, not as a single scenario). The Mustang might actually be handy for me though, it really depends on how many alpha modules they do. If i sold the Aurora i'd get $45 i cant touch currently, and even if theres FPS, planetside, and PU alphas ($5ea, $15 total) then i'd still be $30 better off. I could also wait and simply sell the Aurora when we're in Beta, cos alpha becomes irrelevant, but that's at least a year away.
Daft thing is, im not that fussed about dogfighting or FPS'ing as a module, but i'd still want to experience it.

Also, dont think ive said it on here, PAX Aus livestream is 10am GMT i believe (1 day, 12h 47min from this post).
17 Jan 2007

Yeah if the carrack sale comes around and it's >Aquila price, and still no sign of moving alpha access, then I'll swallow the extra $15 or so for the alpha modules and melt my freelancer.

My other concern would be about losing stretch goal rewards that haven't yet been added to the accounts.

Funnily enough I could happily pass on the fps module, but then I'd probably regret not taking part in all aspects during development.
7 Feb 2014
So from whats been taken from the AtV/RtV stream, Ben has let slip that the Retaliator is one of the ships (i read somewhere he mentioned 'he already owned one of them' and he's mentioned before he has a 'tali - not sure if there was a more specific slip though). That just leaves the LTI 'never sold during concept phase' ship. I did see notes saying Ben mentioned one is bigger than the other... which is hard to really know what to think, does that mean Tali & Mustang, or is Tali & Redeemer smaller within his definition.
It does seem like places have settled on it being the Redeemer though.

I reckon the REDACTED Hangar Sale will turn out to be the Aegis Dynamics Hangar sale with the Redeemer LTI (as its not been offered before or planned like Ben said) and the Retaliator after Bens comment about preferring the bigger one....he definitely owns one and its his favorite ship.

Apparently Ben ruled out the Mustang but I have not seen that bit on ATV yet (or I missed it)
14 Jul 2003
Retaliator certainly one I expect very soon tbh, be a little surprised if it's not out this weekend as a sale, it's been a while.

Can't make my mind up about the Herald, will have to see more of it.
4 Mar 2010

Yeah if the carrack sale comes around and it's >Aquila price, and still no sign of moving alpha access, then I'll swallow the extra $15 or so for the alpha modules and melt my freelancer.

My other concern would be about losing stretch goal rewards that haven't yet been added to the accounts.

Funnily enough I could happily pass on the fps module, but then I'd probably regret not taking part in all aspects during development.

Stretch goals should count from the moment you become a 'backer' which is any contribution to CIG by you, excluding anything gifted to you (i believe) so you'll always have 'backer' status even if you melt everything.
17 Jan 2007
Stretch goals should count from the moment you become a 'backer' which is any contribution to CIG by you, excluding anything gifted to you (i believe) so you'll always have 'backer' status even if you melt everything.
Oh, that's a relief - I was worried backer status was tied to having a game package.
4 Mar 2010
1 down, 1 to go :(

Gladius was accidentally added to the store and sharply removed :D
Built by Aegis Dynamics, the Gladius is an older design which has been updated over the years to keep up with modern technology. In military circles, the Gladius is beloved for its performance and its simplicity. A fast, light fighter with a laser-focus on dogfighting, the Gladius is an ideal interceptor or escort ship. Fewer moving parts than the Hornet means new pilots can adapt to the ship more quickly and ground crews can keep them flying more easily.

Classified weapons technologies have been removed from the spaceframes, but they can be outfitted with a variety of civilian-grade weapons. The decommissioning process has also made room for civilian standard upgrades such as jump drives.

The Gladius has been so important to the UEE in their battle against the Vanduul and other forces that threaten the Imperator. Civilians can now experience this workhorse of a ship and it will now appear in your hangar! Flight is coming soon and when it does there may be a new king of Arena Commander.

2 Pics: (too big for the forum, we really need an auto-resize in here!)

Then the Herald page came online moments later, someone clicked the wrong button :D
*** Press the 'Decrypt Page' tab to remove the encryption noise ***

Some additional images of the Herald in this gallery: http://imgur.com/a/d87rT
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