Yeah, they sold out (within 12h of the final sale, so inside of 36hrs), and you'd have absolutely no issue getting one at $600 + PP fees, so $605, $615 if a MM is involved perhaps (havent seen any requesting MM fees). Theres 3 on the 1st page (of 25 items, about 1/3 selling AMD/Mustang, and the usual handful of trader threads).
At $85, you'd only miss out on the Aurora, 300 series & Avenger. The Gladius was $80 at concept, so maybe they'd do a side-CCU as its $5 difference at concept pricing, maybe not (they've said no side/down CCUs). I very much doubt theres a wealth of people wanting $160 LTI Auroras for the Aurora, likewise 300 series & Avenger. Afterall, the LX costs $35, you could buy an Aurora LN, 315p and Avenger combined for $160, and screw the Aurora LTI.
The majority will want LTI on the bigger ships, Cutlass, Freelancer, Constellation etc certainly if they're contemplating a $100 LTI tax, you dont pay $160 for a $35 ship. $300 for a $200 ship, maybe.
There will definitely be people who'll miss out on the Herald and resort to the GM in the future and pay silly prices, but its going to hurt them to a degree because anyone looking at it long term (which is going to be a fair number of people when they're spending $100+ extra for a trivial feature for a game expected in 18mo+ time, not today), and it'll also see a lot of traders buying tons with a view to selling them as LTI licenses for CCU'ing. They'll still be unjustifiably priced, but the prices certainly wont be going up over time, because the Herald inserts a ton of affordably priced base-LTI ships onto the marketplace, where there once was a finite quantity, and so waiting till tons were locked to accounts, meant you could hold that over people. The Herald multiplies what the market has, and prices will drop. That wasnt the case with $350 Reclaimers and $600 890 Jumps, it will with a ship priced below a good 3/5th of ships to be sold.