******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Hang on, if Humbug has the AMD Mustang Omega bundle, then he doesnt need to buy a package, the bundle includes: Arena Commander pass, beta & full game, as well as the Mustang ship.

He doesnt need anything in terms of playing the game now or in the future, however he'd need to spend something in order to be considered a 'backer' which would give him all the rewards from $62m onwards (we hit $61 yesterday, and IMO we'll hit $65m this month).

Ive no idea what the rule is with skins, can you melt them for RSI credits still? If so, then a $5 skin would be the cheapest way to get backer status (and it seems that'll allow you to try any short-term ships which are unlocked). If you cant melt skins, then a $10 gift card would work just as well, and in the future you'll be able to use that $10 towards a ship, or a CCU (Cross Chassis Upgrade) which would mean you could use your Mustang Omega (Approx $45-50* value) towards moving to a different ship, like a 300i ($55) and the CCU costs the price of the difference, so $10 would give you the Bundle but with a 300i instead of the Mustang Omega.

Hopefully that makes sense

*The bundle is worth $60, the beta & game = $10, and i think the AC pass might add $5, making the ship worth $45.
Is that the AMD never ever settle game voucher you are talking about? I have that and hope what you say is true.

Why would he or indeed I need to be a backer? what does this gain me? (I dont want to spend any money TBH)

P.S what is all this melting down for credits about? how do I do that?
Yeah, its the bundle you can only get from the AMD Never Settle Space voucher.

You get the full game, beta access, and the Arena Commander pass (aka Dogfighting module), as well as the Mustang Omega in AMD colours, which you'll see in your hangar and eventually once completed you'll be able to fly it too. Till then theres a substitute 300i you can play Arena Commander with (a in-fiction simulator, combat vs AI or PVP, and a you can do racing too).

'Backers' are people who've pledged any amount of money towards the project, the cheapest thing being a $5 skin (you can earn everything in game too) and while it isnt a necessity to do this, there are perks which are applied to your account.
Typically they're novelty items, but in the last month there was $10 worth of in-game credits (UEC - United Empire Credits... i think) which at the moment lets you buy in-game posters, weapons, a fish tank, and fish to go in it. At the $42m mark we all got a type of character armor for the FPS combat which is WIP currently.

For this week, CIG have allowed all backers access to the M50 racing ship, so you can go into the game, enter the virtual simulation, and opt to fly that as well as any flyable ships you own (Mustang Omega isnt one of those, so you get access to a replacement of similar value, the 300i, a very nice ship too). So currently, if you've never actually pledged/backed with your own money, you're not getting access to the M50.
A few weeks back they opened up access to all 5 ships (Aurora, 300i, Hornet, M50 & 350R) for the week, and they'll do things like this from time to time to let everyone try the different ships, get an understanding, IMO its useful fo players because not only is it nice, but it means everyone can get a better understanding of another ship, if you keep getting killed by a ship and assume its OP and needs fixing, maybe when you fly it you realise actually it takes a lot of skill to be good with it etc. You gain perspective, which you cant do if you otherwise dont own it.
The Mustang isnt considering you a backer because you didnt pledge/back the game, it works the same way if you create an account and a friend buys you a ship and 'gifts' it to you, you've not actually paid anything so you're just viewed as a member, but a $5 skin would fix that, or anything else really, thats just the cheapest and most common solution.

Finally, melting...
When you buy a ship, say a $110 Hornet, if later on you decide theres another ship you prefer, they release something which sounds much cooler or more to the style you fancy playing, then you simply 'melt' the ship and you have $110 in credit which allows you to put those store credits towards another ship. You could buy a $55 300i and try it, then melt it and buy something else etc.
It means you're not committed to a ship, its a commitment to the games development, and if another ship comes along which you want, theres no 'tough, you bought that one, no swapsies' etc. You simply melt, get your full $$ value back as RSI Store credits, and buy something else. Heck, buy a T-shirt if you want. You cant 'gift' something which has been melted down though, but you can melt & buy as many times as you like really.
I added a chunk of money in there a few months back with 2 unreleased ships in mind, and until they're available (neither are, 4-5mo on) and ive bought & melted a handful of ships since then, and i've now spent the money on 2 different ships i plan to keep.

Hope that explains things, if not, just ask away.

edit - oh, i should also point out that the Mustang, while being valued at $60, if you went to the option to melt it, it'll tell you it'll melt to $0, and ask for confirmation. Other ships you'd get what you paid in, however with this being a promotional thing (you can buy the SC codes for $30 from people, not direct from SC/RSI/CIG) they're not letting you melt it and have $60 credit basically. However, and i mentioned it in the previous post, there is the option to 'CCU' which lets you upgrade your ship to any equal or more expensive ship, for the difference in price. So your $45 ship ($15 = full game package stuff) could be CCU'd to a $55 300i for $10 in theory (that 300i + game package would be meltable for $0+$10, exactly what you've paid basically). You just wont be able to melt it and transform it into its value in RSI store credits.
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$5 Skins are definitely meltable too, I got one on my alt account so it got stretch goal rewards and gifted it to my main to melt :)

Its not necessary to be backer to play the game if you have just the Mustang pack but you would miss out on any future stetch goal rewards.

The only confirmed benefit to having multiple game packs is you will be able to use them to create custom NPC characters to use as crew. Again not necessary as you will just hire crew in game anyway.
Yeah you can melt skins, anything basically that you purchase can be melted for store credit and used as full/part payment against a future purchase. With game packs you tend to get additional starting cash too, a small amount but if any of you have played Elite: Dangerous you'll know a bit extra starting cash helps increase those profit margins early in the game :)

PS made ship discussion sections on the PAGAN forum for those interested :)
That's very strange, what controller are you using?

I've only really tried the hangar with keyboard/mouse to move and occasionally TrackIR it's never like that though.
Yeah, its the bundle you can only get from the AMD Never Settle Space voucher.

You get the full game, beta access, and the Arena Commander pass (aka Dogfighting module), as well as the Mustang Omega in AMD colours, which you'll see in your hangar and eventually once completed you'll be able to fly it too. Till then theres a substitute 300i you can play Arena Commander with (a in-fiction simulator, combat vs AI or PVP, and a you can do racing too).

'Backers' are people who've pledged any amount of money towards the project, the cheapest thing being a $5 skin (you can earn everything in game too) and while it isnt a necessity to do this, there are perks which are applied to your account.
Typically they're novelty items, but in the last month there was $10 worth of in-game credits (UEC - United Empire Credits... i think) which at the moment lets you buy in-game posters, weapons, a fish tank, and fish to go in it. At the $42m mark we all got a type of character armor for the FPS combat which is WIP currently.

For this week, CIG have allowed all backers access to the M50 racing ship, so you can go into the game, enter the virtual simulation, and opt to fly that as well as any flyable ships you own (Mustang Omega isnt one of those, so you get access to a replacement of similar value, the 300i, a very nice ship too). So currently, if you've never actually pledged/backed with your own money, you're not getting access to the M50.
A few weeks back they opened up access to all 5 ships (Aurora, 300i, Hornet, M50 & 350R) for the week, and they'll do things like this from time to time to let everyone try the different ships, get an understanding, IMO its useful fo players because not only is it nice, but it means everyone can get a better understanding of another ship, if you keep getting killed by a ship and assume its OP and needs fixing, maybe when you fly it you realise actually it takes a lot of skill to be good with it etc. You gain perspective, which you cant do if you otherwise dont own it.
The Mustang isnt considering you a backer because you didnt pledge/back the game, it works the same way if you create an account and a friend buys you a ship and 'gifts' it to you, you've not actually paid anything so you're just viewed as a member, but a $5 skin would fix that, or anything else really, thats just the cheapest and most common solution.

Finally, melting...
When you buy a ship, say a $110 Hornet, if later on you decide theres another ship you prefer, they release something which sounds much cooler or more to the style you fancy playing, then you simply 'melt' the ship and you have $110 in credit which allows you to put those store credits towards another ship. You could buy a $55 300i and try it, then melt it and buy something else etc.
It means you're not committed to a ship, its a commitment to the games development, and if another ship comes along which you want, theres no 'tough, you bought that one, no swapsies' etc. You simply melt, get your full $$ value back as RSI Store credits, and buy something else. Heck, buy a T-shirt if you want. You cant 'gift' something which has been melted down though, but you can melt & buy as many times as you like really.
I added a chunk of money in there a few months back with 2 unreleased ships in mind, and until they're available (neither are, 4-5mo on) and ive bought & melted a handful of ships since then, and i've now spent the money on 2 different ships i plan to keep.

Hope that explains things, if not, just ask away.

edit - oh, i should also point out that the Mustang, while being valued at $60, if you went to the option to melt it, it'll tell you it'll melt to $0, and ask for confirmation. Other ships you'd get what you paid in, however with this being a promotional thing (you can buy the SC codes for $30 from people, not direct from SC/RSI/CIG) they're not letting you melt it and have $60 credit basically. However, and i mentioned it in the previous post, there is the option to 'CCU' which lets you upgrade your ship to any equal or more expensive ship, for the difference in price. So your $45 ship ($15 = full game package stuff) could be CCU'd to a $55 300i for $10 in theory (that 300i + game package would be meltable for $0+$10, exactly what you've paid basically). You just wont be able to melt it and transform it into its value in RSI store credits.

Thats good info, thanks :)

The Mustang Omega usually comes in satin black, i actually prefer that look to the AMD Colours, but i don't want to melt it, i have a feeling in time it may be quite rare as people are simply using it to get in, even buying the vouchers just to get in, as its just a racer most of them will probably be melted down for fighters, and i can't see too many people wanting to fly about with AMD written all over their ship, your just asking to be targeted by the whole universe :D even i wouldn't take it out for a spin, much.

So it may be a rare classic in time, worth keeping as they will also have limited availability.

Anyway, to buy a ship and become a backer, whats best? 300i or Aurora MR.
I know the 300i as it is available to me, i don't really like the way it flyes, but then its the only ship i know.
I had the aurora, got the AMD bundle.
flown the 300i ever since, not going back :p

If you buy it can you get missiles for it? also, is there away to ajust that turn dead spot in the middle? its a pain, you have someone almost lined up and need to lead the target and turn slightly, but because of that dead spot you have to move the crosshair much to far to turn, in other words no matter what you do you miss the target.

Keyboard and Mouse.
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