******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

18 May 2012
To me it's just a paint job too, I have one though so it's nice to see one of my ships finally make it in instead of loaners :)

Carrack isn't coming this week, but from what Ben wrote I think he's got it coming on the 26/27th sale..

Yep it's good to see more ships added (especially if you own it). Not that it's going to be bad, it's a still 300i!, but some ships aren't shown to their best ability when in AC as it's combat/racing only and the other areas of the ship are not highlighted.

Still waiting to see what they are going to do with the interior and cargo for the 300 series :)
17 Jan 2007
Good to see the 315p will make it next - hoping I can have my game access restored soon so I can get to play (and make the most of the M50 for the next few days)! :D
14 Jul 2003
Managed to land the 300i using keyboard/mouse earlier on a landing pad. got out of my seat and thought I'd have a walk around.

Opened door and drifted off into space.. god damn it! :)
24 Oct 2008
Well I booted up the game and in the hanger I don't have any of my ships for some reason. Having said that I am able to use my ships in Arena Commander so I'm a little perplexed in this regard, anyone else have this issue?

Also the M50 around the race courses is amazingly smooth, friggin love it though it still hurts sli 980s. :o
17 Jan 2007
Well I booted up the game and in the hanger I don't have any of my ships for some reason. Having said that I am able to use my ships in Arena Commander so I'm a little perplexed in this regard, anyone else have this issue?

Also the M50 around the race courses is amazingly smooth, friggin love it though it still hurts sli 980s. :o
Go to the hangar page on the RSI website - might have to check that you've assigned ships to hangar locations? They changed that one fairly recently.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Well I booted up the game and in the hanger I don't have any of my ships for some reason. Having said that I am able to use my ships in Arena Commander so I'm a little perplexed in this regard, anyone else have this issue?

Also the M50 around the race courses is amazingly smooth, friggin love it though it still hurts sli 980s. :o

Go to the hangar page on the RSI website - might have to check that you've assigned ships to hangar locations? They changed that one fairly recently.

this ^^^^ see my picture here...

Its not in my hanger, maybe i'm excluded because i have the Omega Bundle? :(

4 Mar 2010

plus another Carrack image, from the bridge:

I kinda think the upstairs area feels a little empty, i'd rather the galaxy map take up more space as its probably the focus, and im not really sure what else they're sticking up there to keep it smaller.
Could do with seeing that same shot but from the opposite direction, so we can see what else is going on there, cos there must be a door to sleeping & commune areas, and most likely a small vehicle, hopefully some sort of rover like the Aquila has.
14 Jul 2003
Empty? It's a multicrew ship, it needs to have some space or it'll be another Redeemer which is great when you're in it on your own but the instant someone else gets in you're crotch to butt trying to get past :D

I like it so far, but need to see the whole thing as the images have all been from very different angles, some good, some not so good.
17 Jan 2007
From a roleplaying perspective, its nice to have room to stretch your legs/exercise when out on a long mission in deep space, when your stuck in the ship for days or weeks. Don't want to get cabin fever! ;)
4 Mar 2010
Empty? It's a multicrew ship, it needs to have some space or it'll be another Redeemer which is great when you're in it on your own but the instant someone else gets in you're crotch to butt trying to get past :D

I like it so far, but need to see the whole thing as the images have all been from very different angles, some good, some not so good.

Not empty empty, just seems like a lot of room for just 1 table.

However, i noticed that the image is essentially an update from one Sandi posted at the end of Sept:

So it seems like the sleeping cabins/escape pods might be up there too, which at least gives them more relevance than simply a table, even if the table is going to play a big part.

In fact, looking at those 2 images now, particularly the grey one, you can see theres a walkway in the bottom right, there a guard rail or w/e around the stairs up, so theres more going on up there then is clear from the angle.
17 Jan 2007
Ah, happy now I've got my 315P back with alpha access and more store credits to spare for the carrack! CIG customer service really are great. :D

Now I might be able to CCU this to an Avenger once AC 1.0 hits - I mean they're both $75 so hopefully the sidegrade will be available.
4 Mar 2010
You might actually struggle with that, for reasons ive mentioned to them, and Ben got involved saying its a good point, then never heard or seen anything about it in the 5mo since. The 315 is $65, the Avenger is $60, however the packages are the same price, $75. The only difference is the Avenger has 6mo insurance vs 4mo.

Makes absolutely no sense. This is just another reason why they should have sold ships as standalone and game packages separately, with one of each being required.
They could still simplify it with 'Ship Packages', 1 ship with 1 package, but if you really wanted a collectors box version, you could dump a ton into that and just have an Aurora. But no, they have to complicate everything, wont let you buy concept ship packages, wont let you make a SA ship into a package etc.

Whether they'd do a side-(but technically down)-step to the Avenger, who knows, but side by side, the 325 costs more, but the packages are the same price for absolutely no reason, and seem to be staying that way rather than fixing it

hmm actually it has the Aeroview hangar, which is nice... assuming its the best ship you own. I have the Asteroid one from concept ships (Starfarer or Reclaimer) so its not even based on packages.
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9 Jul 2013
Just got a code for this game off AMD gold reward. Without me reading loads, what do I get with this code?

Looks a good game but does it eat up hours of gaming time to learn? I only ask as I don't get much gaming time these days, prob 6/8 hours a week.
14 Jul 2003
It's not a game yet it's a game in development which is still in the alpha stage. You get an arena commander pass (dogfighting module), you can see you ship in the hangar but you can't fly it yet, instead you'll be given a different ship to try out - the 300i.

Come back in 18 months if you want play a finished game of some sort as that's included in the package ;)
17 Jan 2007
You might actually struggle with that, for reasons ive mentioned to them, and Ben got involved saying its a good point, then never heard or seen anything about it in the 5mo since. The 315 is $65, the Avenger is $60, however the packages are the same price, $75. The only difference is the Avenger has 6mo insurance vs 4mo.

Makes absolutely no sense. This is just another reason why they should have sold ships as standalone and game packages separately, with one of each being required.
They could still simplify it with 'Ship Packages', 1 ship with 1 package, but if you really wanted a collectors box version, you could dump a ton into that and just have an Aurora. But no, they have to complicate everything, wont let you buy concept ship packages, wont let you make a SA ship into a package etc.

Whether they'd do a side-(but technically down)-step to the Avenger, who knows, but side by side, the 325 costs more, but the packages are the same price for absolutely no reason, and seem to be staying that way rather than fixing it

hmm actually it has the Aeroview hangar, which is nice... assuming its the best ship you own. I have the Asteroid one from concept ships (Starfarer or Reclaimer) so its not even based on packages.
Hmm, well I'm more than happy to keep the 315p if things don't work out - and just in time for it to be added to AC in a few days. :)

I would have thought the Avenger package was a step up from the 315P, although it's a very fine line as you say.
9 Jul 2013
It's not a game yet it's a game in development which is still in the alpha stage. You get an arena commander pass (dogfighting module), you can see you ship in the hangar but you can't fly it yet, instead you'll be given a different ship to try out - the 300i.

Come back in 18 months if you want play a finished game of some sort as that's included in the package ;)

So all you can do is dogfight at the moment. Do you earn credits or anything for winning and do you just get back in the 300i if it gets destroyed?
17 Jan 2007
So all you can do is dogfight at the moment. Do you earn credits or anything for winning and do you just get back in the 300i if it gets destroyed?

No, it's literally community testing for development. We just get to enjoy and take part in the development of the game, but if you're not into that sort of thing you'll likely be disappointed until at least another year when more features and modules are ready.
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