******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

24 Oct 2008
Once the game finishes installing I'm going to be trying out my M50 for a change or maybe even my 300i for a quick blast around the circuit. I tried it on my old PC but that couldn't hack it, hopefully it'll run better now. :D

I wonder when they'll add the Gladiator to the hanger, I've been waiting for it in like forever.
14 Jul 2003
I wonder when they'll add the Gladiator to the hanger, I've been waiting for it in like forever.

Same, it at least is in the works I guess so at some point it'll turn up :p

Do you like the super hornet? I think it looks worse, I had grown to like the look of standard hornet...

Are there many people here who've picked up either the Herald or the Redeemer?

No I was never tempted by the Super Hornet, went for the Cutlass instead at the time :)

I've got a Redeemer but it's waiting for melting when something else comes along, like the cockpit but pretty much nothing else about it and don't need one anyway, I'll just crew someone elses :D We've got at least 3 in the org and a few Heralds too.
4 Mar 2010
I quite like the look of the Hornet, however i think when its compared to the Gladius, that just blows it away. I'd imagine it'll be fairly similar to a Hornet too, perhaps marginally more nimble, slightly less powerful (spread over armor, shields, powerplant & weapons).

The Gladiator i think will definitely be sold before xmas, i have a feeling this and the Retaliator will be held back till December, simply because theres the Carrack concept sale in the pipeline and the Anniversary sale on the 26th too, the Carrack will net them $2m IMO (im certain there will be at least $2.5m in Ships, but a lot of melting Constellations or w/e to buy them too), and the Anniv sale could have a lot of older ships (Cat, Starfarer, Banu MM) and limited ships (Cut. Blue, Conny Phoenix, Super Hornet, FL MIS, M50, 350R etc) and the possibility of the Mustang too. So i think Nov is going to be a big-spending month and CIG might prefer to spread them out rather than put a ton out in a 2-3wk spell and overload the market, make it easier for people to spend more over multiple months etc. Works best for both sides really.
18 May 2012
I quite like the look of the Hornet, however i think when its compared to the Gladius, that just blows it away. I'd imagine it'll be fairly similar to a Hornet too, perhaps marginally more nimble, slightly less powerful (spread over armor, shields, powerplant & weapons).

Yep, if you look at the Hornet for long enough it grows on you :) However, things have progressed a lot and the newer ships do look a lot better than the original ship designs now.

The Gladius basically trades a lot of weapons and armour for more speed and manoeuvrability when compared to the Hornet. It’s more of an interceptor.
17 Jan 2007
I think the only ship I will fully enjoy dogfighting in is the Xi'An Scout - can't wait to be able to either dual stick or stick+mouse that fully in decoupled mode. :)

Yeah, there's potential for at least half a dozen LFTC to be written before the end of the year (I wouldn't be surprised at hitting $65m before the end of the month) - I'm sure CIG knows this and will space sales accordingly.

Only two ships I'm definitely looking to pick up is the carrack and if I'm lucky and it comes up on sale, the Khartu-al.
14 Jul 2003
I sold both my xian scouts, needed the cash for hardware :) Interested in the Carrack although I'm minded now to melt smaller ships for larger ones as long as I keep my Omega for racing and something for single seater fighting.

Banu Merchantman still my favourite ship overall, Gladiator a close second I guess, Carrack could steam my heart though :)

I think Paul is probably right with his predictions for sales tbh.
18 May 2012
I think the only ship I will fully enjoy dogfighting in is the Xi'An Scout - can't wait to be able to either dual stick or stick+mouse that fully in decoupled mode. :)

Yeah, there's potential for at least half a dozen LFTC to be written before the end of the year (I wouldn't be surprised at hitting $65m before the end of the month) - I'm sure CIG knows this and will space sales accordingly.

Only two ships I'm definitely looking to pick up is the carrack and if I'm lucky and it comes up on sale, the Khartu-al.

The Khartu-al does look really good and is a unique design (at present). My only doubts about it are looking at it it's only really useful for one thing (interception) and no one knows how good it will be with a solo pilot.

Oh and the engine pylons look rather vulnerable!
17 Jan 2007
The Khartu-al does look really good and is a unique design (at present). My only doubts about it are looking at it it's only really useful for one thing (interception) and no one knows how good it will be with a solo pilot.

Oh and the engine pylons look rather vulnerable!
Yeah, I'm not sure what roles it could be customised into, and I do agree that it seems to have a few vulnerable parts.

For me at least it will be something unique compared to all the space planes (even the scythe is kind of a space plane), or any ship with a primary thruster. In fact, I don't think there's a single small ship that compares to the Scout in it's originality.

If any similar ships are designed in the future, I might make a small collection of them (in game of course, not before release! :D).
18 May 2012
I sold both my xian scouts, needed the cash for hardware :) Interested in the Carrack although I'm minded now to melt smaller ships for larger ones as long as I keep my Omega for racing and something for single seater fighting.

Banu Merchantman still my favourite ship overall, Gladiator a close second I guess, Carrack could steam my heart though :)

I think Paul is probably right with his predictions for sales tbh.

It's what I've been thinking about as well, whether to have a few small ships to fulfil a variety of roles initially and work up to the bigger ships or to skip a few steps in game time and maybe have a smaller ship as backup.
4 Mar 2010
good to see more variants coming in.

Im focusing on the larger ships for my pledge, but its kinda like a double-edged sword really. I want the big dedicated ships because i know we'll use them in years to come, and i'll always feel like thats my ship, the little ones i feel like i'd end up using them as stepping stones and then discard them. The downside is it cuts out the work you'd do building up to these big machines and feeling like they've been earned.
18 May 2012
315P will be the next flyable Arena Commander ship:

AC being patched by Friday this week.

Interesting. The 315P in AC terms at stock (though I hate to compare any ship with stock equipment) is basically still a 300i with a different paint job, unless the efficient engine, power plant and custom scanner are in as well...

I wonder when the other Hornets will be available, certainly will be interesting to see how the ghost and tracker systems are implemented.
14 Jul 2003
To me it's just a paint job too, I have one though so it's nice to see one of my ships finally make it in instead of loaners :)

Carrack isn't coming this week, but from what Ben wrote I think he's got it coming on the 26/27th sale..
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