******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

4 Mar 2010
$61m Letter is out: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/14295-Letter-From-The-Chairman

Have to say im disappointed with the way they've gone with the 3rd Starter ship, its a vote to pick which of 4 manufacturers & paths to go down.
  • Drake Dragonfly: You don’t so much as climb into the Dragonfly as you do put it on around you. In short, it’s the closest thing to strapping an engine and a weapons mount to your spacesuit… or, as the advertising campaign claims, it’s the closest thing to riding the vacuum yourself. Occupying somewhere in the pantheon between a snub fighter and an Aurora, the Dragonfly is a speedy, maneuverable ultralight designed to be cheaply constructed in large numbers and to be readily customized by hobbyists. Dragonfly’s have become the favorite of a particular brand of enthusiast that frequently gather together to share their modifications, off-track race… and other less legitimate “hobbies.”

  • Aegis Terrapin: A literal tough nut to crack, the Terrapin is the most heavily armored of the base-priced spacecraft on the market. Originally designed for long-range survey missions in dangerous star systems, the Terrapin’s design philosophy involves wrapping the ship in additional layers of armor and reserving a significant amount of engine power to host the largest shield generator in its class. Terrapins are popular among private miners, with an equipment mount and a small storage hold that can be converted for valuable minerals.

  • Anvil Hurricane: Some ships avoid dangerous encounters with speed, some with stealth and others with maneuverability. The Anvil Hurricane’s philosophy is that it should be able to blast anything that gets in its way out of the sky. The Hurricane won’t win any races and its electronic signature won’t let you sneak behind enemy lines… but it features a wide array of fully customizable small bore weapons hardpoints plus the ability to customize weapons types in several ways. Hurricanes are often used by militia squadrons and private organizations seeking to add a “heavy” to their lineup.

  • MISC Reliant: With the success of the Freelancer “Built for Life” campaign, MISC has moved to join RSI and Consolidated in the single-seat introductory starship arena. Their silver bullet? A starter ship with more than one seat… and their ace in the hole: Xi’An technology. Where the Aurora is a pure utilitarian platform and the Mustang is a delicate, maneuverable personal transport, the Reliant is MISC’s most Xi’An tech-heavy ship to date. Featuring impossibly sleek lines, two separate crew seats and a vertical fuselage design, the Reliant’s streamlined cockpits glow with some of the finest xenotechnology available!

I was hoping that they'd make an industrial type ship, entry level for mining, refueling & salvaging. Single hull design with a modular addon. It wouldnt be much, but it wouldnt be just another Aurora or Mustang, nor an Avenger or 300 series. All the industrial ships are $150-350, there is no mid-level stuff, let alone an entry level ship designed for roles which makes the universe function. You can stick a tractor beam on a ship and call it a salvage ship, but its not. Just like sticking a weapon on an Aurora doesnt make it a dogfighter. You can fight, explore, race with about 3 ships for under $100. Do we really need a vote on more pirate ships/racers, explorers, recon/stealth fighters or a budget xi'an scout?

Its a missed opportunity IMO. Voted for the Terrapin, but it should have been more, and MISC (cant for the life of me see why Aegis are involved in industrial ships, and MISC are making a vertical fighter).
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14 Jul 2003
I wanted a utility vehicle too, starter miner/salvage vessel would have been great. Think I voted for the Terrapin in the end as it simply comes across as being the most different from what we have in the Aurora and Mustang.

Finally made an org movie, well actually this is the second attempt, will no doubt be altered in coming days though :)

4 Mar 2010
Seems like its the Starfarer, havent a clue why it'd need 5 seats, but theres a few things in there which match up (overhead panels are same as the corridor images, cockpit is about the same size as the concept layout images).
4 Mar 2010
Huh, i was too busy swapping between Youtube & headphones (USB), to downloaded video on speakers, and i guess i didnt catch them saying we'll see a more of it at the end of this episode :D

Retaliator is almost done, and the cockpit is quite narrow. Idris flight deck is the size of a constellation :D
14 Jul 2003
If it's the Starfarer it's stats may have changed a fair bit. It does look a bit like generic cockpit number 23432432 though :p I'd say Caterpillar personally
4 Mar 2010
The Cat isnt being done by F42 afaik, as Bosh says, during the news Ben says the Starfarer interior is in whitebox and we'll see more at the end of the show. So its defo the Starfarer. The Cats cockpit area is also slightly different, its another which looks quite narrow and is a self-contained ship in itself, capable of disconnecting from the modular 'corridor' type area of the ship.

Cat internal artwork: http://images.wikia.com/starcitizen/images/8/8d/Open-Flightdeck0homework1.jpg
Disconnect concept: http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140731172910/starcitizen/images/5/5e/Caterpillar_atv8_3.jpg

edit - a couple of starfarer interior concept pics:
You can see in those the 2 level cockpit, theres quite a few level platforms with a few steps up/down, which is similar to the first few shots in the ATV sneak peak.
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4 Mar 2010
If it's the Starfarer it's stats may have changed a fair bit. It does look a bit like generic cockpit number 23432432 though :p I'd say Caterpillar personally

Yeah, we know the stats have changed, it was a 2 action seat ship (1 pilot, 1 gunner) however they mentioned a while back they've added rear gunner turrets, i cant remember if they said 2 rear or if its 2 total (1 front, 1 rear).

I'll go check the RtV notes
4 Mar 2010
BritCon! :D
Epic, shame its London but not a surprise really. Manchester would have been better, allowing 2,000 people to flashmob the F42 building for a tour beforehand :D
14 Jul 2003
I feel kind of bad about that tbh - sure it will be incredibly easy for me to hop on the underground, but Manchester would have made life easier for more people. :(

I'll go regardless of where it is tbh mate, just that I know people who won't go because it's London and if there's an event on in the city prices go crazy. It's just be our luck that they want to hold it when something big is happening. Fortunately EuroGamer 2015 is in Birmingham so fingers crossed.
4 Mar 2010
RtV notes, taken from http://forums.starcitizenbase.com:

SCBase said:
  • No update on Caterpillar or Retaliator but maybe part of the Thanksgiving sale (Anniversary. Sale)
  • Herald has not officially lost its asymmetry. CIG is taking input from the community
  • Mustang will be AC 1.0
  • Anniversary Sale will last one week.
  • No promise about other TNGS ships in game but they are talking about it and reading the forums.
  • Lego Hornet vote in March
  • Org 2.0 will have alliances between Orgs (but Turbulent is busy working on other back-end stuff atm)
  • Citizen Con 2015 in London
  • Subscriber flare tomorrow with patch
  • 300i cargo hold can’t be made bigger
  • 315p is faster than the 300i (Ben thinks so but we will see tomorrow)
  • Don’t have price on Carrack yet
  • Redeemer – CR saw the old stats and didn’t like them – so he made the call to change them – prior to any community input. CR – “This gunship doesn’t have enough guns”.. as he was coming back from PAX AUS.
  • CIG may drop more concept art about the Carrack before the sale.
  • SOA Crossbow should be in for FPS release
  • Freelancer turrets will be functional in AC2.0
  • Orion has drones but not the Carrack and it doesn’t have a vehicle (no rover).
  • Retaliator – turrets are coming in next week.
  • Can’t say on which ships will be for sale in Anniversary Sale.
  • Carrack is a little bit bigger than Connie.
  • CIG doesn’t hide concept art – pretty much releases it as they get it in
  • Avenger in AC1.0
  • Xi’An Khartu-Al : a little after AC1.0 (since it has unique flying it will be a little after)
  • Avenger is not really changing – it still has the TR5 main thruster
  • You will be able to get drunk in a bar and get into a FPS fight
  • AC will change to a sim pod (not as it is now as you get in your ship) and they will also have in game AC credits.
  • Banu MM – no news – concept locked – needs to go to tech artist – focusing on single seater fighters.
  • AC2.0 goal is to have multi-crew ships but that doesn’t mean all multi-crew ships will be flyable at the release of AC2.0 – each will work their way into it as AC1.0 has done with single seater fighters.
  • Ben is happy with CIG’s progress in the past month. Alex M. and Travis D. has done a great job as producers
  • Ben’s favorite ship is still the Retaliator
  • We will eventually have more than 15 ships in hangar (it’s a performance issue)
  • AC 1.0+ (not right away) will have the AC – UEC
  • 4-6 new weapons very close for VD store release
  • Every two weeks CIG will release a document that explains how the game works (Tony Z will have one on the PU in January 2015)
  • Character creator will come with Social Module
  • CIG will have other weakly trials like the M50 recent one
  • CIG will do a post launch documentary of SC
  • Mini games are not a priority – CIG is tasked to the limit for the next year
  • Smuggling mechanic – you put valuable stuff in ship then run like hell – or try to hide it
  • 890 Jump will likely appear before Beta PU (*in AC) – it is a passion project of Behavior
  • RTV will go to Austin to talk to Tony (Tony goes even beyond CR vision according to Ben)
  • You can’t shoot asteroids to mine (Tony Z will explain mining next year)
  • Have not announced 4th city on Earth yet
  • S&R ship (voted out) probably not make another appearance but they are not ruling it out
  • Shooting range in Hangar will make another appearance
  • CIG will be working on Spider as a construct in the PU
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