******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Having fun with the 315P now in AC.

It's not good at dogfighting, but those engine sounds... :eek: Really good, although they could perhaps lower the overall volume for it.
So... 2 years insurance on any ship sold in the anniversary sale next week.

Thoughts? I'm pretty happy about that, especially as it only ticks down while you're playing. Great solution preserving LTI exclusivity for the OB/VB crowd while allowing new backers access to meaningful insurance duration.

Will certainly look to melt and/or CCU during the sale.
I don't mind tbh, suspect it means lots of the popular grey market ships coming like the retaliator, merchantman and starfarer
I just want to pick up a Khartu-al with 2 years SHI. Was sad to have missed out on this one and it's one of my favourite ship concepts.

Then the Carrack LTI when it's ready.
Ben on RSI site wrote:
Let me (try) and shut down some of the rampant speculation :sick: The sale will include a number of ships that have been offered before. It will not include EVERY ship we've ever offered, but it will be quite a few. Of these ships, any that were originally 'time limited' (such as the M50 or the Retaliator) will be available for a full week (11/21-11/30.) If they were originally 'quantity limited' (such as the Scythe or Idris) the same will be true if they return... so if we were to offer more Scythes, there'd be a limited number of them. Please note that my examples are not promises that these specific ships will return. I will also re-confirm that the Idris-M and the Scythe will not be offered again.

Ships will NOT have LTI, but in honor of the two-year anniversary, any ship sold as part of the sale will have two year insurance instead of six month insurance. Almost all of the ships have been offered before, although there will be one or two new concept sales. The concept sales won't launch on Friday, but you will get a schedule and pricing for them then (as promised, concept sales and pricing will be announced a week out.) We will have several Comm-Links next week showing off a selection of the ships you haven't seen in a while, including some new art and fiction about them. This Friday, we will have a full schedule for the sale, with all the ships listed and the plans for any limited ones specified.

So potentially a limited number ship coming back but which one, phoenix upgrade? Can't obviously be the Scythe/Idris as he's ruled those out but why bring it up unless they're going to bring one of them back. Still think it'll be the the older ones (Retaliator/Gladiator/Caterpillar/Starfarer) and possibly Merchantman.

So potentially a limited number ship coming back but which one, phoenix upgrade? Can't obviously be the Scythe/Idris as he's ruled those out but why bring it up unless they're going to bring one of them back. Still think it'll be the the older ones (Retaliator/Gladiator/Caterpillar/Starfarer) and possibly Merchantman.

I think there is a good chance of the Idris P back with LTI, Ben just posted this.


I may be tempted by a Phoenix upgrade for my Aquila if its back, would not surprise me if they brought everything back tbh....even without LTI 2 years insurance is more than enough for most people.
$1k Carrack :D

Theres a vote going on at the RSI forums, for what users think the Carrack should be priced compared to the Aquila.
1) $150-200
2) $200-250
3) $250-300
4) $300+

Would you believe that 2/3 of them believe that the flagship explorer, almost identical in size to the Aquila, should be sold for under $250... $25 less then the Conny variant.
I'd love it to be $1k just for them, with anyone who voted a sensible price getting it for the sensible price CIG will sell it for (lets not get into sensible prices for virtual ships!).

I believe it'll be $275, possibly $300 (with a view to $300/325 hangar & $325/350 final/flyable).

The stupid thing is, CIG obviously have a formula - size, rarity, quality, features etc. So anyone who believes & votes it should be priced on par with a Freelancer DUR is an idiot, it'd need to be terribly spec'd to be less than $250, and those same people would only moan. Dunno why they bother really, its not going to influence CIG, the problem is people see examples like Redeemer getting more weapons, the forum started a poll, and think they're the reason for it happening when CR had already decided it needed more, cue everyone deciding if they poll for stupid stuff it might influence it etc, and so begins the sub-$250 Carrack so says 2/3 of ppl (other 2 were split evenly).
$1k Carrack :D

Theres a vote going on at the RSI forums, for what users think the Carrack should be priced compared to the Aquila.
1) $150-200
2) $200-250
3) $250-300
4) $300+

Would you believe that 2/3 of them believe that the flagship explorer, almost identical in size to the Aquila, should be sold for under $250... $25 less then the Conny variant.
I'd love it to be $1k just for them, with anyone who voted a sensible price getting it for the sensible price CIG will sell it for (lets not get into sensible prices for virtual ships!).

I believe it'll be $275, possibly $300 (with a view to $300/325 hangar & $325/350 final/flyable).

The stupid thing is, CIG obviously have a formula - size, rarity, quality, features etc. So anyone who believes & votes it should be priced on par with a Freelancer DUR is an idiot, it'd need to be terribly spec'd to be less than $250, and those same people would only moan. Dunno why they bother really, its not going to influence CIG, the problem is people see examples like Redeemer getting more weapons, the forum started a poll, and think they're the reason for it happening when CR had already decided it needed more, cue everyone deciding if they poll for stupid stuff it might influence it etc, and so begins the sub-$250 Carrack so says 2/3 of ppl (other 2 were split evenly).
Don't tell the OP there that I said this, but that thread is senseless.

I have argued myself blue in the face in that thread regarding all sorts of features and especially the arbitrary meaningless difference between "planetary" and "space" exploration, giving detailed examples.

I can only conclude one thing - the OP has a hidden agenda to force the price lower than makes sense. I won't argue with this because of course I'd like it for the cheapest price possible.

However the OP is offhandedly dismissing EVERYTHING that is presented to him for two reasons, both nonsense:
- he doesn't want the carrack to impinge on the role of his precious Aquila.
- he comments on and then subsequently ignores any advantage the carrack may have and instead focuses on the bare minimum highly inaccurate stats page to make his comparison with the "precious" Aquila.

It's like "oh yeah, great it can have those features. Now we need more people to share features that make it favourable over the Aquila. As it stands it should be cheaper than the Aquila at around $200..." (paraphrasing)

I call BS on this now because of my most recent comment saying its unrealistic to expect anything less than $200, upon which he says that it is very likely to be under that price based on the meaningless stats page and concept notes.

Sorry, I just had to type this here because it's like debating with a brick wall over in that thread - despite the majority of posters trying to explain the same thing to him. :rolleyes:

Anyway, my realistic prediction is $250 (bare minimum if it's hollow) to $350. I don't expect it to be higher than the reclaimer but I do expect close to $300.
If we'd seen more images of it we'd probably have a better idea on pricing. I do have a horrid feeling it might come in more expensive than we expect, but it'd have the specs to justify it.

If it comes in at around the same as a connie variant obviously the specs would be completely different.
Don't tell the OP there that I said this, but that thread is senseless.

-- snip --

Yeah, im not certain as i didnt look at the time, but i think its one of the main Imperium folks cos he keeps bringing it up, and the other day he linked an SCBase poll thread and RSI one too.

I've brought the same argument up in their Carrack thread and somewhere else, RtV thread maybe, hadnt/havent seen their poll thread, and the response is silence basically.
One person on Reddit listed a few sub-$250 reasons, cheapest price (fair enough, but still v.low IMO) and no Rover (based on stats page, when no concept ship listed them till the sale stats were released).

Im not sure whether the Carrack was described specifically as space expl, and couldnt be used in a generic sense to include planetary expl, cos i think it'll be disappointing if there either isnt a rover included, or the cargo space to buy one and bring it along. I'd be disappointed if there wasnt that ability personally, even though i wont buy one (org leader is, and theres only 4 spending, +4 budget members) so we're pretty well organised when it comes to the bigger ships so we have variety.

I cant see it being more than $325 though, i think the size should help there. I'd need to be really well spec'd to push it $50 beyond the Aquila at its cheapest price, and with reduced weapon hardpoints. Add $25 per phase and its $375, $100 more (35%-ish) than the Aquila.

Cant see it being limited either, theres no justification to, other than to command a higher price, but they can make more $$$ selling unlimited at a reasonable price and not anger/disappoint the community.

Also, i cant work out if Ben was hinting at a different (unannounced) concept sale this week, or if he was just clarifying on a general sense, but he brought up the 2yr Anniv = 2yr Insurance, no more LTI unless on concept sales, and ships over $1000. I cant remember if there was something odd in there about a concept sale during these sales, but it seems odd based on the recent 1wk notice rule. Other than Concept Wave ships, the only others would be the new Corvette class, and perhaps new captured alien ships like the Glave.

Hopefully some info in AtV in a few min, and RtV afterwards.

Some notes i'll spoiler tag
"Concept sale on the 28th, were not saying what it is but we think you'll all be able to figure it out"
Repair bear ship confirmed!!! :D

"we'll be ofering a bunch of ships including some of the limited ships like the Super Hornet and the MIS, and a bunch of the wave 2 ships like the caterpillar and M50".
Hopefully that includes things like the Starfarer, Banu MM, Retaliator & Gladiator too, the last 2 i think will be available soon in hangar but 2yr insurance would be nice.
They've also said before that they'll have some new art for a lot (all?) of the ships, which will be nice even if you're not interested in buying owt.

Dec 19th holiday livestream "maybe showing off a few new cool things"

"Concept work for civilian version of Javelin Destroyer has started" - OMG :D

'Green' men figures are $10 inclusive of shipping
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a couple of preliminary RtV notes (i'll come back and edit with the SCBase notes when they're up)

Q) When will the civilian Javelin be available to buy?
A) [Ben raises eyebrow... long period of silence] Ben - "everyone just smile at the camera"

If thats included in this anniversary sale, holy smokes! It'd have to be at least $2.5k and account bound ($1k limit on gifting, due to US laws).

No Mustangs till 1.0, Jump Point tentatively tomorrow (waiting on lore from contractor).
yeah, Ben just slowly raising an eyebrow and the silence.

Part of me wonders whether the fact that JP read out that question was him trying to hint, draw out hints, like he did before PAX AUS trying to get him to name names on the ships for sale.

With the Carrack almost certain to be sold Friday 28th, i think we could well be looking at $65m. They'll almost certainly raise 2m over the weekend ($61.6m atm) which could mean 62, 63 & 64m all met by the time they're back in the office, i suspect we'll be seeing 2 free items for the stretch goals, like UEC, weapons, and hangar flair.

Javelin will be disgustingly expensive in any case - I wonder how many will sell.

Easy answer - all of them :D It'll be extremely limited, there were limited Idris, 250 M's i think. So 100 perhaps, and they'll definitely sell if they're sub-$5k, absolutely no doubt about it.
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