******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Still don't get what people compare ED with SC, it's like comparing a rally game against an F1 game, still "racing" but different sub sets. You'd be just as well throwing Eve Online and Space Marines in there too.

Backed both early on, hell my real name is in-game in Elite.

Harry mate, one reasonable mission isn't really content, they still have a lot to do but we all know that :) The telling thing for me is that I've spent probably 10x the mount of time in Star Citizen than I have in Elite, I enjoy it more but maybe when Elite has FPS elements I'll feel drawn to it but I doubt it despite having all the expansions free and a free Cobra MK III whenever I want it. I'm excited for what we'll see from both in the future anyway.
So I am right, we have nothing at the moment after how many years and how much money?

Actually no, if you bother to look into what they've produced you'll see a ton of very impressive technology, the question is when it'll ever be playable by the backers. Incidentally going back to a previous post you didn't "invest" you donated the money based on a promise, common misunderstanding with crowdfunding.

If in doubt ask for your money back they still give refunds apparently.
I've seen what has been produced but it isn't what I invested my money for. However pretty/technical/impressive it might be it isn't what I hoped for.
Having said that I'm lucky enough to invested just enough so I don't need my money back. I'm just annoyed that what I was told about has changed so much and doesn't include a game.
Development should have been along original lines then expanded after what was offered had been delivered. It is like all huge developments it's requirement are forever changing so the result is always just out of reach. With such a huge investment why are there still calls for more money. Any good development would have stayed true to the original target and provided what was promised in a timely manner. What was originally offered was a WC/Privateer for naughties.

No what was offered was something more akin to Freelancer with WC as the single player campaign leading up to entry into the freelancer style universe. Again you didn't invest, you threw money at a bet and we're still waiting to see if it paid off.

Scope expanded as money went in, hardly surprising when the backers themselves were constantly adding on requests for content and giving devs ideas. This wasn't a case of CIG just saying "sod it, what can we stick on next?" The backers were heavily to blame for this and showed encouragement for it by consistently throwing more and more money. It's still happening now by the way.

As I said, if you aren't happy get a refund, you'll then be able to buy back in if/when it's ever out. You've nothing to lose by doing that seeing as you're only after the single player by the sounds of it.
But single player is all that WC/Freelancer/Privateer offered so why shouldn't I expect that as an outcome over the MMO/FPS that everyone seems to be so over excited about.
I din't invest? LoL
If I cash in now and buy back in later I will lose so many promised items it's hardly worth it. It's a bit like Brexit, I need to stay in and make a fuss about what I want rather than everyone elses wishes.
It's literally always been multiplayer too, go watch the first videos featuring Chris Roberts in the campaign. should they scrap that because a small number aren't keen on it? If you are playing single player only the additional items do nothing for you so refund and get on with Life?

If I hadn't been having a laugh testing this is have refunded a couple of years ago personally.
You are still missing many points, I have no need to get a refund, I just want what was originally discussed, a space trading, fighting, story based game. What is fun about doing pretty much nothing but looking at pretty graphics.
PS I think you might be taking this a bit too seriously ;-)

Honestly I'm as relaxed as can be when it comes to those who are disheartened by how long it's taking for the game to come out, Humbug, Worzel and I have been playing the various modules together for years and we've done literally everything you can many times. We want more content and we're probably more aware than anyone just how little we've had added recently.

All of us wanted CIG to stop adding to the game at least a couple of years ago, more scope means more time and whilst I'm excited for the game coming out it's where I think ED got it partially right, they got the base game out and now intend to add to it - although to be honest I think the base game needs a lot of work which is why I prefer to play modules of Star Citizen to a fully released game :-/

I want SC now, but then again I also want what was promised and that simply hasn't been made yet so I'll wait, buy expensive HOTAS gear and keep playing!
Going to put together a vid for them just showing them working. Insanely comfortable though, so glad I ditched sliding ones!

Probably won't bother with the virtual toe brakes and axis stuff only really wanted something to bind roll too.. Can't believe it only took 4 days for delivery though was expecting it to be weeks
Yeah vkb, liked the idea of the mechanism, nice and simple and easy to take apart later. Crosswinds were on the radar too though.

Sounds like you'll be purchasing a lot more for ED and SC in the future now you've got the bug!
I see jaggies just below the self-land sign ;)

On a less pedantic note, I think this is the sort of thing they can focus on later although it'd be nice if we got more graphical options soon to allow us to test those too as part of the process. It may well help a lot with client optimisation if lots of Cryengine fanatics get to tweaking it for best performance/visual trade off.
I'm not fully up to speed but many of the ship airlocks etc and even potentially rover/dragonfly may be linked to the item system in some way..

Was hoping we'd be besting insurance/cargo by now though. Know it's not glamourous but like Curlyriff says we need the key components ASAP.
Think I'll wait until others have tested how beneficial it is if/when the game releases.. rather than throwing more money at one game* ;)

*although might justify it for video editing..
They've yet to hit a target date without removing proposed content. That is a criticism btw as they should by now have a better handle on how long they need and build in some slack. Hope I'm wrong though!
There is always a point in criticising targets being missed especially when it happens repeatedly. This isn't a final release date these are in some cases minor features which we've been waiting a very long time to even get to the alpha test stage. That isn't a complaint, just an observation but I'd hate to think we weren't allowed to say "damn guys, get the dates a bit more accurate on attempt number 4 please". They can easily build in slippage, but the project has to start hitting some fluffy deadlines at some point.
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