******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

4 Mar 2010
Heres the RtV notes from SCBase:

  • Tomorrow CIG kicks off Anniv. Sale
  • FPS mechanics post to
  • Unlocking new ship(s) to play like the M50 (week)
  • Stocking Stuffers, Notepads, Green Men (grey) will be on sale tomorrow.
  • 2 year Insurance on all Anniv. Ships
  • 1 (or 2) new Concept Sales (likely the Carrack on the 28th
  • Noon PST should be the time for the sale tomorrow
  • No limited sales tomorrow (but limited sales will happen next week)
  • No patch next week
  • No RTV next week
  • No Vanduul Scythe for Sale (probably ever again) (and likely no Idris-M) (note you can still get these with the $15k package – you can ask CIG to get it for you)
  • CCU’s only available when BOTH ships are available when they are flyable in AC
  • A lot of new CCUs coming out with AC1.0
  • Jump Point getting close (maybe tomorrow)
  • AC 1.0 by the end of the year (if CR is happy with it)
  • There will be another patch before 1.0 (where a new ship will be flyable)
  • No Mustang with Anniv. Sale but with AC1.0
  • When will the Civilian Javelin be on sale? --- they all smile (and don’t say when) --- OOOooo
  • Mustang variants might be available in AC1.0 – but definitely base Mustang
  • Super Hornet variant will be available in Anniv. Sale.
  • Many Fonts in the final game (not just current font)
  • Probably no new HUDs by AC1.0 (probably next year – Zien doesn’t know “when)
  • Zien can’t say for sure how modable the HUDs will be
  • CIG is shutting down over Christmas
  • UK is redoing the inside of the Redeemer
  • Avenger Variants = Q1 2015
  • Base Avenger flyable in AC1.0
  • HUDs will vary between manufactures (some will be old school…. Some will be more advanced ships like Alien Ships / Xi’An tech like MISC… and Origin). Alien UI’s will be interesting like Khartu-Al (Xi’An)… they might even have some Alien Language options :)
  • There will be electronic warfare – ECM… and you will be alerted when you are being scanned
  • CR is thinking 4x time compression and insurance is based on game play time.
  • 890 Jump looking at new options like Med Bay (no options decided on yet) – Behavior is looking at it.
  • Xi’An Scout and Banu MM no new news but likely on Sale Next week – Ben “winks” (can’t commit)
  • Retaliator will probably not be ready in Hangar by the end of the year.
  • Holiday Live Steam - Dec 19th will be a 6 hour livestream – LA, Austin, UK – cool reveals and things to show off. Starting 10am PST
  • Pre-Visualiation is available to CIG only of the Star Map (it currently
  • No Price Increase for this Anniversary Sale – melt your old ships to buy the same ships with 2year insurance (but see next comment)
  • Ben Says “Insurance is almost MEANINGLESS” :) = Hull Insurance and LTI
  • Hull insurance will protect ships in all sectors of space but Upgrade and Cargo insurance may not
  • Herald Contest – come up with your own UI
  • Only Redeemer got a stat correction per CR (prior to any community comments – also see RTV ep 23) and no other ships will get any buffs.
  • All ships are constantly changing…. And ships may see interior remodels
  • There will be some blood in FPS but it will not be gory
  • Ben confirms there is not game mechanic difference between ships that have beds and those that don’t (it is just a rumor… even if CR mentioned about the animation of getting into a bed) – they don’t have current plans for differences in logging out mechanics – it is just a button.
  • When a ship is being re-concepted it is for a design change purpose only.
  • Holoviewer is getting a throw-away and complete redo
  • They are working on reticles (so they are easier to see)
  • Planetside / Social module will be going out of your hangar to a Bar / other PU elements and later on a character creator
  • No news on Hull C
  • No news on P72 Archimedes
  • Room system is in (staring in the new year will be available to players)and the Cartography room will not be in right away but soon after.
  • Civilian / Military – short answer is you will not be getting a Retaliator with nothing on it (but it is still a Civilian Retaliator)
  • Social module will allow you to invite friends into your hangar
  • Retribution will not be sale
  • CR said the largest ship to be for sale will be the Destroyer – THINK THIS IS CONFRIMATION FOR A JAVELIN SALE (no dates)– all we got was “winks” before and mention in ATV and earlier in this RTV
  • Paint system in works – will allow CIG to do cool skins – and will allow players to customize ship looks.
  • There will be ATV next week but no RTV

Havent read it myself yet.
17 Jan 2007
No price increase is cool - means I should be able to pick up a Khartu with 2yr SHI for the same price as it was originally. Happy about that. :)

So carrack pretty much a certainty next friday, better prepare my wallet... if I can find its hiding place.

Bit disappointed to read that Redeemer is having interior redo - might just be because I'm biased and I kind of hate the ship and there's far more interesting ships that need work rather than wasting time on it. But that's my incredibly biased opinion.

1:4 time ratio and insurance running on game time means that 2yr SHI is 4383 in game hours... :eek: That is pretty much LTI for most players.
14 Jul 2003
Yeah that's why I've been saying to folks not to worry about LTI, most people won't play enough for it to matter, or play so much the renewal cost isn't noticeable anyway.
17 Jan 2010
Am I missing something (probably).

People are willing to pay £15K for a game package?

Carrick = £250-£325?

A capital ship (civilian Javeli) for £2K?

Is this realworld money or in game currency?

14 Jul 2003
Real money, I know someone with 40 ships, at least the last time I spoke to him.

and remember it's in dollars, not that it really changes anything!
17 Jan 2010

This sounds like total madness.

Not wanting to sound like a troll or anything, but all I see is RSI have 60+ million dollars and havent actually delivered much so far in terms of game or gameplay?

And these prices for ships and packages seem like total lunacy, a game usually costs say £30-40 and thats about it.
25 Oct 2007

This sounds like total madness.

Not wanting to sound like a troll or anything, but all I see is RSI have 60+ million dollars and havent actually delivered much so far in terms of game or gameplay?

And these prices for ships and packages seem like total lunacy, a game usually costs say £30-40 and thats about it.

I bet they were amazed at the crazy spending on ships , hence they seem to put putting way too much focus on the ships than the actual game imo.

I mean look at this thread . 90 percent of posts about ships for a game that is not even out yet.
17 Jan 2007

This sounds like total madness.

Not wanting to sound like a troll or anything, but all I see is RSI have 60+ million dollars and havent actually delivered much so far in terms of game or gameplay?

And these prices for ships and packages seem like total lunacy, a game usually costs say £30-40 and thats about it.
There is a reason for this which I suppose needs restating:

1. You do not have to pledge for ANY ships - they will ALL be available in game, using in game currency.

2. Pledge packages are designed to FUND the game. EDIT: The scope has increased GREATLY from early kickstarter goals - unfortunately it requires time and research to find out about all the things going on. $60m is not going to go a long way for the full scope of the game.

3. Ship prices are determined by in game value based on features and components relative to each other. The price for the pledge now will be similar (it will increase in game) to the in game value in UEC ($10 ~ 10000UEC I think).

4. There is no pay to win - there is no win, therefore starting with a different ship merely gives you a different flavour. Some people prefer not to spend the tens of hours it will likely take to earn things like a cutlass and would rather start with one right away. The ONLY reason to spend a lot of money now is if you want to start the game on launch with a particular ship.

5. The base game costs $30 - NO alpha or beta access. Beta access costs $40. No one is holding a gun to anyones' head for them to spend any more than that. :)
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17 Jan 2007
I bet they were amazed at the crazy spending on ships , hence they seem to put putting way too much focus on the ships than the actual game imo.

I mean look at this thread . 90 percent of posts about ships for a game that is not even out yet.
Try reading some information about the development before making uninformed comments.

And see above regarding ship "prices".
4 Mar 2010
To be fair, it takes a fair bit of research on the whole thing to really understand SC and be relatively educated about whats happening. The media is drawn to the 'SC reaches $xx millions' headlines, and anyone who goes onto the site cos they've seen a recent trailer or something cool, heads to the store and see's ships ranging from $40 upto $300 etc, and people talking about $600 ships, whether an upcoming ship will be $200 or $400 etc etc.

There still needs to be a big overhaul, an short educational video for visitors so they understand the process, the hype and the work involved.

Anyone who simply stumbles upon SC, doesnt instantly feel warm & fuzzy from Chris Roberts making the game and feel obligated to dig through the data to understand it, is just going to be hit by a wall of ship prices, lack of finished product, and come out with the sort of carp the uneducated masses and nay-sayers frequently spew, its a con, they're laughing, its vapourware blah blah blah.

Theres also the "i'll buy it when its released" and "i'll wait till its in the sales and pick it up for a tenner" comment as some sort of superior minded action, a "why spend $100 when you can spend $40 and get the same thing, you idiots".
Frankly i couldnt care less, the game needs income to allow them to hire staff to build a game of this scope, and now at 300 staff, but when its built, it also needs income to continue it, from new members, expansions, 'gold buyers' etc.
Theres no obligation to contribute beforehand or beyond the minimum, but its through people who've contributed beforehand, and many far beyond the minimum to play the finished game, and thats the reason things are of the size, scope and complexity which will make it the game it'll end up being.

I genuinely think the closest comparison i can think of is something like GTA5. The difference being that instead of a publisher handing over $100m to make it and then pocketing $50m as their bonus/profit, having dictated how things happen, what the scope is, how it has to integrate into their carpy IOS app and digital distribution platform, how it has facebook & twitter integration, and takes 100hrs to unlock the next ship or you can buy credits in $10/25/50/100 amounts to speed up the process etc.

Look at the state of publishers, how customers are treated. Im not a big fan of Early Access, but if you combine the process with the developers who you can trust and have moral integrity and respect for their customers, you're bound to get success stories. Let them do what they do best, and kick the publishers to the curb and show them we dont NEED them, gaming isnt dependant on their sculpting the process to the latest trends. Maybe then they'll reign it in a little, start showing customers some respect, rather than releasing trailers full of fake footage, embargoing reviews, and then dumping the product on the customers lap and saying 'no refunds' for the £40 game they want to sell.

Also, going back to the earlier point about what a 2yr Insurance works out at, i just took a look at my small BF4 clan (also SC org) to see how long we've played it.
We have 9 members, and their combined time playing BF4 in the 13mo its been out, comes to 4,482 hours! It took 9 members playing BF4 the same amount of time (counted under the same stop-start conditions) 13mo to reach a little more than what 2yrs of insurance would provide you.
17 Jan 2007
^Agreed, the website layout and presentation of information needs an entire overhaul - it's totally confusing and painting inaccurate images of what is going on in the whole picture.

The bottom line with ships is - I'm pledging because I have faith, faith that this will be the best damn game ever and I want to consolidate my game budget into something I believe in rather than wasting it on things I don't care about. I don't intend to give them ludicrous sums of money, but I will be putting in well beyond what is normal for me because I believe they can produce the goods and I want to make it happen.

Regarding the 2yr insurance - I have about 1000 hours in ME3 multiplayer and over 1000 hours in guild wars 2, over the last two years - since march and august 2012 respectively. And I have played both games A LOT, by my standards. If insurance ticks down in game at a rate of 1:4, then that effectively will give me up to 4 years real time insurance. I know it's a meaningless cost, but that for all intents and purposes = LTI.
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14 Jul 2003
Hey I've made a profit off SC and I've no problem admitting it, grey market has been useful as have all those wealthy backers salivating over LTI.

However when I look back at games I use to subscribe for, well cost mount up and I never got the game I wanted at the end, here there's a chance I will at long last. I can completely see where people are coming from when they're shocked at the funds some are punting into the game though, one which let's face it currently is little more than a tech demo and not even a particularly great one at that in it's present form (but improving rapidly). But I think there's a good many of us who are sick of the same old tired games coming out and finally want one which rips apart a genre and tries something new - even if it may not pan out as we'd hoped.

But hey, I'd rather be throwing money at Chris Roberts and team than anyone else and to be 100% honest for me it's already been worth it, I've made new friends and had an absolute blast, arguably I've had someone else's moneys worth already.

It's not an easy game to justify backing though, which is probably my main critisism, the headline costs are off putting, the pledge store is a disaster and the CCU/upgrade paths are simply insane. Yet over half a million have thrown their wallets at the screen already, that's a health amount of faith.
4 Mar 2010
Very surprised at that, for weeks now Ben has been saying its the same length as the Constellation, and yet the reality is that 61m is nowhere near 110m, infact its almost double the length! So WTF.

Im liking the sound of it all though, and for twice the length, an addon ship (should have been a rover), more cargo (hopefully fit a rover in there instead), and so on, you cant really squabble about a $300+ price against the economy of ship prices.

4 decks too, over 110m... so twice the length, 3 levels more... nothing like a constellation really. Also, probably worth remembering decks != floors, people have decks in their garden, its not considered a new floor, its just a level between floors, they could be obervation towers/decks, stuff like that, im not convinced it'll be 3 genuine floors, let alone 4, we'd be in 890J territory otherwise, and that was 'discounted' as $600.
17 Jan 2007
Agreed, decks could mean anything, not necessarily 4 floors one on top of the other.

I'm imagining another large room behind the "bridge" shots we have so far, culminating in a boat bay in the rear.
4 Mar 2010
Yeah, although the daft thing is, those shots could be the bridge, with a huge open ship below, what we've seen isnt that deep and none of the angles really show a door or something to go beyond whats visible, they could just be 2 smaller levels with 2 huge levels below somewhere.

Shouldnt be long till see get an info dump to dissect, although iirc the info we've got before the sale has typically been 'next week we'll be selling the xxxxx, heres a couple of shots, order yours next week for $xxx' etc. Next week is probably the decent info dump.
14 Jul 2003
Ben consistently talks out of his rear tbh. I get the impression he's the last person to get some of the information and isn't included in many of the team meetings with other devs due to his "community" based work.
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