To be fair, it takes a fair bit of research on the whole thing to really understand SC and be relatively educated about whats happening. The media is drawn to the 'SC reaches $xx millions' headlines, and anyone who goes onto the site cos they've seen a recent trailer or something cool, heads to the store and see's ships ranging from $40 upto $300 etc, and people talking about $600 ships, whether an upcoming ship will be $200 or $400 etc etc.
There still needs to be a big overhaul, an short educational video for visitors so they understand the process, the hype and the work involved.
Anyone who simply stumbles upon SC, doesnt instantly feel warm & fuzzy from Chris Roberts making the game and feel obligated to dig through the data to understand it, is just going to be hit by a wall of ship prices, lack of finished product, and come out with the sort of carp the uneducated masses and nay-sayers frequently spew, its a con, they're laughing, its vapourware blah blah blah.
Theres also the "i'll buy it when its released" and "i'll wait till its in the sales and pick it up for a tenner" comment as some sort of superior minded action, a "why spend $100 when you can spend $40 and get the same thing, you idiots".
Frankly i couldnt care less, the game needs income to allow them to hire staff to build a game of this scope, and now at 300 staff, but when its built, it also needs income to continue it, from new members, expansions, 'gold buyers' etc.
Theres no obligation to contribute beforehand or beyond the minimum, but its through people who've contributed beforehand, and many far beyond the minimum to play the finished game, and thats the reason things are of the size, scope and complexity which will make it the game it'll end up being.
I genuinely think the closest comparison i can think of is something like GTA5. The difference being that instead of a publisher handing over $100m to make it and then pocketing $50m as their bonus/profit, having dictated how things happen, what the scope is, how it has to integrate into their carpy IOS app and digital distribution platform, how it has facebook & twitter integration, and takes 100hrs to unlock the next ship or you can buy credits in $10/25/50/100 amounts to speed up the process etc.
Look at the state of publishers, how customers are treated. Im not a big fan of Early Access, but if you combine the process with the developers who you can trust and have moral integrity and respect for their customers, you're bound to get success stories. Let them do what they do best, and kick the publishers to the curb and show them we dont NEED them, gaming isnt dependant on their sculpting the process to the latest trends. Maybe then they'll reign it in a little, start showing customers some respect, rather than releasing trailers full of fake footage, embargoing reviews, and then dumping the product on the customers lap and saying 'no refunds' for the £40 game they want to sell.
Also, going back to the earlier point about what a 2yr Insurance works out at, i just took a look at my small BF4 clan (also SC org) to see how long we've played it.
We have 9 members, and their combined time playing BF4 in the 13mo its been out, comes to 4,482 hours! It took 9 members playing BF4 the same amount of time (counted under the same stop-start conditions) 13mo to reach a little more than what 2yrs of insurance would provide you.