******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Funnily enough, i was just having a rant about that when c&p'ing the info to the bit-tech forum:
Some early info about the Carrack, nothing like what the stats say, also absolutely nothing like what Ben has been saying for weeks now, which kinda makes you wonder how much merit these answers to questions are worth if he A) doesnt know the ship is as good as twice the length he's telling people, and B) nobody working on it bothered telling the community manager who spends 1h each week answering community Qs as well as being a regular guest on unofficial webcasts etc.

Just seems like really he should know all this information, and someone has to determine whether or not thats info for the public or to be held back, to let someone directly responsible for working with your community, allowing him to mislead (knowingly or not) them with inaccurate information is really embarrassing, for CIG and for Ben who looks like he's completely out of the loop and doesnt know the ship he's being asked about for weeks, is TWICE the size he's repeatedly telling us.
At what point do they stop releasing ships and making loads of money , or is this going to be an endless procession of spaceships until release ?

They dont stop, even when the game is released and they stop selling ships for cash. They started the project like most kickstarter projects, with better rewards for the more you pledge. Nobody argues this is a problem, but CIG have opened their 'reward' system up, and are basically allowing you to use the amount you want to pledge to give you the reward YOU want.
You dont go to a project, complain you want to contribute $100 and expect everything, the end product, the hoodie, the keyfob, poster, flick book etc etc, and you dont expect to get the same as if you paid just $50 for the minimum for the actual product.
Yet SC open it up, let the user decide how their contribution rewards them, and its considered a cash-grab. Its insane and ignorant.

In the future they'll make money from game sales ($60, you can get in today for $30, unheard of for early access types) and DLC in the style of SP mission packs (not map packs, ship packs, exclusive content to give an advantage etc), merchandise, and in-game things like skins, fluff (all available for in game UEC too) and extra character/NPC slots.
The other option is selling credits, and i believe that they're using a combined solution, so the max you can buy has a limit for the week, and if you earn 90% of that limit in game, you can only buy the other 10%, you cant play for 20h/wk then buy the max credits and exploit both ends.

The ships being created and members are able to pick them, is just part of the process of building the game. The ships dont stop after launch, but as their no longer looking for funding, funding is finished and the game is ready, you're locked in and from then on you buy a game.
At what point do they stop releasing ships and making loads of money , or is this going to be an endless procession of spaceships until release ?

I'd probably expect that they won't simply as the more ships developed, the better the game will be and while they're still in a funding mode I guess they'll carry on releasing them.
At what point do they stop releasing ships and making loads of money , or is this going to be an endless procession of spaceships until release ?

Doubt CIG or any company ever would decide to stop making money, I'd be concerned if they did.

Why would you complain about them making more game assets...no ones forcing you to buy them.
Well his argument would be that: creating more game assets are is great, but it's using resources that could be used to develop the game as a whole.

Not really, there won't be many staff that can work on every aspect of the game as a whole and even if they could it would not be an effective way of using the work force.

Plus if creating ships creates more funding then it creates more resources too, CIG are always expanding so its only good for development. There are nearly 30 jobs listed right now.

Well his argument would be wrong, cos selling ships is also generating the resources that are used to develop the game as a whole :D

Really they need to have them because they're creating such a diverse world, with dedicated and multi-purpose type ships for the roles. Sure, you could cut half the ship building team and let the remaining staff focus on existing ships for SQ42 etc but theres no doubting a lot of people want to buy ships which arent built yet, and CIG feel have a role to play in the universe.

Im pretty sure that if they felt they could do things faster by hiring 10 staff in a specific department, they'd simply go out and do that. They dont hire, and keep people on staff, if they dont feel they're needed. They've said a few times hiring twice as many people doesnt mean a job gets done twice as fast, you could do 2 different jobs in the time it'd take 1, but they've spoke about the balance of people working in different aspects, and i doubt finances are an issue stopping them do a lot of things if it'd help.
Sale is up:

If theres something you're after, like the SH upgrade, do the merry dance around the store for the hornet package, option, upgrade etc for some reason thats not listed in upgrades atm, yet you can buy it.

Javelin is $2500, 4x 50 being sold next Friday.

Unlike last year’s sale, ships this year will be available for a full week. If you’re interested in purchasing a Caterpillar, M50, Super Hornet or any of the others listed below then you have through Monday, December 1st to pick it up. In addition to these ships, we’re also making a ‘limited in number’ ship available next week. Details on this ship are also available below.

Finally, we’re ending the process with a much-awaited concept sale! On November 28th, we will launch the Anvil Carrack explorer concept sale. The Carrack will be available for $345, with LTI and the standard concept sale bonus features (in-game ship model and poster.)

Not sure if that means more of the Wave 2 ships will be sold later in the week, cos no MM, Tali, Gladiator, Starfarer etc.
So 200 Javelins up for sale for $2500 each, that is half a million in funding right there. I think I will pass lol, but will be interesting to see if they will sell

They will sell in seconds, then you will see them on the grey market shortly afterwards for $5000...
Wanna hear something scary? I've just realised if I melted all my ships I would have enough store credit to buy a Javelin...******* mental!
For some reason its incredibly easy to get sucked in. I started last year with an Aurora package, now I have a Redeemer and a Mustang.
I really shouldn't go there anymore :(

In the first hour of the 'sale' RSI have already made 90k...
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Going to wait for the carrack I think - at $345 I'm going to need to save all my store credit for that. Happy to give them the extra.

I will likely pick up the Khartu-al in game instead.
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