******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

27 Jul 2004
It's amazing what people will spend their hard earned cash on these days isn't it.

I've got a ****ed up Transit van full of genuine snake oil out the back if anyone's interested. 50 grand for the whole lot. The van might even drive too. Might not though, but I promise you it will if you give me some money. It will do honest, really well, probably, In a few years time maybe.
14 Jul 2003
Wanna hear something scary? I've just realised if I melted all my ships I would have enough store credit to buy a Javelin...******* mental!

I was asked earlier, even if I melted everything and used my 15% discount voucher I couldn't get the "cheap" idris. That actually made me feel good lol
17 Jan 2007
It's amazing what people will spend their hard earned cash on these days isn't it.

I've got a ****ed up Transit van full of genuine snake oil out the back if anyone's interested. 50 grand for the whole lot. The van might even drive too. Might not though, but I promise you it will if you give me some money. It will do honest, really well, probably, In a few years time maybe.
It's amazing how people will comment on things without properly reading about them first.

Honestly, there are literally an uncountable number of things in this world where money is wasted even more - from alcohol to cinema to paintings to expensive watches and so on...

For the record I only plan to start with 2 ships currently - an Avenger and Carrack, and I'm more than happy to give CR the money to fulfill this dream.

Edit: I should add, I'm having a blast in Arena Commander racing and Vanduul swarm with the excellent flight model. That's already better than most AAA games as it is.
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4 Mar 2010
Yup, theres worse things in life than spending money on something you enjoy that does nobody any harm in the process, and screw anyone who tells you otherwise.

Ive barely played AC, im just not bothered about dogfighting really, its fun for a bit but thats about it, but i think what they've done so far is impressive and stunning to look at, and if they keep implementing things and stretching access to new things, it wont be long till theres something i like in there.
Im more into the trading & industrial aspect, fighting when i need to defend myself or a mission calls for it (i'll definitely enjoy doing Sq42), and im not bothered about exploring... but what im looking forward to the most at the moment is getting a group of us into a Carrack and exploring, just all going along for a ride and seeing whats out there. That was the best bit about playing DayZ SA IMO, going and seeing whats out there, being on edge and wondering if someones watching you etc.

Personally, i really look forward to seeing the new AtV & 10FTC eps, and WMH & TNGS previously, the Jump Point mag (out some point late tonight hopefully), the PAX, Gamescom, CitizenCon shows etc. I love seeing it all unfold and coming together.
I bought Prison Architect at the beginning of the year, spent a week playing it a lot, and havent touched it since, but for the day or so before they put their monthly video on YouTube, im constantly checking to see if its there. I wont play the update, but i love seeing what they've done. That brings me pleasure. I could get both SC and PA videos free, dont need to buy the game for them, but i still feel like i get my moneys worth from the access they give and the enjoyment i get from seeing it.
14 Jul 2003
Most people I know are melting and using credit rather than spending now. I've done that and only if tempted to melt my retaliator for a carrack weeks I actually be spending additional funds.
15 Jan 2004
It's going to be interesting to see what you have to do to earn ships in game. Have they spoke about this yet? I'm guessing it won't be that easy otherwise it's going to anger a lot of investors.
18 May 2012
Most people I know are melting and using credit rather than spending now. I've done that and only if tempted to melt my retaliator for a carrack weeks I actually be spending additional funds.

You are going to melt a retaliator!? :eek:

I'm not sure if I'm going to keep my Redeemer and go for a Carrack as well or one of the other large ships.

Other than the funding a good effect of the ship sales should be the universe will feel lived in. There aren't suddenly going to be half a million Aurora's flying around, there will be a good variety of player ships going about their business, as well the NPCs.
14 Jul 2003
Right now I'd rather get a Starfarer but don't want to add any extra money to my account so may wait and see about a CCU when it's in Arena Commander next year, it's needed for SQ42 so could potentially get one later :)

Carrack would have to give me something I don't have currently for me to melt the Retaliator for it, being pretty and some big guns won't be enough, I'm after utility! Retaliator seems like a versatile ship though so it's going to be hard for the Carrack to best it.
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18 May 2012
Right now I'd rather get a Starfarer but don't want to add any extra money to my account so may wait and see about a CCU when it's in Arena Commander next year, it's needed for SQ42 so could potentially get one later :)

Carrack would have to give me something I don't have currently for me to melt the Retaliator for it, being pretty and some big guns won't be enough, I'm after utility! Retaliator seems like a versatile ship though so it's going to be hard for the Carrack to best it.

The Carrack with it's possible medical and repair facilities, advanced mapping sensors, snub ship, rover style vehicle and large cargo area could have its uses :) Maybe it's a bit too big to fly solo when you want to go it alone (with npcs) though.
21 Mar 2003
How to stop yourself from purchasing a Carrack..

Remember a certain member of pagan is obsessed with that ship, and will do 'anything' to 'anyone' if it means she can get herself onto the crew of one..
31 Jul 2010
so is this game is going to be pay to win then ?

How do you win?

There is really no single aim to the game so you can't win. There is no level to reach.

It's simply a case of dropping you in space and let your imagination do the work.

Fuel carrier
Bounty Hunter
Medical Bay

If they pull it off then the options are endless, some will have better equipment to start with but you don't win. Plus i like the fact that it wont be a universe full of Aruora or whatever they're called.
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4 Mar 2010

Clearly SC isnt for you, you've made a handful of posts in here in the last couple of pages and not once has it been remotely constructive to the thread.
You let the people who've spent money on SC worry about whats happening in SC, we dont need you and your negative assertions wrapped in a questions when you dont even care about the answer. I'd be more concerned about how much time you waste trolling than what other people spend their money on, if i was you.

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14 Jul 2003
so is this game is going to be pay to win then ?

Nope, it's been said several times before you can't "pay to win" in a game like this, for many this will only become evident after it's released though. It's a twitch fighting game, whether that's in PVP, PVE, FPS or ship to ship. If you're simply better than the other guy you'll always have a chance to win, or simply leave, many of the bigger ships people are buying are slower so they can't simply WTFPWN you as you can simply fly off :p
15 Nov 2009
South east
There are often so many changes and so much to keep up on that I tend to only boot up once every 2 months or so to give it a try and see what's new, occasionally keeping semi up-to date with mechanics and ideas.
while I would love to try out some more full fledged ships I shan't be chucking any more money at CIG I just want to see how it pans out now :D fingers crossed and see you in the verse!
17 Jan 2007
The difference being you actually get something that exists . :rolleyes:

Erm, something does exist - many ship models in hangar, some of them flyable, arena commander is great fun to play. :rolleyes:

Are you suggesting these concept ships won't go through the pipeline or be playable? Because that's just stupid - if you have any idea of the development pipelines for SC, you would know that it is pretty much a certainty that the currently non-flyable ships will be flyable inside of a year to 18 months depending on their priority. Remember already most single seaters are flyable, and fly damn well.

Anyway, I won't continue arguing when there's no point. I look forward to a lot of "told you so" in a year's time. Yes, I am that confident.
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