******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

The whole new player experience was terrible, I know it's still unreleased, it would aid getting in new players. The ship controls, flying and landing was very frustrating. Basically the barrier to entry is too high. I'm sure some will love it and the long term veterans will of course flex how easy it all is but that won't get you new players. It's a million miles from arcade play.
That fair but personally have to disagree on this in terms of barrier to entry too high and i dont think its flex to say its pretty easy to start

I find the flying, ship controls and landing super bland and arcade as heck tbh and annoyingly rather the direction they have gone.

1. get in ship by pressing F at cockpit
2. press one button for power on/enginge on/flight ready
3. Press button to call ATC to open hanger
4. Press button to put landing gear up

Off you fly accordingly.

WASD for usual movement with mouse to point direction and hold shift for afterburner. That was it.

There isn’t anything else needed. It is arcade gameplay. That's the big issue is it misses anything sim at all. Honeslty just read the controls in options for basic gameplay.

I really dont understand the difficulty people have with the basics. The only part that is semi unintuitive is the quantum travel but that is it.
Cheers all, that was a great laugh!

I've got a clip of the bounty hunters becoming the hunted that I'll sort out.

Some pics from our escapades





Captains Quarters with added 'this is fine' effect!

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