******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Wouldn't that be retract.....Anyway...Thinking of melting my Phoenix for the Carrack because I'm struggling to see a use for it now.

Phoenix will still likely be much better in combat, and an overall luxury multifunction space superiority ship that has minimal crew requirements.
Caterpillar page is poor, really nothing substantial that's new. Javelin page amuses me no end, can't wait to blow one of those up as half the crew AFK at random lol Can envisage some epic fights on that :)

Still don't want one though.. potentially huge running costs just to move it around, too much of a ball and chain at PU launch, we'll leave it and get one later IMO!
SO how would say I become a member of crew on that Javelin? do i have to be friends with some within the verse who owns one or can I just spawn on to one and assume a useful position on the crew?
SO how would say I become a member of crew on that Javelin? do i have to be friends with some within the verse who owns one or can I just spawn on to one and assume a useful position on the crew?

I think the plan is to have job boards to fill crew roles in the PU. Alternatively you could join an org that have one...or just save up in the PU

^^ $20 for the game, a starter ship and arena commander + beta access, cracking deal but limited number folks :)

That is a sickeningly good deal.

~£13 for access to almost the entire development and the entire game?!?

You'll only have to pay maybe up to $15 more for the remaining alpha modules (planetside, fps...).

Ridiculous - I bought it, and going to melt my 315p for more store credit towards the carrack.
So I need a jump capable ship to explore? the free AMD mustang not good enough?

As far as I'm aware you'll be more limited without one BUT any ship can have one fitted in-game, with the Mustang Omega you have there's also likely going to be upgrades available for pledge later on, if it's like the Aurora we're talking $5-10 for it to come with a jump drive fitted.
yeah, and in-game internal upgrade will be fine. I think the midget fighter in the Constellations are about the only ships which cant fit a jump drive.

There should be quite a lot of internal system stuff you can modify once we have a PU populated with those items, even the ships are supposedly mid-low end systems for the most part, none of them are beyond significant improvement.
Carrack is up guys - I've got mine. :)

Had most of the store credit anyway - and that's me done till release most likely. Only two ships I'm mildly interested in now - the MISC Endeavour and the Aegis Bulldog.

Otherwise I'll just be starting the game with an aurora (the lovely $20 package today) and the carrack.
I'm so confused with how this game is being developed.

Do you need to buy a ship, then get game access? Your then locked to that ship until you buy another?

If I buy the cheapest package, I then get beta access and will get the full game too? When it goes live will it still be charging for other ships? (in real money) Seems like pay to win if this is the case...
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