******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Finally have a pledge with the Cutter. Managed to get an NPC stuck in it (tried to squash him) then when trying to drop off a package he killed me in my own ship because I was in a zone where I couldn't draw my weapon :D
Finally have a pledge with the Cutter. Managed to get an NPC stuck in it (tried to squash him) then when trying to drop off a package he killed me in my own ship because I was in a zone where I couldn't draw my weapon :D

Did you land on one of the NPC's milling around in the hangers? :cry:

Is a good boat the Cutter.....

RSI and the new Galaxy concept are up for sale, which is THE ship they're going to work on modular loadouts... Which they've said for multiple other ships such as the retaliator.

I'd say I'm well out of the honeymoon state with the game :D Too many ships announced for sale considering how slowly they get made. They're selling the Galaxy which is a small cap ship size, which you can buy a medical bay for. Yet the RSI Apollo is a mid sized medical ship, round the same size as the Redeemer. Yet the apollo's been pushed back off the list again. The Spirit concept, looks great from the outside but they don't appear to have designed almost any of the inside.

Still enjoy playing the game with people though. Would far prefer being able to grind for things in game and keep them though.
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Indeed soft death is certainly something that will change up the gameplay along with persistance. Am looking forward to trying it after 3.18.1 mid Feb or so after the larger bugs get fixed that will be in 3.18.0 drop. On a different note this years IAE has not been selling as well from the data than previous year but I think we should still expect the $100 million in a single year funding to be passed!

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Indeed soft death is certainly something that will change up the gameplay along with persistance. Am looking forward to trying it after 3.18.1 mid Feb or so after the larger bugs get fixed that will be in 3.18.0 drop. On a different note this years IAE has not been selling as well from the data than previous year but I think we should still expect the $100 million in a single year funding to be passed!

I've finished faffing about with CCU's for this year - I now have all the same options I had a week ago but with $60 credit back on my account, will be more when the galaxy goes up in price
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Aye, hopefully the backlash about the BMM and the larger ships generally, the lower sales at this event might at least make someone at CIG wake up and realise they need to do something about the system and get the backlog properly sorted as at least a first pass into the game regardless of the gameplay so people can interact with those ships and see how they feel approx. Not having all the modules done for ships that have them is fine considering the cat as example already.
Aye, hopefully the backlash about the BMM and the larger ships generally, the lower sales at this event might at least make someone at CIG wake up and realise they need to do something about the system and get the backlog properly sorted as at least a first pass into the game regardless of the gameplay so people can interact with those ships and see how they feel approx. Not having all the modules done for ships that have them is fine considering the cat as example already.
Well said.

What i want CIG to do is this:

  • Stop announcing large-ish ships in concept. Just stop...
  • Announce concept ships for small ships only that are capable of being done in 6 months
  • Work on the oldest large ships first(like the Hull series, polaris, kraken etc) before working on the new stuff like the odysee and galaxy.
  • Ramp up the ship dev team as most of the flyable ships now are not even gold standard by todays date(And thats not including future plans for salvage munching , physical damage and components....
Well said.

What i want CIG to do is this:

  • Stop announcing large-ish ships in concept. Just stop...
  • Announce concept ships for small ships only that are capable of being done in 6 months
  • Work on the oldest large ships first(like the Hull series, polaris, kraken etc) before working on the new stuff like the odysee and galaxy.
  • Ramp up the ship dev team as most of the flyable ships now are not even gold standard by todays date(And thats not including future plans for salvage munching , physical damage and components....
Mostly agreed. I kinda don't care about the first point, if they dealt with the other issues I don't think announcing new large ships being in concept to make money would remotely be an issue.
They absolutely need to crack on with working on some of the old concepts and start getting more of the existing ships to a gold standard - especially the starter ships. The fact that the Aurora and Mustang both have some pretty big usability flaws is surely bad for new player retention?
Apparently removing bed-logging in 3.18 with no ETA on it being re-introduced as it requires a "fair amount of work". That's a big deal for me; the run from your apartment bed to your ship adds massively to the time factor to play the game.

Being able to bed-log, jump back in and run some missions made things much easier; not to mention waking up in the middle of space with Stanton's star blazing throught the window, the ship almost in darkness on emergency lights before firing the thing up was always a brilliant way to start off :cool:
Aye. This more reason to wait for 3.18.1 tbh. Although looks like it even further away. Bed logging should have been part of the critical path with rolling out PES. It's also daft when crash recovery works with 30ks but not through official logging.
Apparently removing bed-logging in 3.18 with no ETA on it being re-introduced as it requires a "fair amount of work". That's a big deal for me; the run from your apartment bed to your ship adds massively to the time factor to play the game.

Being able to bed-log, jump back in and run some missions made things much easier; not to mention waking up in the middle of space with Stanton's star blazing throught the window, the ship almost in darkness on emergency lights before firing the thing up was always a brilliant way to start off :cool:
Well tbh the way it was implemented was a hack job.

Pes should technically let you log out without a bed (in theory)
Aye. This more reason to wait for 3.18.1 tbh. Although looks like it even further away. Bed logging should have been part of the critical path with rolling out PES. It's also daft when crash recovery works with 30ks but not through official logging.
True that, hadn't considered it from that angle! It's a pretty baffling issue.
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