******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Apparently removing bed-logging in 3.18 with no ETA on it being re-introduced as it requires a "fair amount of work". That's a big deal for me; the run from your apartment bed to your ship adds massively to the time factor to play the game.

Being able to bed-log, jump back in and run some missions made things much easier; not to mention waking up in the middle of space with Stanton's star blazing throught the window, the ship almost in darkness on emergency lights before firing the thing up was always a brilliant way to start off :cool:

I usually use everus harbour as a base of ops (or any station in orbit) means I can be in space within 5 minutes instead of the 15-20 it takes from ground, bed logging has always been a bit miss or miss for me anyway
Crazy innit? I left the project in 2018, since then worked on several Hollywood films, many mo-cap shoots for computer games and the current game I'm on will no doubt come out before SQ42.
Well I didn't buy anything in IEE. The ships I'd like to own either are too expensive for my taste or aren't in game and fully designed yet. I did buy a second VBK Evo though to get some of the duel stick fun in.
Cheers, feels like a life time ago! :)

CIG ended coming to Audiomotion when I worked there for a mo-cap shoot. 2 women flying a ship then getting captured and having a gun fight to escape, must have been about 2020 I reckon
I think they are building there own mo cap studio up in Manchester.

Tbh I'm mainly interested in the mmo game from cig but will have a peak on sq42.
yeah, they've taken over a huge office in the middle of Manchester and have mp-cap too. I think the derby studio is shut now, the building is earmarked to be pulled down to sort the flood defences. :O
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