******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Still buggy, still stutters now and then... One thing I hate and is still there with the latest flight upgrades is that the ship just hovers in mid air, above the ground, without much happening, like an UFO (even on its side). No reaction to winds from a storm, no reaction on the dirt from the ground from the force that pushes downwards, nothing. Even old ArmA 3 does a better job with the choppers...
That's odd. My main profession was/is mining (Mole) and the ship getting blown about on Microtech moons has been a thing for quite a while + often getting blown off course when trying to land at Lorville.
More than a few times, the ship has been blown about a bit when landed too.

The best tip I can give you to both extract the most amount of fun and minimise the likely new player frustration is to find people to play with that can show you ropes and have a laugh with. The game is at it's best when you're with buddies.
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So I've watched this for what seems like forever.. I've seen far more footage of what looks like a game you can actually play now, rather than a tech demo.
Is this the case guys? Really tempted to pick up a cheap starter bundle..
Nope. It's still nothing but a tech. demo. It's never going to be fully released in a finished manner with all the promised features. There isn't even 3 of the promised 100 star systems.
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There was a button combo in the past to have the ship react "real time", so to speak, to your mouse input and not just try to move towards where you're aiming at (that line that goes from the center of the "bullseye" to the pointer from the mouse), but I can't find it anymore. Any tips?

With their upgraded engine and with the 5800x3d runs pretty well on the rtx2080 1080p, most of the time stays above 60fps on Area 18 where previously (with a 2600x and whatever version the game was), usually was around 30fps ore even went under. Interesting that on that hub (Area 18), the CPU was around 80%+ load, at times even 90%+ or for short periods of times 100%! Most threaded game that I've played so far.
However, not all the time the CPU can hold the GPU loaded 99%. Probably still some server side issues...

Anyway, performance on the planet side without much happening is pretty bad considering is a simple scene (maxed, but with clouds on medium). Hopefully will be improved later on and they manage to add some good occlusion. Right now I believe it renders not only the ship, but also what's outside, behind a "wall".

photo upload without registration

Still buggy, still stutters now and then... One thing I hate and is still there with the latest flight upgrades is that the ship just hovers in mid air, above the ground, without much happening, like an UFO (even on its side). No reaction to winds from a storm, no reaction on the dirt from the ground from the force that pushes downwards, nothing. Even old ArmA 3 does a better job with the choppers...

They have been working on moving everything to Vulkan, as well as their own propitiatory server side scheduling, which they call Gen 12, because so much of Star Citizen is persistent the sever also needs to stream assets in real time, given the size of Star Citizen that is a massive load on the server, something they need to and have been addressing with Gen 12, 3.18 is the first build with Gen 12 in, its needed for Persistent Entity Streaming (PES) to work, that's needed for server meshing which is the next and final part of the puzzle.

On the client side, regards to your machine the last two years have been about porting bits a pieces over to Vulkan, without you even knowing about it, but you may have noticed it with the gradual increase in performance over patches, the most critical and final step of that is the main render thread, its legacy from DX11, everything depends on that thread, more and more of it has been moved off that thread and on to Vulkan, but it remains until DX11 is switched off completely, you will know when that happens as the OSD will then say "Vulkan" but until then there will be occasions where that single main thread is the bottleneck.

As for obscured asset culling it is in game and working, for example i get much higher FPS inside my Corseair, espesially in parts of it with no windows than i do outside, the ship in your screen-shot, the 300 series is an old model and probably doesn't have it, it will once it gets its final "Gold Standard" update, they are gradually going through all the older ships and doing that.
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Nope. It's still nothing but a tech. demo. It's never going to be fully released in a finished manner with all the promised features. There isn't even 3 of the promised 100 star systems.
obviously more is better but I am just waiting for release. I am fully accepting of the fact that all of the systems will not be in place, and will come in drips over time, and even that some may not come at all. cest la vie. personally I am confident the game will ship however.

that said after my dabbling on KSer and crowd funding with this and elite dangerous and neither game being what I expected I am now done with that. from now on I will be waiting till release (unless huge pre order discount). and if a feature is vital to me is not in but coming later..... then I will hand my cash over later when the feature is in. that way even if not one more feature update ever comes out , I will still have gotten a product I was happy with and any extra stuff is gravy
Its unique in the sense that its a live game from pretty much day 1 of development and right through, i'm sure it would have been easier and faster to do it behind closed doors like every other developer, Like Star Field, which has been in development for 6 or 7 years that we know of, the developers of that have already said "No, you can't just go anywhere you like" so its on rails, like everyother game, so Star Citizen is also still unique in more ways than one.

We all have a different measure of what will make this a full game, for me its homesteads, making my own home somewhere on some planet, i understand that is years away, for now i'm enjoying the game, it is a game, i have some thousands of hours in it, i have had more than my monies worth and its been not just fun but Star Citizen has given me something no other game can, true freedom to play it as a i please with no restrictions what so ever, it is a true sandbox, no other game comes to with in even a fraction of it. Its so unrestricted even when something goes wrong there is always a way around it....

I couldn't a hanger at Orison Space Port, so......... yeah.

Star Citizen is the game i have always wished someone would make.
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It is more a game now than it is a tech demo, i mean if Elite Dangerous is a game then so is Star Citizen in its current form.

There is stuff to do, there are mission loops, the question is how consistently they work, sometimes they are broken.
And also there are progressions and full persistence
Well I started playing, graphics are very impressive, decided to make my home in stanton Station? Had a quick walk around Area 18, performance is a little all over the place though, gpu usage is very low, bounces between 20-60%.
Just maxed every setting minus motion blur (1440p)

Didn't go anywhere other than onto the platform, caught my ride to the hangers and took a look at my 100I.

What I will say is that I got a real sense of .."something" difficult to put my finger on but I had a similar experience With elite, only more so in this, I guess it's a sense of stuff going on around you, just reading the comms, people chatting, some asking for lifts to different stations, teaming up etc.
Just a big world that I'm looking forward to getting involved in, had a quick look around my ship and inside, love the attention to detail and neat touches.
Can't wait to get some free time to play more.
Well I started playing, graphics are very impressive, decided to make my home in stanton Station? Had a quick walk around Area 18, performance is a little all over the place though, gpu usage is very low, bounces between 20-60%.

That's fairly normal the first time you load while shaders are compiled. You should find it a lot more stable next time, assuming there isn't a patch beforehand.
I do play the game solo quite a lot as well as with mates, solo i do box delivery missions, usually when i want to unwind, something relaxing and uncomplicated, i also do ship to ship NPC bounties and NPC ground bounties, also mining quantainium on Lyria, also very relaxing, sometime i watch the chat for help requests, or medical and rescue beacons from players.

If i play with my org we usually go for the very high NPC bounties together, or we run the Miles Eckhart mission loop and take on the stolen Idris, as well as the dynamic events like Xeno Threat, Jump Town, Nine Tails Lockdown and the Nine Tails Orison Invasion thingy.

If you find a good org they also sandbox their own war games, like Katie Burns who has an Org, i think its The Skunk Works, ED players may recognise her.

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