******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

You do understand that we have paid money into this scam too, right? So we have just as much right to criticise and make fun of it as you do to worship it and brown nose Chris Roberts.
I'm still unsure where the scam is. It used to be vaporware but we clearly have had something we can log into and play for half a decade now.

It still has more content then a lot of fully released games and yet also missing huge amounts of course and lots of things at T0. So what it in development. You pay your £35 and you jump in and can get a few weeks worth of content without repeating anything.

If you wanted to set a goal such maxing out your rep in a profession such as Bounty Hunting although basic can be fun, you earn credits, purchase new ships etc.

The new 3.18 updates for gameplay are pretty huge allowing mining, refueling, salvage, pirating and bounty hunting all finally to link up by having the persistence. Yeah again course lots missing but what other game can you do that in because ED is dead and was awful for the last half decade.

You also se to ignore as much as you might not like it, well it appears around 350,000 new players enjoyed the free fly events enough to purchase the game last year alone. That it is selling itself on its own merits after people try for a week or two. Yes marketing got them to the game to try to start with, the game itself got the retention. 70% retention from free trials is huge figure. So clearly there is a lot more to it that you either dont want to admit too or just like trolling and causing controversial rubbish in a thread.

All of us are critical and have issues with it but seeing the actual positives doesn't suddenly mean there is some weird worship. You are projecting and badly to just act like some **** cause its not what you want or you misunderstood completely those years back and can't back down and loose face cause reasons.
It also always ignores that the 100 star systems was the plan when it wad like a watered down starfield where you would be flying in space and select one of a dozen landing locations and a cut scene played to land there rather than free flight like we have actually got.

That is a significant change that needs to rebalance expectations. Now they could as you do mention build out 100 star systems pretty quick but they would be very much like ED and NMS where they are not unique and feel cloned.

Having a half dozen star systems would be enough to show the difference between having 1 star system and 100 systems.

The 90+ other systems really wouldn't add a whole lot unless we get things like the home worlds of the other alien races added and fleshed out. But even then if each system was specially that which would be say the 6 systems and then you added a few filler systems the game would function fully as intended with it built out and you'd never notice its only 12-18 systems then tbh.

Exactly this.

I don't want be too critical of Elite Dangerous because i actually quite like it, but once you have seen 2 star systems in Elite Dangerous you've seen them all, they are clones of eachother, that's not difficult to do and it doesn't take 100 years, it doesn't even take one, once you have the procedural tech its a case of checking a few radio buttons and making some final adjustments.

Star Citizen already has far more verity in its asset pool for its single star system, there are 3 other star system currently being built that we know of, which have a lot of assets unique to them, Odin, Nyx and Pyro, there are system types that are unique in of themselves, you can get an idea of what Pyro looks like by going in to arena commander and playing the Broken Moon map, CIG have said this is a very very much smaller version of just one small part of Pyro, images below.

Star Citizen was original like Curly said, like Starfield, fixed location on planet / moon with a cut scene landing, there is a demo of this on youtube somewhere, lost to time but i'll try to find it and post it here, the point is what was originally proposed was very much simpler to what we actually have today.



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SC is also really more of a sandbox currently. Play with people, setup events etc. and you can have a great time.

I'd still prefer if Chris left or at least handed ~99% of his power to others as it's clear he's the dreamer that keeps adding things. At the expensive of already coded things as well it seems. There's a long way to go; there will be more shiny things as distractions and funding; with delays for everything. But there is a fun game here currently, you need to be willing to work around some issues though.
SC is also really more of a sandbox currently. Play with people, setup events etc. and you can have a great time.

I'd still prefer if Chris left or at least handed ~99% of his power to others as it's clear he's the dreamer that keeps adding things. At the expensive of already coded things as well it seems. There's a long way to go; there will be more shiny things as distractions and funding; with delays for everything. But there is a fun game here currently, you need to be willing to work around some issues though.

The Chris Roberts conundrum.

This is his brain child, without him it would not exist, he is the best game producer of this genre, by far.
He said Star Citizen is the game he always wanted to make but the technology would not allow him, now he's built a team trying to invent it, with some success, so far, its still the only game on this scale that has no load screens, the other "Star _____" games currently being developed will also not have that, and it matters to the limitless sandbox experience, without it there are limitations in place, you can't just do anything you want anywhere you want even when your ship has a dozen of your mates in it larking about doing thier own thing. No other game does that, no other game will probably for some time to come.
Whether we even realise it for those of us in it are spoilt by it, to paraphrase one ED expat, This is not what i thought it was, its not what i was led to believe it was, how can i go back to ED now i have tried this, ED is like a toy version of Star Citizen.

That is also the problem, trying to reinvent the wheel is expensive and time consuming, PES in 3.18 is just the latest iteration of what's been tried twice before, P-Cache was the first, it didn't work, then came iCache, it also didn't work, now its PES which they say does work, that's R&D, but they started work on P-Cache in 2016.
Back to Chris, the problem with him is he doesn't know when to stop, or even call it good enough, what's wrong with jumping between systems being a cut scene disguised load screen? if you have to make everyone sit in their seat before you enter the gate what's wrong with that? Ok so you can't overcrew your ship, you can't have 100 people milling around in your 890J, because everyone needs a seat to jump, a sacrifice i think is ok to actually get all this in good time.

Chris is not a leader, he is not the guy to be in charge, he needs someone managing him.
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One of the ships looks really good but it costs a lot to pledge. I believe someone said you can get all ships in game because I am not paying £420 for it :D

Edit: They all look good really. Not sure how people who cant afford to buy them for real currency can compete with those who buy the best ships etc.
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One of the ships looks really good but it costs a lot to pledge. I believe someone said you can get all ships in game because I am not paying £420 for it :D

Edit: They all look good really. Not sure how people who cant afford to buy them for real currency can compete with those who buy the best ships etc.
I've only got a starter ship. Its never made a difference. For one you generally don't engage against larger full crewed ships no matter what you have if its smaller.

A large ship without a crew of some sort is generally less effective than a smaller singer seater. A lot of ships are not combat so you really aren't competing with those.

There are plenty of people willing to share and let you try out ships or jump in with an org etc.

But yes about 90-95% of flyable ships can be purchased in game for in game credits.
One of the ships looks really good but it costs a lot to pledge. I believe someone said you can get all ships in game because I am not paying £420 for it :D

Edit: They all look good really. Not sure how people who cant afford to buy them for real currency can compete with those who buy the best ships etc.
Pretty much all ships will be or can be purchased in game. Only special ships will be harder to get due to their rarity of production etc.

In terms of real currency purchase vs. in game, the reality is that these big ships require a crew to operate and this will either be human friends or AI crew (with an upkeep cost to keep them employed) plus the overheads of running a large ship, its not like Elite where the ship is a flyable solo.. This will limit the ability to use them succesfully and cheaply and whilst they can be more powerful the crew requirements will be a real limitation.

My Corsair is probably the biggest ship I own and that is at the limit of single player usage without a crew so I don't think individuals will be disadvantaged as much as people believe.
This is the cheapest packed, you have to buy one game packed to access the PU, its daft i know... after that you can buy stand alone ships.

£42, currently, its normally £46.

If you spend a bit more what you really want is the Drake Cutter, its currently £52.

Honestly i wouldn't spend any more than that, i would buy other ships with in game credits, when you earn them.
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I agree with Humbug. My advise is: After buying your first Starter package and ship you stop. Spend money on joysticks and pedals which will (might) vastly improve the entire experience. Then, after ages, when your still playing regularly you can look at buying more ships with real money.

I've been very tempted to buy a larger ship or the Glaive (love the redesign) but they're too expensive for the use I'd get out of them to justify the price to myself. I have spent a chunk on good pedals and two sticks though which has been amazing.

While I don't like it's looks the Redeemer gets a good thumbsup for what it beings to the table as the next step up in ships. Needs two gunneres to make the most out of though.

/cough If anyone is creating an account, pm me and I'll give you my referall code. ;)
I agree with Humbug. My advise is: After buying your first Starter package and ship you stop. Spend money on joysticks and pedals which will (might) vastly improve the entire experience. Then, after ages, when your still playing regularly you can look at buying more ships with real money.

I've been very tempted to buy a larger ship or the Glaive (love the redesign) but they're too expensive for the use I'd get out of them to justify the price to myself. I have spent a chunk on good pedals and two sticks though which has been amazing.

While I don't like it's looks the Redeemer gets a good thumbsup for what it beings to the table as the next step up in ships. Needs two gunneres to make the most out of though.

/cough If anyone is creating an account, pm me and I'll give you my referall code. ;)

Would you still recommend pedals if I am getting two joysticks instead of a joystick and throttle. I've ordered one of those things so you hold the left joystick sideways like a throttle.
Would you still recommend pedals if I am getting two joysticks instead of a joystick and throttle. I've ordered one of those things so you hold the left joystick sideways like a throttle.

I do, however it is personal prefrence with how you setup the controls.

I have pedals for Forward/Back. I have two normal sticks, not the omnithrottle/ angled stick. Left stick is Up/Down, Left/Right, and Rotation. Right stick replaces the mouse for Pitch/Yaw. I've been swapping rotation between the sticks to use it more as it's not very natural for me on the Left. Left stick rotation would be "better" as it leaves the Right for only aiming.
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Some larger jack of all trades ships, these are the biggest ships you can use as daily drivers, again don't buy these as starter ships, in game they range from 2 million aUEC to just over 5 million, if there is a dynamic event of you can earn 5 million in about 10 hours of play, if not about 200 hours.

Drake Cutlass Black.

RSI Constellation Andromeda, one of the batch of original ships in game, tho its has 3 reworks since then, great ship, powerful, big cannons, a really meaty ship, not one for vegans.

Drake Corsair, the ship i currently own, i'm a bit of a Drake fanboi, i love the folding wings, i like the bare-bones industrial look of Drake ships, i love the 4 size 5 and 2 size 4 gun mounts! Do not mess with me!!!!! :D

Crusader Mercury Star Runner (MSR) i owned one of these for a year, great ship.

Bonus content, this was the commercial for the MSR, its a great mini movie.

PS: this is done entirely in the game engine.

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This is one of those games that you have to be very enthusiastic about the specific topic (space). If you loved Star Trek etc then it’s going to be right up your street. From a gamer’s perspective, it’s extremely boring. There is no content, and the few jobs you can do to make money to do even more jobs is buggy. It’s like having a full time job in space with no real goal. All the content seems to be fan made also. Truck Simulator, Sea of Thieves exactly the same. If you and your mates want to jump on and have a laugh together it’s ok, but that’s it. It has potential if more activities like battles for example were introduced, but as it stands it’s boring.
This is one of those games that you have to be very enthusiastic about the specific topic (space). If you loved Star Trek etc then it’s going to be right up your street. From a gamer’s perspective, it’s extremely boring. There is no content, and the few jobs you can do to make money to do even more jobs is buggy. It’s like having a full time job in space with no real goal. All the content seems to be fan made also. Truck Simulator, Sea of Thieves exactly the same. If you and your mates want to jump on and have a laugh together it’s ok, but that’s it. It has potential if more activities like battles for example were introduced, but as it stands it’s boring.

I agree its a genre that you have to be effused about to enjoy it, absolutely, i disagree about the lack of content, there is plenty to do even as a solo player.

I also think its true for any genre that you have to be enthusiastic about it to enjoy it, i find running around shooting people in the face all day incredibly boring and repetitive, at least those of the AAA variety, i do play Indy games of such genre as i find them more involving, they are more skill based, they are not designed for 9 year olds with XBox controllers.

I find RPG games with incredibly drawn-out and interuptive story telling very tedious, or those with unnecessarily complex level up grafting systems, i do like survival games like Valheim, Scum, Rust...
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