******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

New 'Letter from the Chairman' out at the RSI website. Some interesting titbits including the goal of static meshing and Pyro by the end of 2023 as long as PES is introduced ok, and they evolve on the premise and make it more resilient as well as moving the replication layer into its own server system. As I've said before (and many others too) once they get static server meshing with PES working well enough then we'll see player counts increase from the 100s to much higher as well as more systems and game loops. PES+Static Meshing is really the make or break for SC and with PES showing signs of working then it does look like '23 could be a good year for the main premise of the universe.
New 'Letter from the Chairman' out at the RSI website. Some interesting titbits including the goal of static meshing and Pyro by the end of 2023 as long as PES is introduced ok, and they evolve on the premise and make it more resilient as well as moving the replication layer into its own server system. As I've said before (and many others too) once they get static server meshing with PES working well enough then we'll see player counts increase from the 100s to much higher as well as more systems and game loops. PES+Static Meshing is really the make or break for SC and with PES showing signs of working then it does look like '23 could be a good year for the main premise of the universe.

April fools have come early this year. Only 98 more star systems to go then...
please excuse my apathy/scepticism.

still got my gold tickets, don't even know if i can use them yet or missed the boat. They're a decade old now :-|
LOL!! :D

Same buddy, was looking at it in my account the other day.

I cant wait to try 3.18 though in the new year!

Wonder what the gold ticket will eventually get us?
and by trolls you mean realists. unless any of the above statements are incorrect, in which case please elucidate.
The repeated idea that it would take 10 years or whatever per system (or 1176 to build another 98 or so) is incorrect and far from a 'realist' statement. It's just another example of his lack of knowledge and yet another poor attempt at trolling because he mistakenly thinks it makes him look clever.
It didn't take 10 years to build the Stanton system.

Personally, I think 100 systems would be ridiculous even if the tech made it possible and I don't see it happening.

IF and when the server tech that allows multiple systems and all the other hoopla is in place, systems can be built pretty quickly. The advancing iterations of planet tech for that has been shown plenty of times.

I have no idea what you consider realist about hyperseven's post tbh.
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Been watching the jumptown video and have some questions.

Is that map or whatever a scenario type thing on a set timer or is it a perpetual thing that exists. I don't get how it links with the drug stuff you can sell if it's scenario based but also if it's persistent then it would just depend who can stay logged in the longest would benefit.

The tanks etc, are they part of the scenario or did they have to be paid for?

What, if any are the consequences of dying, I saw people get ressed but couldn't tell if ships and tanks would respawn too.

Is there a video anyone would recommend just explaining how all this stuff links together and even basic stuff.
Been watching the jumptown video and have some questions.

Is that map or whatever a scenario type thing on a set timer or is it a perpetual thing that exists. I don't get how it links with the drug stuff you can sell if it's scenario based but also if it's persistent then it would just depend who can stay logged in the longest would benefit.

The tanks etc, are they part of the scenario or did they have to be paid for?

What, if any are the consequences of dying, I saw people get ressed but couldn't tell if ships and tanks would respawn too.

Is there a video anyone would recommend just explaining how all this stuff links together and even basic stuff.

Its a location on a moon, its always there, there are several of them on different moons / planets.

That particular event is a dynamic event CIG enable once every so often for a couple of weeks, there are several other different dynamic events they put on through the year.
The drugs earn you a lot of money, really a lot, you can earn eough to buy a good ship doing it for a few hours, however what it does is make everyone fight over it, that's what you were watching in the video.

The tanks are in game vehicles you would have to own, you can buy them in game or you rent them in game with in game currency. Same with every other vehicle or ship, at least most of them are buyable in game, everything you saw there is.

Instant death is rare, unless you chose it once incapacitated, if friends are around they can revive you, if you do die you wake up in a hospital with a blue hospital gown, you may have see the guy in the redeemer wearing it, the consequences are that, you loose the amour and weapons ecte... you had with you at the time.
You never lose your ship, that's always retrievable in the ESOP ship management terminals.

I don't know of any good explanation videos off the top of my head, if i find some i'll post them.
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You do understand that we have paid money into this scam too, right? So we have just as much right to criticise and make fun of it as you do to worship it and brown nose Chris Roberts.
Come on, man... That's so 2019, you can do better than resorting to that kind of polarised nonsense.
Then again, most of your repetitive posts in here indicate otherwise, but I'd love to give even you the benefit of the doubt.

It's a new year, be a new you. Let it go and move on. You might feel better and smile more often.

I sold my account to a friend some time ago
Then 2 months later:
Own the game? No I don't. What I do own is an account that enables me to access a tech. demo

So which is it? If you sold your account years ago, why are you still in here bitching about having invested money in a game (sorry, tech. demo) God knows how long ago that you don't play or even own?

Seriously man, it's unhealthy.
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The repeated idea that it would take 10 years or whatever per system (or 1176 to build another 98 or so) is incorrect and far from a 'realist' statement. It's just another example of his lack of knowledge and yet another poor attempt at trolling because he mistakenly thinks it makes him look clever.
It didn't take 10 years to build the Stanton system.

Personally, I think 100 systems would be ridiculous even if the tech made it possible and I don't see it happening.

IF and when the server tech that allows multiple systems and all the other hoopla is in place, systems can be built pretty quickly. The advancing iterations of planet tech for that has been shown plenty of times.

I have no idea what you consider realist about hyperseven's post tbh.
It also always ignores that the 100 star systems was the plan when it wad like a watered down starfield where you would be flying in space and select one of a dozen landing locations and a cut scene played to land there rather than free flight like we have actually got.

That is a significant change that needs to rebalance expectations. Now they could as you do mention build out 100 star systems pretty quick but they would be very much like ED and NMS where they are not unique and feel cloned.

Having a half dozen star systems would be enough to show the difference between having 1 star system and 100 systems.

The 90+ other systems really wouldn't add a whole lot unless we get things like the home worlds of the other alien races added and fleshed out. But even then if each system was specially that which would be say the 6 systems and then you added a few filler systems the game would function fully as intended with it built out and you'd never notice its only 12-18 systems then tbh.
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