******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

The "hawk" is pretty cool. I'm hoping for something similar to the Buccaneer, (maybe stealth rather than armament?) which I love but hate how it looks. Normally I'm a spec over aesthetics guy but I just can't with the Bucketneer
Remember it's not really a "sale". If you really want those ships get the cheapest CCU you can from a commonly available ship to them then rent them with REC later and see if you like them or not.

Cutlass is likely to go up in price so it'd make sense to buy something like the Gladius to Cutlass Black CCU for $12 (10 without tax) now, you can always melt that value later if you don't use it. The CCU won't be affected by the price rise so you'll still be able to upgrade later even when prices change.

Prospector CCU will likely appear at some point. Again I'd suggest renting it first and getting a common CCU for it instead of going straight in at the full price.
It's really confusing all the melting and ccu's etc and whether to get LTI on everything or not, I'd rather just buy a ship in a sale :(
I'm with you on this, they have massively over complicated it. but now NDA is lifted I can talk about the two ship you've mentioned.

Cutlass black is amazing, it's a proper little space ship inside and the pilot and co pilot seats are superb. this is how it should have always been!

prospector is slow but visibility in the cockpit is jaw dropping and skimming planetary surfaces in it is fun despite the lack of speed. just wish we had done actual blooming mining to do..
I know one, Noobifier? had quit his job to cover 3.0, one of them had. I think Bored just sees it as his job to be fair he's a nice guy but I preferred it when he put out one video a week, now he's streaming etc constantly.
Okay, so if I understand Organisations they'll be able to own territory & build a base, maybe build a space station but they aren't quite sure atm? The territory can be in 'safe' UEE(?) space or outside of it, more risk but you keep the rewards? This would interest me as I would quite like to build an Empire consisting of a sausage factory with my Organisation of 1 :D I'm actually seriously considering backing it now… probably [insert thinking emoji here when OcUK adds it to the list of available BB smilies]

it's still really uncertain how they will implement bases and what they mean by securing them etc. It'll likely be the case that if you have a base within UEE space then the UEE will respond if it's attached, that doesn't mean instant spawning defenders though just that they will turn up.

outside that UEE space I'd expect a similar function offered by criminal gangs who may not be as reliable turning up.

be interesting how they do it tbh
200 or so Hand crafted systems with the rest a mixture but mostly procedural. It keeps changing a bit though, like Elite I think the devs will always hand craft parts whether it's placements of certain settlements or stations.
You need to have been fairly active in recent patches to get in at the moment or a subscriber, concierge member or Evocati. It's generally not about how much you've backed but how active you've been with testing, more active, get in early basically.

Rumours of it coming out for everyone if they get the next patch proven to be better than the current one which is a bit pants frankly.
Thing is from what I understand not every system will be able to offer UEE protection anyway so depending on what sort of area you intend to build in these may be completely pointless. Our org hasn't bought any yet. Not sure if we'll bother.

I was pretty miffed about it particularly as store credit can't be used for these but at the same time we can buy them in game and body can use these until there's a mechanic to go with them which is likely years away anyway.
One of the main reasons I've refunded, the fact it's becoming increasingly clear that the game is going to be ruled by people with real world money to spend. No thanks.

Hopefully Squadron 42 will be decent in it's own right.

If anything it's ruled by a cash-cow mentality based on promises. I mean so far they haven't even managed to get decent performance in an instance with 1/4 of the crew you need to fully staff a Javelin.. and we're meant to apparently have capital ship battles?

Granted they don't have the infrastructure in place and have done 100 player instances but it was a slideshow when people were just standing about..
No, only UEE controlled systems, of which there are not that many.
You also need to do research to find out the properties of the plots, so if you go throwing these down without that research being complete early on after release you could have worthless plots. That's fine if you only want an outpost, but pretty risky if it's for prospecting rights etc.
lol, it'd be funny if after all this, on release day the guy who dropped $30k [so far] bought up entire planets and made them private areas or whatever.

The guy? There are several who have put in more than that. I know two who are multi-millionaires who have more spent, they just didn't change their car that year.

Buying planet wise the community has already done the numbers, even if everyone bought a plot (all 1.9 million backers) it'd take up less than half of one planet.
It's not infrastructure that's the problem, it's the realities of running massively complicated systems in a multiplayer game. I'm still kinda baffled at the slideshow that happens in multiplayer as the client should run completely independent of the server FPS.

I wish at this point they would just halt all the real-money purchases for in game assets. Pick a launch date, and target it as a 1.0 release and hit it with a monthly subscription model to keep development going forward.

It's still using a lot of server side checks etc, most of these will remain even if/when the new netcode is out but as I said they do not have full "live" infrastructure going yet and that which they do have isn't setup for a live release scenario it's based on testing and feedback.
Depending on the level of sub you get a 10% (max $50) or 20% (max $100) discount voucher every 12 months. Can be used with store credit.

I wouldn't suggest becoming a sub just for access to PTU just now though.
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