******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I thought they were adjustable though? Different springs and other bits I don't know the name of. Or are you just talking generally?
I thought they were adjustable though? Different springs and other bits I don't know the name of. Or are you just talking generally?
VKB and Virpils have springs and dampeners that you can change. The physical size and layout of the stick can't be though. Apart form some buttons that can be swapped, button to hat switch etc. Springs effect the resistance when moving the stick and dampeners the resistance on it returning to centre. Virples can buy different shims(might be the wrong name) so you can control the centre bump the stick has. When the stick is dead centre by default it sits in a wee grove so you can feel it there. VKBs don't have this option, which for space I'd love to remove as I would be happy with only the dampeners to return the stick to centre, don't need a bump personally.

There's tons of posts and discords with info on the sticks though. So if you do consider to get them, I recommend spending a while reading up on both. It would be so much easier if you could walk into a store to try them out. :D
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VKB and Virpils have springs and dampeners that you can change. The physical size and layout of the stick can't be though. Apart form some buttons that can be swapped, button to hat switch etc. Springs effect the resistance when moving the stick and dampeners the resistance on it returning to centre. Virples can buy different shims(might be the wrong name) so you can control the centre bump the stick has. When the stick is dead centre by default it sits in a wee grove so you can feel it there. VKBs don't have this option, which for space I'd love to remove as I would be happy with only the dampeners to return the stick to centre, don't need a bump personally.

There's tons of posts and discords with info on the sticks though. So if you do consider to get them, I recommend spending a while reading up on both. It would be so much easier if you could walk into a store to try them out. :D
What is a store?

Yeah I hate how you just have to go via pictures and what others say. I recall years ago I purchased a Saitek X55 or something, it was too big, it s trained my hand to reach some of the buttons and I don't even have small hands. Actually maybe that is a reason to just buy one initially.

Someone has been trying to sell a left handed alpha for ages on ebay, Looks like you can adjust the handrest thing as there is a screw.

Looks great, it's the base I find hard to stomach the price of tbh. Also I wonder how much of a pain it would be t o use the keyboard as I'd be sat back a bit due to the mounts.

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Yeah I hate how you just have to go via pictures and what others say. I recall years ago I purchased a Saitek X55 or something, it was too big, it s trained my hand to reach some of the buttons and I don't even have small hands. Actually maybe that is a reason to just buy one initially.

Someone has been trying to sell a left handed alpha for ages on ebay, Looks like you can adjust the handrest thing as there is a screw.

Looks great, it's the base I find hard to stomach the price of tbh. Also I wonder how much of a pain it would be t o use the keyboard as I'd be sat back a bit due to the mounts.

I'll post how my setup looks later on how I addressed the keyboard issue
I don't use mounts, I have the sticks on the desk and have the keyboard out the way a little in between. Mounts would be nice but I don't think they would work well for my setup and preferences. The VKBs have good, heavy flat 'desk' bases on them but I still end up rocking the left stick occasionally.
I don't use mounts, I have the sticks on the desk and have the keyboard out the way a little in between. Mounts would be nice but I don't think they would work well for my setup and preferences. The VKBs have good, heavy flat 'desk' bases on them but I still end up rocking the left stick occasionally.

Needed for the CM3 base I believe due to size. I was meaning keyboard mount in this instance :)

Bloody hell, even when on offer, the 2x grips, bases, and 2 mounts comes to £1360
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Needed for the CM3 base I believe due to size. I was meaning keyboard mount in this instance :)

Bloody hell, even when on offer, the 2x grips, bases, and 2 mounts comes to £1360

VS ~£400 for VKB's with desk mounts. ;) As with any sim hardware, it's all down to how much you want to spend. :D

The other option is to make your own mounts. Plenty of plans using stock materials, most use 8020 alu profile I believe. More often than not it still seems better to buy premade.
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Star Jesus replied to Terada....

Hi Terada,

I just wanted to thank you for your suggestions for QoL on Star Citizen.

Also your incredibly awesome flying and video capture skills - when ever I want to show someone the huge range of things you can do in Star Citizen your low flying or 100 player get together videos on YouTube are part of the links I share! When I started the journey on Star Citizen over ten years ago, I never imagined such dynamic and beautiful footage showing off both what the technology of Star Citizen can do and more importantly what players can do in the huge Sandbox we are building!

Back to your post, seeing tight, concise constructive feedback like this is super helpful - I also want you to know that I pay attention to the community's feedback as well as feedback by various Star Citizen Content Creators.

This year has been an especially difficult one in terms of stability and QoL due to the roll out of Persistent Entity Streaming (PES) in 3.18. The whole way we track and record state of the universe changed dramatically which also changed the way we handle the data in the backend in the cloud. Because of how we record state with PES we needed to switch to a different kind of backend database, so we moved from a SQL (relational) database to a Graph database. Unfortunately the Graph Database we selected, despite being one of the best rated ones and intended for Enterprise scale, has had major issues at load, causing the database to lock up and all the queries from the game servers to stall out. This happened on the 3.18 launch, where it took us a lot of effort to stabilize including some engineering on our side to lessen the load on the database. We thought we had this issue solved but the most recent version of the database software was a step backwards and we've had additional lock ups at load, which was what happened for periods on Wednesday just after we launched 3.20 and on Thursday, Friday and very briefly on Saturday. We rolled back to an older version and disabled some of the features last night that we suspect may be contributing to the instability (ironically we think the replication to mirror databases for full redundancy is a culprit to the database lock ups). This looks to have stabilized things. The backend database getting into a bad state manifests in multiple ways to infinitely spinning inventory windows, missing items and degraded game performance. We went with an off the shelf enterprise level database for stability and resilience as there is already a lot of new tech in Star Citizen - so its frustrating as the software that should be rock solid is the biggest offender in making the Star Citizen experience even more unreliable. We have the top engineers from the database company working on this, and we are also assessing other databases to switch to if the unreliability of the current solution continues.

One way or another we intend to have this solved in the very near term and the game coming back to 3.17.x stability levels.

We are also very focused on improving QoL - both annoying bugs that have been around for way too long and some things that we need to address to make the experience fun and welcoming. Your list is great in this respect as a lot of your suggestions are on our list too!

We did get some QoL fixes in 3.20 (like the QT HUD being lined up properly) but not nearly as much as the team or I would like. We will be working on knocking out bugs and improving QoL pretty continuously from here on out.

There is a lot of great tech and features that we are bringing into Star Citizen from Squadron 42 that will dramatically change the feel and polish of Star Citizen. For instance a lot of your suggestions in In Game Comfort and Readability have already been addressed by the changes we made for Squadron 42. The plan has always been to bring this work into Star Citizen, Squadron 42 was just a good way for us to focus and really polish the feel and usability without the pressure of maintaining functionality as we iterated on it for the always live environment of the PU. We've now hit an inflection point in Squadron 42's development that allows us to start bringing this work into Star Citizen in the near future.

I am very excited for Citizen Con, as we will be sharing a lot of these features and more. It will be great to be in front of a live crowd and spending time with the community in person. Its been four years since the last in person Citizen Con!

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Read this eariler and it was, interesting. I suspect they're using amazon neptune for their databases and it's now gotten through to them that it wasn't fit for purpose. Hinting that if they can't get it working they might change to, I assume elastic(ELK). Which would be another tech change and add a ton of extra work.
Read this eariler and it was, interesting. I suspect they're using amazon neptune for their databases and it's now gotten through to them that it wasn't fit for purpose. Hinting that if they can't get it working they might change to, I assume elastic(ELK). Which would be another tech change and add a ton of extra work.
I don't think it would be a tech change. It's just changing the provider of the database not the actual underlining tech.

For example, there are plenty of sql providers and you simply just change the provider setup and all the neceary queries will work.

Its only if you change the underlining database language /tech that needs plenty of work
I don't think it would be a tech change. It's just changing the provider of the database not the actual underlining tech.

For example, there are plenty of sql providers and you simply just change the provider setup and all the neceary queries will work.

Its only if you change the underlining database language /tech that needs plenty of work

Think your image link isn't working sir.
Yeah its better for everyone that they get SQ42 out of the way so they can focus 100% of their resources on one thing.
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