******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Yeah turn them off in the BIOS.

Intel have been to CIG and they failed to fix this, its just not built to use "up to 8 threads" Script or not if the game can see them it will use them, the game is programmed to use up to 64 threads and it always wants more if they are there so the only way to get around it is to deny the game that they even exist.


Wonder if the APO feature on the 14th gen will fix this in the future? From what i've read, it's like a profile and it will work on per program if its supported or if intel releases updates for it. Sounds like something SC could make use of in the future.
If i try this, i will do the following...
  • Crank my P cores overclock past 5.2ghz as it no longer has to be dragged down by the e cores.
  • Crank the ring bus closer to the overclocked p cores, i've not read much into this but i assume with e cores disabled i should be able to crank this well above what it is by default. I've overclocked this to 4.2ghz currently.
  • Might be able to lower the voltage for a higher p core overclock.
Thats the theory anyway, worth a shot at some point.
Wonder if the APO feature on the 14th gen will fix this in the future? From what i've read, it's like a profile and it will work on per program if its supported or if intel releases updates for it. Sounds like something SC could make use of in the future.

It might...

If i try this, i will do the following...
  • Crank my P cores overclock past 5.2ghz as it no longer has to be dragged down by the e cores.
  • Crank the ring bus closer to the overclocked p cores, i've not read much into this but i assume with e cores disabled i should be able to crank this well above what it is by default. I've overclocked this to 4.2ghz currently.
  • Might be able to lower the voltage for a higher p core overclock.
Thats the theory anyway, worth a shot at some point.

Isn't there a keyboard shortcut or something like that... i hear? where you can disable E-Core on the fly from the Desktop environment?
I backed this years ago, do I get access to Squadron 42 or are they going to make me pay for it again? :p

If you've already bought it you own it, now you just need to wait for it to be released.... it been taken off sale for now because its "feature complete and entered its polishing phase" it will be back on sale when they do an official release date announcement, with a price hike, no doubt, £70 or there abouts probably.
Wait... did you buy a Star Citizen package or Squadron 42? or did you get Star Citizen with Squadron 42?

Check your account, if you already own Squadron 42 then you own it.

Edit: they are two separate games.
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Wait... did you buy a Star Citizen package or Squadron 42? or did you get Star Citizen with Squadron 42?

Check your account, if you already own Squadron 42 then you own it.

Edit: they are two separate games.

I'll figure out what my account was later, it has been a very, very long time :P. Thanks :).
any thing i should do/turning **** off to help performance?

Raumarik posted earlier:

Volumeric clouds - off (medium if you feel the need) it eats up GPU resources for little benefit.
motion blur, vsync, chromatic abberation, film grain all off or at zero.
Oddly detail wise you tend to be better leaving this at high/very high otherwise it loads it onto the CPU.

Play around your system may cope better with some settings than others. I honestly can't tell the difference when I disable some of this in game though!
any thing i should do/turning **** off to help performance?

You've got a pretty good CPU / GPU, i run it with a 5800X (none 3D) and a 2070 Super at 1440P, performance is mostly fine, it just can't handle the capital cities well, especially with the Volumetric Clouds, make sure those are not on Very High. Other than that turn Chromatic Aberration off, because why would you want to play a game that looks like its through a 1980's TV camera lens??? and film grain, again why??????

That's it really.... other settings i don't like are things like automatic head movements, i turn all that but G-Force effects off because i don't like my guy looking at things or head following ships i have looked on to without me doing that, its just weird.
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I think I do, I see it in my Original and Veteran backers reward from 2013 in my hangar. For the life of me I can't find something saying I specifically have Squadron 42 on my account, but "Squadron 42 Mission Disk" is there. Guess that's it!

Edit : Christ, 10+ years.
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I think I do, I see it in my Original and Veteran backers reward from 2013 in my hangar. For the life of me I can't find something saying I specifically have Squadron 42 on my account, but "Squadron 42 Mission Disk" is there. Guess that's it!

Edit : Christ, 10+ years.

Yes i think you own it, i got it free with an AMD GPU back in 2013 so i don't really know what buying it looks like from back them but it sounds like you do have it.

Oh.... @Zenduri Ground tessellation and scattering, turn those to low, i found that the tessellation is way too high on moons, it distorts and stretches the ground on high, it actually looks right with those set to low.
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With new interest around here I'll drop a not so subtle recruitment add. And while we are combat focused, it's not the only thing we do. Also if you're making a brand new account, pm me (or I guess anyone here...;)) for a referral code so you get some extra credits, possible a free ship when the event is on. :)


Who we are:
UK/EU based organisation.
Medium sized looking to expand.
Real life comes first.
What we do:
Combat focussed events every week.
1-on-1 and group fighter training.
Mentoring new players.
Want to join?
Make sure you have a working mic.
Join our discord with the link.
Self-assign the recruit role and jump in with the fun!
Discord: https://discord.gg/adders
Website: https://theblackadders.org/
RSI Page: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/ADDERS
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Can't equip a backpack, I am wearing light armour and the backpack is compatible with all cores. No error, just doesn't let me equip.
Also couldn't drag a weapon into my pockets despite having ample space from local storage. Still don't get what that means, where are these items stored lol in local storage. I thought my helmet I lost would have been on the floor or something but it was just in the other tab.
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Is it a light backpack? medium/heavy won't go on it otherwise. Likewise you need to have a clear back (no weapons shouldered)

weapons typically go on you or attach to your backpack if you are wearing one when you drag them over or holster.

Personal inventory is what you have physically on you.
Local is what you have in the local station
vehicle is what's stored on the craft you are currently stood in

I don't actually like this system much but it is kinda neat when it works.. when!

I watched this a few weeks back before I started playing again:

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